Scandal Supermodel - Chapter 375

Chapter 375


375 the madness in his bones

the situation at the train station is the same, susan said.

an xiaowan frowned. there were only two choices left.

One, she would walk right into the trap. In that case, Xia duo might still have a chance to escape.

Two, wait for Huo Shen to let his guard down and then escape.

Such a blockade would definitely make the news headlines and cause a huge commotion if it was kept under wraps for a long time. so, as long as huo shen was not determined, he might withdraw some of his manpower and at least let the flights operate normally.

Although she didnt want to be caught by Huo Shen, going abroad was only a short-term plan.

her father was still in the country, and her enemy was still safe and sound. how could she just leave?

Therefore, walking into the trap was the best choice.

no, Xia duo seemed to have seen through her thoughts and immediately shook her head.

She seemed to have recalled something. Her face was a little pale, and her lips trembled as she whispered, At that time, I wanted to escape, and Si linghan did the same. He used all his resources to capture me. then, i was faced with his endless imprisonment. day and night, i could only stay in the small house and be monitored, unable to go anywhere.

Although si linghans personality was different from Huo Shens, the wild arrogance in his bones was the same.

that memory was too painful.

In the end, it was only because Xia duo tried to kill herself that si linghan expanded the s.p.a.ce he imprisoned her in and allowed her to move around in the villa. however, the attendants around him and the surveillance cameras in the house were never missing.

in the beginning, she thought that huo shen might be different.

But now, it seemed that they were the same kind of people!

Xia duo took a deep breath and said in a low voice, besides, although si linghan hasnt appeared yet, how do we know if theyre not trying to catch us together? Maybe once you go out, si linghan will come too, and well lose everything.

An Xiaowan looked at Xia duo, and her gaze changed slightly.

This was the first time she had seen the soft and cute Xia duo a.n.a.lyze the pros and cons so decisively and make a decision.

Then lets go with another plan. Well wait. an xiaowans eyes sank.

he was waiting for them, but they didnt move. they just waited.

if they continued to waste each others energy, huo shen would definitely be the one to run out first!

after all, the other members of the huo family would not just stand by and watch him do such an irrational thing.

however, where to hide was a problem.

In the toilet, someone would come in to search it sooner or later.

Just then, Huo Shen led his men into the restricted area that he had personally sealed off.

the entire airports waiting room was filled with complaints about the flight problems today. Not only that, but the entire departure hall was already locked up. People could only enter and not leave. They didnt even have the choice to change to another mode of transportation!

whats going on? why cant you let us out?

thats right. youre restricting the freedom of the people and imprisoning us for no reason!

Im going to Sue you!

The noise was getting louder and louder, rising and falling in the airport.

However, the tall man who walked in slowly had a cold expression on his handsome face. His black eyes hid his anger as he ignored everyones protests and continued walking forward.

his entire being exuded a n.o.ble and cold aura, causing the surrounding people to subconsciously keep quiet.

all the men in black immediately bowed to him in a special way when they saw him.

however, due to the secrecy of todays matter, they didnt call out the name they were about to call out-lord huo.