Scandal Supermodel - Chapter 508

Chapter 508


508 Catching young master Huos favorite

all of this seemed to be a coincidence that the heavens had helped him.

full attack! huo shen suddenly ordered.

His eyes were also filled with shock.

This was a complete trap.

a rescue plan was actually so big that even the si familys men were implicated!

Huo Shens eyes moved slightly as he looked at the man who was running up the stairs. how did qianqian do it? how did she set up this game of chess?

below, after the si familys attack, they finally shouted angrily, hand over our young master si!

Secretary Kong held a gun in his hand and aimed it at Mr. Billy.

Mr. Billys eyes were red with anger when he saw that he had lost a few of his men. he also picked up a gun barrel and aimed at the si familys team!

we didnt capture young master si, but since youre so unreasonable, we wont hold back either!

the two sides were in a killing frenzy!

Due to the large number of people in the SI family, Mr. Billy made a prompt decision and transferred half of the people who were quarreling with the Huo family.

Although this made the battle with the SI family a little easier, they couldnt hold on to the Huo familys side very quickly.

blood dyed the sand in the mountains red.

Many trees had fallen due to the bullets and traps. It was a sad scene.

when huo shen saw that there was a soldier attacking an xiaowan, his face suddenly sank, and his cold and powerful murderous aura suddenly spread out. He looked in an Xiaowans direction and said loudly, come here!

Hearing Huo Shens voice, an Xiaowan was slightly stunned.

she bent down and barely dodged it. she bit her lower lip and quickly focused, running forward with all her strength.

although she didnt know what huo shens shout meant, and she didnt know if he recognized her, at this moment, she could only run to his side to feel a little safe.

the huo family was gradually starting to have a breakthrough.

At the same time, the battle with the SI family was still in a deadlock.

This was the best time to retreat!

huo shen made a prompt decision and ordered in a deep voice, listen to my command and prepare to retreat.

The two teams from the Huo family had already gathered at the mountainside.

however, at this moment, a woman suddenly ran out of the banquet.

miss, dont go out! Its dangerous outside! a few maidservants panicked and tried to pull her up.

however, she shook them off and quickly walked outside.

she was wearing a beautiful white dress with feathers and a small furry waistcoat on her shoulder. she looked extremely elegant and beautiful. She had been observing inside for a long time, not daring to come out. Now that she had finally confirmed it, she could no longer hold back.

Looking at the fighting Mr. Billy, the woman shouted in a sharp voice, Billy, the man who brought young master si over just now is actually a woman!

mr. billys hand stopped moving, and his arm was cut.

The womans body trembled in fear, but she still stood there and didnt move.

he lowered his eyes, and an even stronger killing intent appeared in his eyes.

a woman?

He was actually being toyed around by a woman with her bare hands!

The lady in the white dress took a deep breath and shouted again, that woman is young master Huos favorite. As long as you can catch her, there will be no problem!

As long as she was captured, Huo Shen would definitely surrender.

Furthermore, she could also take all the blame for the SI familys enmity!

The Royal duke organization would naturally be able to escape unscathed!