Scandal Supermodel - Chapter 979

Chapter 979


979 He couldnt even open his mouth to speak

Upon hearing this, Lu yanges peach-shaped eyes suddenly widened. He looked at an Xiaowans car, opened the door, and jumped out.

an xiaowan is here? He walked toward the car with suspicion in his eyes.

After all, he and special a.s.sistant Luo had been looking for her everywhere for a long time, but they couldnt find any trace of her. They almost thought that she had disappeared from the world.

Lu yange knocked on the car window and fixed his gaze on the door.

After a while, the car window rolled down slowly.

an xiaowan, who looked tired, poked her head out and looked at the figure outside the car window. her eyes narrowed slightly. young master lu.

Its really you! Lu yanges eyes widened. why are you blocking the way? why arent you going in?

An Xiaowan raised her eyebrows and looked at the guards at the door. theyre stopping me from going in. They said that Huo Shen is focused on taking care of ye Qingqing and has no time to see guests.

She repeated every word and squinted her eyes.

Lu yange was stunned. He looked at the guard and then at an Xiaowan.

look after ye qingqing and zhenzhen? who said that?

that little brother pa.s.sed it on to me. he also said that it was huo shens orders.

Lu yanges peach blossom eyes widened, and he thought for a while. After a few rounds of thinking, he frowned and said, miss an, you cant just wait here. why dont you go back and rest?

He winked at an Xiaowan from a place where the guards couldnt see.

An Xiaowan was slightly stunned. She met his eyes and her gaze deepened.

As Lu yange spoke, he turned around and made a gesture. He whispered to the guard Captain, I know him. Ill help you persuade him to leave.

thats the best! the captain of the guards immediately nodded, his face full of grat.i.tude.

if she had suddenly left, he would have been suspicious and reported it. however, if lu yange were to help them persuade them to leave, they would probably be fine.

after a while, an xiaowan held the car door and squinted at lu yange. young master lu, do you know where i can find a comfortable place to stay?

Naturally, I know.

the two of them cooperated. after that, an xiaowan nodded and closed the window. she instructed the driver, follow young master lus car.


lu yange sat back in the car and chuckled to the guards. ill send him there and then come back.

Young master Lu, please go.

one after the other, the two cars drove into the distance.

there was indeed a well-known tourist hotel in that direction, but the two of them drove along that direction and stopped once they were out of the guards sight.

lu yange got out of the car and walked to an xiaowans car. he asked in a slightly harsh tone, where have you been for the past few days?

An Xiaowans eyes paused for a moment. After two seconds of silence, she spat out two words, The hospital.

These days, Lu yange had been extremely anxious.

Brother Huo was first shot, and then his old illness suddenly broke out. Under such circ.u.mstances, he needed an Xiaowan very much. after all, she was the only one who could feed brother huo medicine and take care of him.

However, at this time, she seemed to be hiding, but he couldnt find her.

In his anxiety, Lu yange had forgotten that an Xiaowan had fallen into the ocean that day.

im sorry. lu yange frowned and apologized, then said, Brother Huo definitely didnt say that.

why? An Xiaowans eyes were calm as she looked at Lu yange calmly.

Lu yange took a deep breath and lowered his voice so that only the two of them could hear, because brother huo is unconscious, he cant speak at all!