Scandal Supermodel - Chapter 332

Chapter 332


332 Chase her out

he was in extreme pain now that the person whom he had recognized as a close friend for so long had actually been lying to him from the beginning.

After being deceived for such a long time, he was too stupid!

mr. page scratched his head in frustration.

Mr. Page, please. an Xue leaned over and said pitifully, Even if I dont have the ability to design, cant we still be friends? after all this time, could it be that our relations.h.i.+p is only because of this map?

upon hearing this, mr. page laughed in anger.

thats right, my friend wouldnt do it just for a blueprint, but I cant accept a friend whos full of lies!

as he spoke, mr. page raised his hand and pressed the phone. let the security in.

Mr. Page! an xue was shocked.

before she could finish, several security guards had already rushed in.

Chase her out. Mr. Page rubbed his brows and waved his hand as he ordered.

Ah! an xue struggled and kept trying to persuade mr. page, but no one present wanted to hear it anymore.

in less than a minute, an xue had already disappeared from mr. pages exclusive design hall.

The door was closed again, and Mr. Page fell into silence.

After hesitating for two seconds, he picked up the blueprint tiredly and asked in a hoa.r.s.e voice, So, youre the soulmate I should know?

with regards to the acknowledgment sound, mr. page was already a little afraid after this incident. however, he really cherished talent. if an xiaowan was really a model with a talent for design, he would not have the opportunity to be friends with her.

But an Xiaowan shook her head.

Seeing her shake her head, Mr. Pages eyes widened.

could it be that an xiaowan was also lying to her?

However, the next second, an Xiaowan smiled and dispelled his thoughts. Mr. Page, I didnt modify this dress. Its my Super Partner. Shes in the same school as me, but she majored in image design. Shes very talented in clothing and color.

Mr. Page was slightly stunned.

Today, as long as an Xiaowan agreed, and with her pretty good drawing skills, it would be easier for her to deceive him than an Xue.

back then, an xue was not very famous overseas. it was only when mr. page mentioned her several times in interviews and praised her that she stood out. After that, he had sent an Xue to the fas.h.i.+on shows for his new designs, and that was how he gradually became famous.

Hence, an Xiaowan should know that as long as she agreed, she would have unlimited benefits.

But she told the truth and even gave this benefit to her friend?

Mr. Page, you know this person as well, and shes also received your praise several times. an xiaowan looked at the surprised mr. page and laughed, you can investigate it when the time comes. im really not lying to you.

just then, someone knocked on the door from the outside.

xia duo took the things she had dealt with, wiped the sweat on her forehead, and walked in with a light smile.

mr. page, ive settled the things youve asked me to do. heres a form, you can take a look. Xia duo said softly.

an xiaowan placed one hand on the table and smiled lazily. mr. page, the person im talking about is xia duo.

Xia duo was stunned. She blinked and her face was blank.

I could only talk about the design concept and draw a simple design plan because I was helping her at the time. but if xia duo comes by herself, she can discuss it with you in detail.