Scarlet Falls: Hour of Need - Part 10

Part 10

"If Nan is intruding, please let me know," she said.

"G.o.d, no." Grant shifted his weight. The chair creaked. "I'll take all the help I can get. I'm thrilled to see Carson eat. Between your grandmother and Julia, I now have a list of his favorite foods and the recipes to make them."

He leaned forward and rested his forearms on his thighs. The small s.p.a.ce brought him close enough that she caught a whiff of that woodsy aftershave. The skin around his eyes crinkled into crow's feet, though she guessed he was only in his midthirties. War and responsibility aged a man, she supposed. She pictured the photo of him that graced the mantle in the living room. He was in uniform, rifle in hand, squinting though the Middle Eastern desert sun. A few wrinkles didn't make him any less attractive. In fact, the lines made his face more compelling in a masculine way that sent a tiny shiver through her belly like a warning shot.

Her attraction for him was natural and evolutionary. A man had threatened her family, and Grant looked like a strong, capable protector. Biology aside, she was not getting involved with him. She needed that file and that was the end of their relationship.

Ellie shifted back on the seat. Polite small talk eluded her. All she could think about was the Hamilton file and what would happen if she couldn't find it. She scrambled for conversation. "How are you?"

One side of his mouth lifted. "Terrified of s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g things up with the kids."

"You seem to have a decent handle on them, considering it's only been a day."

"I don't know." His brow creased. "I have a feeling it's going to get harder. Carson talks about Lee and Kate as if they're still alive."

"I'm sorry. I don't know what's normal."

"Me either. I'm meeting with the elementary school counselor tomorrow. I'm hoping she can give me some guidance." Grant stared at her in silence for a minute. Grief turned raw in his eyes, and she felt the pressure of empathy and respect build in her chest. Not many people could handle the situation he'd been thrust into without preparation. He didn't flinch from the pain, but Ellie leaned away from his piercing gaze-and from the intimacy that pa.s.sed between them.

"So how can I help? I'm not much of a cook. Nan has charge of our kitchen."

"I wanted to ask you a few questions about the law firm," he said without breaking eye contact.

"I can't tell you anything confidential." Unless, of course, it meant getting her hands on that file.

"Understood." A baby wail pierced the walls. Grant turned his head to listen, but Faith's cries faded. "Your boss asked me to look for some files. I found some papers, but I'm not sure if they belong to the firm. Can you be more specific? Which file was Roger upset about?"

The fact that Lee had agreed to represent the Hamiltons wasn't public knowledge. Even acknowledging client representation could be a breach of confidentiality. Plus, it would be easier to snag the Hamilton file if it were just one among a stack of meaningless clients. If Grant knew the file was significant, he might not give it up.

"Why don't you let me look through the files you found?" Ellie offered. "I can return the firm's property for you, and save you the trip."

Grant tilted his head, his attention sharpening. "Why don't you tell me what I'm looking for?"

"I can't." Ellie shook her head. Lee had taken that file home. It must be here somewhere.

Grant crowded her until their knees touched. The points of body contact, two scant square inches, seemed to be the only parts of her body with feeling. Under her jeans, her skin warmed. Her gaze dropped. His thighs were as thick as her waist. His elbows rested on his legs, his clasped hands falling between his knees. Her heartbeat quickened, her instincts torn between running away at top speed and crawling onto his lap. The second option expanded until her legs were wrapped around his waist. An empty, almost desperate, ache started deep in her belly. It wasn't as if she hadn't dated in the last decade. She'd had a couple of beaus. There'd even been s.e.x, occasionally. Rarely. OK, about as often as a legitimate bigfoot sighting. She'd never had a long-term adult relationship. What would it be like to have a man she could count on? Grant was dependable.

Time to dial her imagination back a notch. l.u.s.t she could handle, but those deeper yearnings were downright dangerous.

She lifted her gaze to his face. The intensity of his focus reminded her that, as gentle and caring as he was with his brother's children, he was also a hardened officer, a natural leader who'd seen multiple tours of duty in war zones. She suspected he was looking right through her facade. It would be so much easier to let him take care of her. So much for being a modern, independent woman. Biology was a b.i.t.c.h.

"My brother was murdered," he said in a flat voice.

Ellie slid backward an inch to break the contact between their bodies. "I know. But I can't breach client privilege. I'm sorry. The best I can do is to offer to return the files for you."

"I'll give them to you as soon as I'm done with them."

Ellie's spine snapped straight like a metal measuring tape. Fear rocketed through her. He was going to hold out. "They belong to the firm. Those files are confidential. You've no right to keep them."

"Hypothetically, if I found any files, they're in my brother's house, which makes them his property until I decide otherwise."

"You can't do that." Sweat pooled at the base of her spine. "Those files are stamped property of Peyton, Peyton, and Griffin."

