Scandal Supermodel - Chapter 2179: Back to the Research Institute

Chapter 2179: Back to the Research Institute

Chapter 2179: Back to the Research Inst.i.tute


As expected, Lan Fang asked his subordinate at the door to see an Xiaowan after a while.

she left very quickly.

seeing lan fangs hesitant expression, an xiaowan immediately understood what he meant. she asked the others to leave the room and leave a room for a private conversation.

Although he didnt directly mention the Research Inst.i.tute, he expressed his hope that he could go back and help find youzi.

the blue team was very sincere when they said this, but at the same time, they were in a difficult position.

After all, most people wouldnt believe a persons empty words and let him go just like that.

Once they were released, they might really disappear and never be found again.

however, an xiaowan stared at him deeply for a long time, asked a few more questions, and after getting his promise, she actually agreed readily!

Meeting her eyes, the blue team was slightly stunned.

Youre willing to believe me? he asked softly after a long while.

will you betray my trust? an xiaowan raised her eyebrows and asked a question instead of answering.

lan fang found that although he was the one who proposed this entire conversation, an xiaowan was the one who influenced the progress of every link and every node in the middle. She could clearly grasp the other partys heart, and her silence would affect the other partys thoughts.

Although he understood this, he had no intention of resisting. He nodded and said, I wont let you down. I really like youzi. I thought about it later and decided that I shouldnt have asked him for the model. After all, it was very expensive. Thats why Im planning to enjoy it for a while and then send it back after a few days.

His face was slightly red, and he looked embarra.s.sed.

An Xiaowan didnt continue to talk about this matter, but lightly reached out her hand.

then, i hope we can cooperate happily. also, yingluo, i need you to give me a reply on the progress. let me know that you didnt run away.

the blue team held an xiaowans hand. the two of them shook hands and made peace, as if they were leaders meeting.

Sure, no problem. The blue team agreed.

An Xiaowan didnt let go immediately, but held it even tighter, her eyes tight, Remember, I want to see youzi in good health, at all costs.

alright, he said. The blue team continued to nod.

after waiting for a while, an xiaowan finally let go of his hand.

He felt a slight pain in his palm, but he didnt think much of it. He thought he was just too nervous.

An Xiaowan left the blue teams room and ordered the guards to withdraw from the door. Then, she returned to the room and stared at the green dot on her computer screen.

after looking at it for a few seconds, she let out a breath.

Now, she would know where their so-called Research Inst.i.tute and Headquarters were.

Although she still trusted Lan Fang more, she definitely couldnt place all her hopes of finding youzi on an irrelevant person.

after all, no one would work harder than the parents of their children.

The blue team did not delay and left dibei city very quickly.

his car had already been driven to the outskirts of dibei city. he saw it as soon as he went out and quickly got into the car.

after making sure that there were no pursuers behind him, he let out a sigh of relief and walked toward the research inst.i.tute.

in the research inst.i.tute, no one paid any attention to lan fangs departure. after all, he was usually in charge of matters related to the master doctor, and the master doctor was not here at the moment.

He returned to his seat and looked at the time and the reply on his watch.

5 am.

When it was almost dawn, everyone was already asleep.

The Research Inst.i.tute was extremely quiet. The exhausted Lan Fang felt someone knocking on his chair.