Scarlet Falls: Hour of Need - Part 13

Part 13

"Oh, all right. Would you hand me my cell?" She pointed to the end table, and he pa.s.sed her the phone. "I hope she doesn't get in trouble."

"I'm sure Ellie's boss will make an exception in an emergency." While Grant was in there, he s.n.a.t.c.hed a blanket off the back of the sofa. He wrapped it around her shoulders. Her color was graying. She was clearly in much more pain than she would admit. He didn't want to wait any longer. "Tell her to meet us at the hospital."

Chapter Sixteen.

Ellie finished reviewing her flash drive. There was no sign that anyone in the office, including Frank, was hiding any information about the Hamilton case. Where could she look next? Grant had been less than cooperative. She put her palm to the fatigue ache in the center of her forehead. She hadn't slept since Julia had tried to sneak off the night before. She'd never be able to close her eyes again.

Her top drawer vibrated. She opened it and checked her cell phone in case it was Nan or the school. A message alert displayed, but she didn't recognize the number. Ellie opened the text, discretely leaving the phone in her drawer. Normally, she wouldn't violate the no-personal-calls rule, but there was nothing normal about this week. A photo appeared on the screen.

She gasped.

Though the image was dim, Ellie recognized the picture of her house. Grant, Taylor, and Julia stood on the front lawn, their images grainy but recognizable in the dark. Grant held Taylor by the arm. Under the photo was a caption: Have you found the file?

Helpless tears p.r.i.c.kled the corners of Ellie's eyes. Hoodie Man had been at the house last night when Julia was outside, vulnerable. If Grant hadn't been there, Hoodie Man could have gotten her daughter. She typed need more time and hit the Send b.u.t.ton.

What was she going to do? Would more time even help? She had no idea where to look.

Her phone buzzed with a return message: time is running out.

The piles of work on her desk blurred. Ellie had to get inside Lee's house. Though Grant's words had been ambiguous, she knew he had some of the firm's files. Hoodie Man wasn't going to wait.

She shuffled the expense reports on her desk, but her mind wasn't on her work. Her phone buzzed from her drawer. Alarm coursed through her. What else did Hoodie Man want?

Nan's cell phone number appeared on the display. Ellie's already thudding heart went into overdrive. No. They couldn't have hurt Nan. She stabbed her keypad three times with a shaking finger before successfully hitting the Answer key. "Nan?"

"Don't get upset. I'm all right."

Fear washed cold through Ellie's veins. "What happened?"

"It's not a big deal." But her grandmother's voice sounded weak. "I just slipped on the steps. I didn't want to call, but Grant made me."

"Let me talk to him." Ellie heard Grant's voice in the background, then the sound of the phone being pa.s.sed.


"What happened, Grant?" she asked.

"She fell in the driveway, and her ankle is pretty swollen. Wrist, too." Concern deepened his voice.

"I'll be home in twenty minutes." Ellie opened her bottom drawer and pulled out her purse.

"I'm going to take her to the ER," Grant said. "Why don't you meet us there?"

If he didn't want Nan to wait twenty minutes, then her injuries must be more serious than a twisted ankle.

"All right." Ellie ended the call. Purse in hand, she knocked on Roger's door.

"Yes," he called.

She opened the door. "I'm sorry to interrupt." Actually she'd totally forgotten he was in a meeting with the accountant.

Roger's expression went from annoyed to worried as he met her gaze. "What's wrong?"

"My grandmother fell." Ellie's voice shook as she said the words out loud. "I don't know how badly she's hurt, but she's on her way to the emergency room. I have to leave."

"Of course. Are you all right to drive?" he asked.

"Yes, thank you." Ellie gripped the doork.n.o.b.

"Go. Take the rest of the day. Let me know how she is."

"Thank you." Ellie found her car and drove to the hospital. The fifteen-minute drive felt like hours. Dread filled her belly. Was this a warning? A taste of what could happen if she didn't do as she was told?