"I guess I won't see any stamps until I have time to look closer."

"Roger can file a legal pet.i.tion."

Grant shrugged. "Probably, but that'll take some time, and he has to prove I have the files first."

"You just told me you have them."

"Did I?" he asked.

Anger and terror flashed warm in Ellie's chest. "This isn't a game."

"No, it isn't." His voice sharpened. "My brother and his wife were murdered. Someone broke into the house today and searched it. I'm wondering if one of his cases caused Lee and Kate's deaths. Was he working on anything sensitive?"

Alarmed, Ellie stopped him with a raised hand. "Wait. Back up. Someone broke into the house?"

"Yes." His lips thinned as he pressed them together.

"Were the police here?"

He nodded. "Detective McNamara said it isn't unusual to have a robbery attempt after a death."

"That's horrible, but it doesn't surprise me. I drove off several possible burglars. But that was at night. To break in in broad daylight seems bold." And desperate.

"I don't think it was a burglar. The house was thoroughly searched, and nothing was taken. Not my tablet or Kate's pearls, among other things."

"Then why do you think they broke in?" She tried to sound as if she had no idea. "What do they want?"

"I'm not sure." He leaned back. His fingertips sc.r.a.ped on his jaw. His attention was still locked on her face, and skepticism clouded the clear blue of his eyes, as if he suspected she was lying. "But I wonder about that case file your boss was so anxious to get back. Is there something in that file worth committing robbery and murder and now burglary?"

"I didn't read Lee's case notes, so I wouldn't be able to help you." That, at least, was the truth.

"All I want is the names of any sensitive cases or clients." His gaze dropped to her hands.

She was picking at her thumbnail. Ellie interlaced her fingers and clenched them in her lap. "I already told you I can't give you that information."

"Look, Ellie. You can trust me. I'm not out to cause any trouble. I a.s.sure you I deal with cla.s.sified information on a daily basis. I have high-level security clearance with the military."

"In that case, you should understand why I can't discuss cases with you. You wouldn't tell me government secrets just because I seemed trustworthy."

"It's hardly comparable." His face hardened. He wasn't going to give up the file. "OK. If that's the way you want to play it. I'll find out another way."

Just as Ellie would have to find another way to search this house. Though the police and an intruder had already searched it.

She stood. Their knees b.u.mped, but she didn't fall back, even as his much, much larger body loomed over her.

"I don't understand why you're being so difficult," he said.

So much for playing it cool. She would make a terrible spy.

"My job might not seem like much to you, but I've had too many lean years to risk losing a steady paycheck and medical benefits. I have a daughter and grandmother to look after. I'm glad to help you in any way that doesn't compromise my position." She clamped her lips together to keep them from trembling, but they both knew she was lying. It didn't matter. Her daughter and grandmother were too vulnerable. Her family's lives depended on her doing exactly as instructed.

Grant frowned down at her. The anger in his expression made her regret their conflict on more than a professional level. Maybe it was for the best. But she liked him. Really liked him. He was kind and brave and solid. If it weren't for the situation driving them apart, she'd be tempted to break her no casual s.e.x rule. Just thinking the word s.e.x with Grant this close brought images to mind. Hot images. Scorching images.

Images that had no part in her life, especially in its current state of crisis.

Warm, she tugged at the neck of her sweatshirt. Nan was right, as usual. Ellie had been celibate too long. Maybe if she found that file and no one got hurt, she and Grant could just . . .

There was no way he'd be interested in her after she acted like such an uptight b.i.t.c.h.

"Are you going to tell your boss I have Lee's files?" he asked.

No way. If those files were somewhere in the house, she wanted them to stay right here for her to steal.

"If he asks, I'm going to say I didn't see any of Lee's files in the house." She raised her chin. "Which is the truth, though I hate relying on a technicality. I trust that if you should come across some of the firm's files, you won't keep them from me too long. Can you live with that?"

"I don't have much of a choice." His mouth tightened and guilt threatened to break her resolve. "I will get that information."

"I don't doubt it."

The baby's cries penetrated the office door.

"I should probably get back to my renovations." She leaned to the side and gave the door beyond his big body a pointed look. Maybe he'd run to the baby, and she'd have a few seconds to linger in Lee's office.

He opened the door and stepped back to allow her to exit first. d.a.m.n.

"Do you do all the work yourself?" he asked.

"As much as I can. There are some jobs that require more than one person. I have a couple of small contractors I use when I run across something I can't handle." Though tonight, she'd like nothing better than to take out her frustrations with a sledgehammer.

"I bet there isn't much you can't handle." The corner of his mouth tilted in a wry almost-smile.

"You'd be surprised." Ellie's mind went to the night before, the gun in her back, and the threat to her family.

