Scandal Supermodel - Chapter 848

Chapter 848


848 Its unpalatable, throw it away!

why did she suddenly come to deliver food?

as soon as the door was closed, an xiaowan couldnt help but sit up. whos that?

Secretary. im sorry, huo shen said indifferently. he then placed the food on the table beside an xiaowan. i asked her to make some special food. try it.

why did you let her do it?

An Xiaowan bit her lip and couldnt help but speak.

huo shen raised his eyebrows, not understanding her emotions. shes the secretary.

As a Secretary, she naturally had to be responsible for ordering food, looking for food, and arranging her schedule. But werent these things handled by Special a.s.sistant Luo in the past?

an xiaowan was a little puzzled. wheres special a.s.sistant luo?

hes busy, so he has to split some things up.

But why are you looking for a female secretary? Werent most of them men in the past? an Xiaowan pursed her lips unhappily.

she is still the same now. however, she is very capable. Huo Shen said casually, but his eyes were still fixed on an Xiaowan.

An Xiaowan bit her lip. Although she was conflicted for a long time, she finally relented and lowered her head to eat.

However, before she could praise him, Huo Shens phone screen lit up.

She subconsciously turned her eyes and looked over.

A message popped up. It was signed by Qi Yufei. The content was: President Huo, please remember to ask miss an which one she likes the most. You can buy them for the next few days.

An Xiaowan caught Huo Shens gaze and realized that he had read the message almost immediately.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, a little unhappy.

However, after a while, Huo Shen asked, which one do you like best?

Theyre all good. as an xiaowan spoke, she tentatively asked, Did you get the Secretary to buy all these?


what is she usually busy with? ive been to your company a few times, but i dont seem to have seen her.

huo shen narrowed his eyes. im not sure.

he really wasnt too sure. the only contact he had was during this time.

an xiaowans palm tightened. then why does she have your wechat?


huo shen finally understood what had happened.

are you jealous? The man raised his eyebrows slightly and the corners of his lips seemed to curve up.

An Xiaowan bit her lip and turned her head away without saying a word.

shes just a secretary, He said indifferently.

then why did she follow us?

didnt the thousand birds follow you?

uh, alright, i have nothing to say.

An Xiaowan was silent. Suddenly, she felt that this bag of food was very unpleasant to the eye.

thus, she threw the whole bag into the trash can in frustration and snorted. its not delicious at all. its awful.

Yingluo just said that everything was fine. Who was it?

although huo shen wanted to say it, he didnt.

the duration of jiuli fas.h.i.+on week was quite long.

Every day, from morning to night, different brands and different schedules would be fully booked.

which one are we going to?

An Xiaowan looked at the form and looked up at Huo Shen.

the mans thin lips curled up slightly. anyone who wants to go can go, he said in a low voice. you can choose for yourself.

For a man of Huo Shens status, even if he was just going through the motions, it was enough to make the brand feel honored. Who would dare to stop him?

Well, it was a real face-s.n.a.t.c.hing.

Jiuli Fas.h.i.+on Week was a place that everyone in the fas.h.i.+on industry yearned for.

it was also a place where hundreds of flowers bloomed.

An Xiaowan had just arrived at the scene and couldnt help but raise her eyebrows. an Xue is here too?

Su Shan was stunned. she, Yingluo, wasnt invited.