Scandal Supermodel - Chapter 2130: Chapter 2128 -being retaliated

Chapter 2130: Chapter 2128 -being retaliated

Chapter 2130: chapter 2128 -being retaliated

Translator: 549690339

after some preparation, the interview finally began.

The entire interview room was exquisitely prepared, and every prop was placed in the position they needed to be in order.

an xiaowan had already put on exquisite light makeup and was still wearing that bright red dress.

The interview began very quickly.

she sat on the sofa on the right, her posture elegant. there was a flirtatious smile on her face, and her eyes were bright.

the host of the talk show was seated on the sofa on the left.

3,2,1, begin!

welcome, everyone, to qian yi talk about wind and cloud! the applause was continuous.

lets also welcome our guest today, the worlds number one supermodel-an Xiaowan!

The applause grew louder, accompanied by some screams.

an xiaowan remained calm and smiled beautifully. she said a few words of opening remarks that had been arranged.

after that, qian yi asked a few boring questions to make the atmosphere very relaxed and also caused a burst of laughter. then, he suddenly changed the topic.

Speaking of which, youve been a hot topic recently. Youve been the number one topic for several days in a row. Do you have anything to say about this? Im really touched by this, an Xiaowan replied with a faint smile.

The accident that day let me know how much my fans love me, how much they believe in me, and how tolerant they are towards me. a touch of guilt appeared on an xiaowans face. i really didnt expect that someone would suddenly cause trouble that day. fortunately, everyone believed me and calmed down to deal with the public. otherwise, things would have been really difficult to resolve.

qian yis eyes flickered and he immediately asked, then who are these troublemakers? Did you do something in private that made some people unhappy, and thats why youre suffering such revenge? susan, who was standing backstage, was shocked.

this host was indeed eloquent. he captured the main points very well and the interview angle was also tricky.

an xiaowan laughed and shrugged, Revenge? well have to ask the police about this. im not too sure, and ive never thought about it.

Why wouldnt I? after all, everyone knows that things havent been peaceful around you recently, including your husband. the huo family is also in a state of turmoil. under such turmoil, its very normal for people to seek revenge, isnt it?

my husbands familys situation is not as dangerous as it seems. besides, if it was a sacrifice in a business battle, do you think the other party would use such a childish method to deal with me? An Xiaowan smiled, her eyes bright and sharp. if you think so, then youve underestimated this matter.

su shan stood in the backstage, dumbfounded.

oh my G.o.d, he publicly scolded host qian yi in front of the entire country?

What she meant was that when there was a problem with money, it was simply because her thinking was too stupid and childish. That was why she used her frog-in-well thinking to measure the bigger world of others.

An Xiaowan is too tough, isnt she?

su shan wiped the sweat off her forehead and thought that todays interview was not going to be easy.

As expected, Qian Yis expression changed slightly, and his gaze became much sharper.

However, he was an old man after all. He quickly recovered and smiled.. if thats the case, then the person for revenge might be by your side?