She parked her car in the hospital emergency room parking lot. The shakes spread through her entire body by the time she locked her car and hurried across the asphalt. Her shoes slipped on a patch of slush. Her feet went out from under her, and she went down with a splash. Pain radiated down her leg. She rubbed at her hip. She'd forgotten to change into her boots. Heels were not made for walking on snow and ice.

Nan is fine. Ellie had talked to her grandmother. So why was she freaking out? Because it could have been much, much worse. She got to her feet and brushed ice crystals off her wool coat. The hem of her skirt was soaked through and streaked with brown old-snow filth.

The ER doors slid open. She wiped her feet on a thick black floor mat. Skirting a yellow Caution Wet Floor sign, she stopped to scan the waiting room. A dozen people huddled on chairs, filling out forms on clipboards. She spotted Grant on the other side of the room.

He stood as she walked over. His face was grim. "They just took her back."

"What's wrong? It's more serious than she said, right?" She tugged off her gloves. Fear pooled in her belly. Nan was fit for her age. She'd stayed active in the church and community since retiring, but there was no denying that she was getting older.

"Take a deep breath and calm down. She's tough." Grant's tone was firm.

"She's seventy-five, but she refuses to act it." Ellie unb.u.t.toned her coat. "She said she was staying home today."

"She was just bringing in a package," Grant said. "Some snowmelt dripped off the roof and froze on the porch. Your gutters probably need to be cleaned."

Ellie spun toward the check-in counter. "She should have stayed in the house."

He caught her by the arm. "Sit down and relax for a minute." His tone sharpened into a command.

The order irritated Ellie's already-frayed nerves. Her gaze dropped to his hand. "Excuse me?"

Grant loosened his grip. Sighing, he moved in front of her, blocking her path, and took her other arm, this time gently. "If she sees you like this, it'll upset her."

"You're right. I'm sorry." Ellie's eyes filled with tears. She pressed her palms to her closed lids and took a deep breath. "She could have really been hurt."

"But she's not." His gaze zeroed in on her grime-streaked skirt. "Are you all right?"

"Fine." She hated the weak tremor in her voice.

Grant guided her into a chair. "Take a minute and pull yourself together. Initially, I was worried about hypothermia. She'd been out in the cold for a while. But she seemed to warm up on the way over here."

Ellie lowered her hands and opened her eyes. He was crouched in front of her. Concern deepened the blue of his gaze as he studied her.

"I'm sorry." She sniffed.

"No apologies necessary."

"Yes, there is. You found Nan and brought her to the hospital. I should be thanking you for taking care of her, not giving you a hard time." Ellie exhaled, letting some of the tension inside of her out with her breath. He was still focused on her. G.o.d, he was perfect. He took a screaming baby in stride. Her acting like a crazy woman didn't even scare him off. "If you hadn't been there-" Anxiety stoked fresh. She put her hand to her brow.

He caught her hand and held it. His warm fingers wrapped around her freezing digits. "Stop. I was there."

Just for a minute, Ellie stopped fighting her feelings. She let him hold her hand and accepted the strength he offered. This man had it to spare. The heat flowing from his body to hers felt good-too good, and Ellie reminded herself that Grant was only here for another three weeks. Then he was off to Afghanistan for several months. And he was stationed in Texas when he was stateside. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't allow herself to rely on him. Someone was watching her, someone who might still be around long after Grant was gone. For this moment, having him to lean on was a relief, but it had to end here.

"Thank you." She tugged her hand free. "I'm all right now."

Grant stood and stepped back, giving her room. "Would you like me to stay?"

"No. We've taken enough of your day. This will likely take a while." She climbed to her feet.

His gaze searched hers. "If you're sure." He pulled out his cell. "What's your number?"

Ellie rattled off the digits, and he entered them into his phone. A second later, her own phone vibrated in her pocket.

"Now you have my cell phone number. Call me if you need anything. I mean that. I'll be around."