The baby's cries drew Grant down the hall. Ellie let him pa.s.s. As she walked out, she made notes of all the places the file could be hidden. It was a long list. A frighteningly long list. The old Victorian house had lots of nooks and crannies. Were there five or six bedrooms? How would she ever get full access to the house?

"Don't hesitate to call if you need a sitter," she offered as she followed him.

"Julia and your grandmother already made that clear," he called over his shoulder.

Ahead of her, his broad shoulders filled the narrow hall, and she was tempted to drag him back into the office and tell him all about last night. But she couldn't risk it.

She was being watched.

Chapter Thirteen.

Fully dressed under the duvet, Julia waited. The house had been quiet for an hour. Her mom hadn't even worked on the house the last two nights. She seemed anxious and exhausted in a way that sent guilt washing over Julia. They were all still sad about what happened to the Barretts.

Now that Mrs. Barrett was gone, Julia wasn't even sure she still wanted to be part of the figure skating team. It was fun, but Julia had no illusions about her skills. She was novice material, which was fine. School took up so much time, she didn't need one more serious activity. Mrs. Barrett had made the lessons and occasional compet.i.tion fun. But the club hadn't decided which coach was going to take over her students. Some of the instructors were downright scary-intense.

She suppressed her guilt with a hot dose of anger. She'd asked about going to a concert the following weekend, and Mom had refused. So the band was total screamo and their last live concert video showed some pretty wild fan behavior. They'd put out the fire in the mosh pit, and no one had gotten seriously hurt. But Mom didn't want to hear any of that. She'd never change. If Julia had to hear her lecture one more time . . . It isn't you I don't trust. It's everyone else. You're only fifteen. She'd heard those words so often, they echoed in her brain. Well, tonight was going to be different. Julia was going out with Taylor. She was going to have fun like all her friends.

The Barretts' deaths were totally random. A senseless and bizarre event that ill.u.s.trated life wasn't something to be wasted. Julia wasn't going to sit at home until she went to college. Who knew what could happen tomorrow? She was going to live a little.

Her phone vibrated. She read the text from Taylor: outside.

But first she had to get out of the house without waking her mother or grandmother. Nan's hearing wasn't great, and Mom was a sound sleeper. But Julia wouldn't take a deep breath until she was in Taylor's car driving far away from her house.

Later, she'd have to sneak back inside. No. She wasn't going to ruin her night by worrying. Live in the moment, Taylor said. He'd been sneaking out of his parents' house for years.

Julia peeled back the comforter and slipped out of bed. She tucked pillows under the blanket and shaped them as much like a person as possible. Standing back, she checked the effect and tugged the comforter a little higher. She propped her hands on her hips and surveyed her work. Good enough for a cursory inspection in the dark. Time to go. Nerves and excitement flapped together. She pressed a hand to her stomach, willing it to chill out. She'd been waiting all year to be alone with Taylor. Tonight it was going to happen.

Carrying her boots and purse, she tiptoed down the hallway. Stepping over the creaky step, she crept downstairs and lifted her jacket from the coat tree in the foyer.

She turned the deadbolt slowly to minimize the click as she opened the door. Stepping outside, she pulled the door closed with equal care. The house behind her sat silent and dark as she slid her arms into her jacket, zipped it to her chin, and stepped into her boots.

Where was Taylor? Still within an arm's reach of her front door, she scanned the street and spotted his old Camry parked at the curb halfway down the block. The windshield reflected the black night sky. She edged closer. Her foot hit the first step.

Something crunched in the half-frozen snow. The hair on the back of her neck tickled. Ridiculous. Only she would sneak out to meet a boy and then get scared when he showed up. Hunching against the cold, she walked down the driveway and into the shadow of a tree. The umbrella of branches overhead blocked the overcast sky.


Julia froze and whispered into the darkness. "Taylor?"

He should go. He'd been sitting down the street from the Barretts' house all f.u.c.king evening, looking for any opportunity to get back in. But no one was coming out tonight. In fact, more people seemed to be gathering in there, and that d.a.m.ned dog was back. If he was getting back into that house, he'd have to take the stupid dog out.

Movement caught his attention at the front of the neighbor's house. He dropped his hand.

Interesting. Good thing he hadn't left.

Donnie ducked below the dashboard of the stolen sedan and watched the girl step off her porch. He couldn't risk using his van after yesterday's s.h.i.t-acular break-in.

Parked a block away, he couldn't see her features. He reached for the binoculars on the pa.s.senger seat and held them to his face. Still hard to be 100 percent certain in the dark, but that looked like the girl who'd been walking home from the school bus stop while he'd been breaking into the Barretts' house.

She hadn't seen his face. Once he'd spotted her, he'd kept his head inside the van, and she'd been totally focused on her texting.

In the narrow field of his binoculars, she took another step. Her head swiveled back and forth, as if she was looking up and down the street for someone.

Sneaking out? Bad girl.