Scandal Supermodel - Chapter 2014: you didn't let go?

Chapter 2014: you didn't let go?

Chapter 2014: you didnt let go?

Translator: 549690339

But this was not the end.

Xia duo touched the back of her head and said, a little embarra.s.sed, yingluo, should i ask him to join us? the panel was still blank.

There was no response.

Xia duo stood where she was, feeling a little awkward and not knowing what to do.

What was going on?

Could it be that this young masters pride was so strong that he didnt allow others to reject him?

but the tutoring was over, and she felt that she had done her job well. naturally, there was no reason for her to blindly accommodate this young master, and there was even less reason for her to turn down su mudongs invitation for a meal.

in the past, Xia duo was someone who didnt know how to reject people. her ears were very soft, and she just walked forward while being pushed.

but humans, after suffering so many losses and being wronged for so long, it was time to learn to be more upright.

In the past few years, she had told herself that from now on, no one could make her lose herself, give up on herself, and compromise.

No one could.

Young master, if theres nothing else, Ill take my leave. Xia duo spoke in a low voice and waited for a moment.

There was still no response from the meeting board, so she could only shrug her shoulders and turn to leave. However, at that moment, the panel lit up again.

[ you guys are looking at houses together? ]

Xia duo stopped in her tracks and wondered if he had gone to the toilet just now. therefore, he explained patiently, yes, he just came back from abroad and is preparing to settle down.

[ usually, we only look at the new house together when we get married. ] Looking at this line of words, Xia duo was stunned for a moment. Then, he shrugged his shoulders and smiled indifferently. I think so. Soon.


you love him?

Xia duo felt a little strange. The other party was asking more and more questions.

he didnt look like the cold and eccentric foppish young master who took a long time to type out a few words on the interface.

However, she thought that he was trapped by love, probably because he was young and curious about these matters of love. so, Xia duo smiled. although she felt that it was a private matter and she didnt need to answer, she still spoke. Hes great, and Im at the age where I want to get married, so its natural. You love him?

Not getting an answer, the other party was persistent and continued to ask.

Xia duo was a little distressed. After all, she didnt want to break a young mans fantasy of love. Besides, people like her should be one of the few in the world.

now, who didnt knock their heads and break their legs for love?

if you walk well, youll be happy for the rest of your life. if you dont, youll think about it for the rest of your life. my ran ran probably. Xia duo answered vaguely.

but this vague answer was enough.

No one knew that si linghans hands were actually trembling as he typed those words.

he was a person who had always held his gun steadily, but at this moment, he was completely fl.u.s.tered, and he even made a few mistakes in the middle. She could only tremble as she went to edit the word and send it again.

It was repeated.

He was in a mess.

Then, will the current you still accept gifts from others?

Xia duo was a little surprised to see this inexplicable sentence.

she thought for a moment and shook her head, if youre talking about suitors, then i wont. since weve decided to get married, itll be a lifetime thing.

for a lifetime?

[ you didnt let go? ]

Xia duo was stunned.

she didnt know why, but she felt that there was a hidden meaning in his words.

and sentence after sentence, it was like he was forcing her to answer.

Xia duo frowned and a bad feeling rose in her heart.

For some reason, she felt that this person seemed to know everything about her past and was even using it to question her..