Scandal Supermodel - Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Is President Huo Feeling Sorry For Me?

After listening to Huo Shens reply, a.s.sistant Luo was stunned for a moment. O-Okay.

Wouldnt it be better if she could not continue or if she just falls on the runway? Wouldnt that be equal to achieving our goal if she makes an embarra.s.sing exhibition of herself?

a.s.sistant Luo shook his head as he headed towards An Xiaowan. Understanding President Huos thoughts is like searching for a needle in a haystack.

However, backstage, An Xiaowan shook her head and rejected a.s.sistant Luo about letting others take over.

She reached out her fingers and lightly brushed against the ta.s.sels on the wings of her costume. Her eyes narrowed and she smiled like a cat. Why? Is President Huo feeling sorry for me?

a.s.sistant Luo was at a loss of words.

But before he could reply to her, she smiled and quickly wiped the sweat on her body, she then turned her back to a.s.sistant Luo as she confidently went onto the stage again.

Her glowing skin appeared flawless under the spotlight. As she walked with a confident smile, her every step was vibrant, possessing an unparalleled beauty.

Huo Shens gaze gradually changed from being indifferent to tranquility.

She was not wrong. She was indeed comparable to An Xue.

However, An Xue had the t.i.tle of the top supermodel. An Xiaowans ability alone might not be enough to overpower the results that An Xues fame might have produced if she had partic.i.p.ated in the show.

He would like to see what ideas An Xiaowan could come up with to surpa.s.s An Xue.

At this moment, the last costume had already been exhibited, and it was time for the designer to make an appearance and take his bow.

Huo Shen thought that the show was almost over at this point, unexpectedly the lights dimmed suddenly.

Immediately after, An Xiaowan walked out again, other models of todays show following behind her.

She stood at the front, her large pair of wings touching the ground. The models behind her walked in fabulously and it looked like an imposing army had just arrived at the scene! As for An Xiaowan, she looked like a fearless General who would make her enemies run away in chaos.

Huo Shens gaze s.h.i.+fted, and he subconsciously leaned his body forward.

Looking at the movement of his boss, a.s.sistant Luo knew that Huo Shen was starting to get serious.

As for An Xue, her fists clenched more firmly with every pa.s.sing minute and blazing rage could be seen in her eyes.

Standing under the spotlight and moving flashlights, the corners of An Xiaowans lips turned up and her eyes were s.h.i.+ning attractively with confidence. With a provoking look, she turned her eyes to look at Huo Shens face.

You did well today Ms. An.

a.s.sistant Luo looked at An Xiaowan, who just got off the stage, and pa.s.sed her the heavy chest and spoke, This is your remuneration.

I am just an insignificant model. My remuneration for each show should not be this much.

An Xiaowan pushed the chest away and said, I will only take what I deserve.

After saying her part, she turned and left calmly.

She did need money. In fact, she was desperately in need of it.

However, if she chose to accept the money now, she would lose the chance to get close to Huo Shen.

After changing her clothes and leaving the show venue, An Xiaowan saw a van stopping at the door. The window rolled down and a woman with short hair waved at her.

Sister Susan. An Xiaowan smiled at her and hopped onto the vehicle.

Susan turned and smacked at An Xiaowans shoulder, as she angrily started scolding An Xiaowan. I heard that you rejected the $2,000,000 remuneration that President Huo gave you. Are you stupid!

It was $2,000,000! You have been partic.i.p.ating in all kinds of stupid shows these days and even became a guest usher. Working to the point that you only sleep for a few hours every day. Didnt you do all this to earn your fathers medical fee? $2,000,000 is not a small number!

Susan felt sorry for An Xiaowan as she looked at the dark circles under her eyes, which were becoming more and more noticeable with each pa.s.sing day.

As her manager, she could only do her best by helping her get all kinds of resources.

Thank you so much, Sister Susan. An Xiaowans gaze s.h.i.+fted slightly. If not for Susan, she might not have been able to get an opportunity like today.

Dont mention it, irritating! Susan snorted coldly.

This sum of money would be an investment. An Xiaowan looked out of the window and smiled.