Scandal Supermodel - Chapter 753

Chapter 753


753 xiao wan, dont be afraid, its me

Special a.s.sistant Luo couldnt help but look away, and his entire body trembled.

Oh my G.o.d.

&Nbsp; how did this happen?

could it be that they were still too late?

Although he only took a glance before looking away, the womans torn dress and her embarra.s.sing appearance in the empty room were still fresh in his memory.

after searching the surroundings, luo carefully stepped forward and reported, Young master Huo, theres no one here.

at this time, huo shen was already standing beside an xiaowan.

all of you, get out.

A tense and hoa.r.s.e voice, with a hint of uncontrollable trembling, entered the ears of the people who had turned their eyes away.

special a.s.sistant luo quickly waved his hand and asked everyone to leave.

the moment the door was gently closed, the clicking sound made special a.s.sistant luo and everyone elses hearts sink slightly.

although many of the people present were not familiar with an xiaowan, there were also some who had experienced the sand city incident. They still remembered the way this woman had bravely and efficiently rescued them with all her might, and because of this, they had some admiration and a good impression of her.

but now, xuanji

In the dark room, a dim light was already turned on.

Huo Shens hand reached out but stopped in mid-air again, as if he was afraid to disturb her.

his eyes trembled, and he almost didnt dare to look at her.

After a while, he came back to his senses and untied the rope around her hands and feet with very little strength.

the ropes were tied very skillfully. as long as one broke free, they would become tighter and tighter.

at this time, they were almost strangling an xiaowans hands so much that blood could not flow. She must have struggled with all her might.

When she undid her clothes, Huo Shen raised his hand and wanted to ma.s.sage her red and swollen wrist.

However, the moment he touched her skin, an Xiaowan suddenly trembled and retracted her hand.

It was as if he had received a great shock.

Huo Shen quickly took off his coat and covered her with it. Then, he hid the intense shock in his eyes and looked at her with as calm and gentle a look as possible. He said softly,xiao wan.

the lights around them were very dim.

an xiaowan didnt seem to come back to her senses, her eyes not focused at all.

he was stunned.

she lowered her head slightly and looked at herself stiffly.

her body was tightly wrapped by the mans loose clothes, but the slight chill under the clothes made her immediately know what kind of situation she was in.

his eyes went from dazed to dull, and then to empty.

Huo Shen carefully reached out to hold her.

however, the woman immediately shrank back and her whole body began to tremble. dont, touch me.

her voice was extremely hoa.r.s.e, as if she had been speaking loudly for a long time, and her voice was so worn out that she could barely make any normal syllables.

There was resistance, coldness, and fear in her eyes.

it was as if his consciousness had not completely returned.

Huo Shen had just taken a step forward when he felt something powdery on his foot.

he lowered his head and his eyes narrowed.

Huo Shen bent down and picked up a piece. He sniffed it and his eyes were instantly filled with a terrifying dark aura.

it was a knockout powder.

it was a knockout drug that made people lose their minds, but still had a trace of knowledge left.

this drug could mess up ones mind and memory, making it impossible to distinguish between dream and reality.

it was an addictive high-grade poison grade.

Huo Shens eyes were red and his heart was throbbing with pain, making it hard for him to breathe.

xiao wan, dont be afraid, its me. huo shen got up and shook the powder off his hands. his voice was extremely gentle. lets go home, okay?