"Thank you again." Watching him walk away, she tamped down the regret in her heart and went in search of her grandmother. A nurse directed her to a small exam room cubicle. Nan reclined on a narrow gurney. Pillows elevated her left foot and hand. Dual ice packs were poised over her injuries, and blankets were tucked around the rest of her body. Pain tightened the skin of her face, but otherwise, she looked all right.

Relief flooded Ellie. Her head felt too light, the muscles of her legs weak. She covered her reaction by setting her purse on a folding chair by the bed and removing her coat.

She leaned over to kiss Nan's cheek. "How does it feel?"

"Pff. It's not that bad. I told Grant I could wait until you got home from work, but he insisted."

Thank goodness. "Well, I'm glad."

"I hope you didn't get in trouble at work. I hated to bother you."

"I have paid time off that I rarely use," Ellie said.

Nan shifted her position and winced. "You should start your own business anyway. You design the best bathrooms and kitchens."

"Maybe someday," Ellie said, because she knew better than to say no outright. Nan loved a good debate, especially one that involved what Ellie should and shouldn't do with the rest of her life. "First I have to get Julia through college."

Time dragged on as they waited for the doctor and Nan pointed out more reasons that Ellie should go back to school. Eventually, the doctor proclaimed her wrist merely sprained, but her ankle was broken. She encased it in a metal-and-neoprene boot and released Nan with a prescription for pain medication and instructions not to put weight on her foot for a week. An hour later, Ellie drove her grandmother home.

"Oh, there's Grant," Nan pointed out the windshield. "He cleared and salted the porch."

Parking in the driveway, Ellie looked next door. Grant leaned on a shovel. Carson was on his back in the snow, flailing his arms and legs snow-angel style. If she'd thought Lee's brother was handsome before, that gazillion-watt smile he flashed his nephew took him to a whole new level of s.e.xy.

How was she going to resist him for the next three weeks? Even more important, how could she resist asking him for help? But how could she ask? She scanned the street. Just because she didn't see anyone watching didn't mean they weren't there.

He rested the shovel against the house and started toward the car. AnnaBelle raced to him and spat a tennis ball at his feet. Grant scooped it off the ground and tossed it far into the backyard without missing a stride. The dog whirled and shot off in pursuit.

Grant opened Nan's door for her. "Let me help you."

Nan, who usually protested anyone's help with anything, took his hand without complaint. She turned and eased her feet out of the vehicle. Grant half lifted her out of the car.

Ellie got the crutches out of the backseat and brought them around. "She's not supposed to put any weight on that foot."

Grant frowned at the crutches. "Those are going to be tough with a sprained wrist. How about I just pick you up again?"


"Oh, all right," Nan said. Oh. My. G.o.d. She was simpering.

"Carson, come on over here for a minute." Grant gently scooped Nan off her feet. "This is easier."

Nan wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "Yes, it is." She looked back at Ellie and winked.

With a mental groan, Ellie carried the crutches into the house behind them. Grant set Nan on the sofa in the family room. "Do you need anything else?"

"No, this is wonderful. Thank you so much." Nan beamed at him.

"I have to go." He smiled back. "Call me if you need anything. You have my number, right?"

"I do." Nan nodded.

Yeah, and Ellie had Nan's number, too.

"I have to run out, but Hannah is at the house." Grant turned toward the hall.

Ellie walked him to the door. "Thank you again. For everything."

Carson waited on the porch, his nose smashed against the gla.s.s pane.

"Call me if you need me. I'll only be gone an hour or so." Grant leaned closer and lowered his voice. His eyes went serious. "When you get a chance, we need to talk."

Ellie nodded. "All right. I'll come over after Julia gets home from school."

Grant went outside, picking up his nephew and flinging him over one shoulder.

Ellie closed the door to the sound of Carson giggling.

"That is quite a man." Nan took off her coat and handed it to Ellie.

"Mm." Ellie made a noncommittal sound. "Let me get you an ice pack."

"So when are you going to talk to him?"