Scandal Supermodel - Chapter 735

Chapter 735


735 The most beautiful thing is a smile when looking at each other

special a.s.sistant luo, who was standing far away and did not want to be a third wheel, quickly took his wallet and card and ran over.

he looked up and asked the girl, how much is it? Can I pay by card?

She quoted a price. Although an Xiaowan had heard it, she was not sure how molys money was converted to domestic money, so she gave up.

special a.s.sistant luo swiped the card to pay, while an xiaowan smiled and immediately put the bracelet on her wrist.

Her wrist was thin, but not as skinny as a stick. It felt good to the touch, and she looked especially good with the bracelet on.

Huo Shens thin lips twitched. He raised his hand and put on the mans version on his wrist.

Under the sunlight, the beads on their wrists reflected a bright light. There were spots of light that fell on the ground, beautiful and dreamy.

Its so good! an xiaowan exclaimed happily.

huo shen raised his eyebrows slightly and nodded.

However, he was a little puzzled.

He didnt think the bracelet looked good. Even if she liked it, it was cheap.

However, when she received it, she was even happier than when she received many expensive bags, beautiful clothes, and even expensive jewelry and necklaces.


Where did a womans happiness come from, and how should he judge it?

huo shen frowned, as if he was in deep thought.

However, an Xiaowan raised her wrist high, put their hands together, and took a picture with her mobile phone.

just a photo of her arm would take her more than half an hour.

She even seemed to have taken dozens of photos just to find one that looked especially good.

Huo Shen looked at her, his eyes fixed on her.

After swallowing a mouthful of dog food, Special a.s.sistant Luo acted as an ATM and quickly retreated, afraid that this dog food would be stuffed into his mouth again.

A beautiful melody flowed around him.

huo shens eyes were filled with gentleness that he did not even notice.

It was a pair of eyes that had always been dark and deep, filled with coldness and indifference. But now, it was s.h.i.+ning with a different light, as if the quicksand in the bracelet had fallen into his eyes.

look at this one, dont you think its nice?

An Xiaowan chuckled and looked up, but the moment her eyes met his, she was stunned.

what kind of look was that?

For a moment, an Xiaowan did not know how to describe it.

She just stared at it in a daze and suddenly felt that her breathing had stopped. the girls words kept echoing in his mind.He must love you very much.

From the corner of her eye, she could see that the bracelet was emitting a bright and charming l.u.s.ter.

however, an xiaowans beauty could only be seen in huo shens eyes.

The next second, she couldnt help but raise her head slightly and move closer to him. She wanted to take a closer look at his eyes, but Huo Shen suddenly lowered his head as if he mistakenly thought she was going to kiss him.

their lips touched.

that soft and slightly cool touch was like a fire that ignited the blood in their hearts.

it was as if he had been electrocuted, as if something was suddenly circulating.

Huo Shen reached out and grabbed her by the waist, deepening the kiss.

blue sky, white clouds, sea, sunlight, and slow music.

This scene was too beautiful.

But the most beautiful thing was the figure of the two kissing, as well as the resplendent gla.s.s-like light in their eyes.

in an xiaowans heart, there was a voice asking softly,

huo shen, do you love me?

do you really, love me?