Scandal Supermodel - Chapter 1948: young president huo's world

Chapter 1948: young president huo's world

Chapter 1948: young president huos world

Translator: 549690339

among them, there were also some people who were in charge of the safe house and other things. they never showed their faces and partic.i.p.ated in any of the huo familys affairs.

after a few phone calls, luos heart became more and more tense.

theres no reply from the headquarters and branches.

These calls were all emergency calls. There would be people on duty 24 hours a day to ensure that they would receive the call as soon as there was a mission. Therefore, if no one picked up, it meant that there was a problem with the stronghold.

Following that, all the other phone calls were the same.

Just as a.s.sistant Luo was about to call the people in the safe house, Huo Shens eyes suddenly sank and he raised his hand to stop him.

dont contact him yet.

If the other bases and subordinates were already under their control, then the people in this safe house were their last remaining strength. also, there was this group of people on the s.h.i.+p.

Therefore, it was best not to alarm them and keep them as a trump card!

special a.s.sistant luo put away his phone, took a deep breath, and said helplessly, young master huo, where are we going now? are we going to any other ports that we can dock at?

No. Huo Shen shook his head.

let the boat circle the area first, then find a remote and uninhabited sh.o.r.e to dock, he said coldly after a pause.

Yes, young master Huo, take note, its a place where no s.h.i.+ps usually dock.

yes, i understand, after special a.s.sistant luo left, the s.h.i.+p changed direction and began to circle around aimlessly.

an xiaowan sat on the boat and pursed her lips as she looked at huo Shen, who was deep in thought.

What was going on in the imperial capital?

huo shen was so powerful. how could he be controlled by someone one day?

an xiaowan was silent for a while before she finally couldnt help but say, Huo Shen, do you want me to call Mr. Huo?

Whether it was to help or to ask about the situation, it was necessary to contact them at this moment.

huo shen was silent at first, then he nodded slightly. he had a bad feeling about this.

perhaps, something had happened to the huo group.

sure enough, an xiaowan picked up her phone and called three times in a row, but no one answered. It didnt matter if it was Mr. Huo, Mrs. Huo, the Butler of the Huo family mansion, or their a.s.sistants and secretaries.

finally, she frowned and dialed the number of the huo corporations president office.

h.e.l.lo, how are you? although yingyings voice was very strange and sweet, she had never heard it before.

an xiaowans hand that was holding the phone tightened.

she lowered her voice and made it sound a little different. then, she cleared her throat and asked, i made an appointment with president huo a few days ago to talk about cooperation. is he in the company now?

The female voice on the phone laughed arrogantly. there are too many people who want to talk to president huo about cooperation, and i dont have time to meet everyone. president huo isnt in the office right now, so you can contact

him tomorrow.

but ive already made an appointment with your president huo! an xiaowan pretended to be anxious.

She deliberately made her tone a little frustrated and said, i made an appointment with secretary cai before. where is he?

Secretary Cai? the woman seemed to be stunned when she heard this form of address.

immediately after that, a disdainful tone could be heard in the voice. it was even a cold snort with an extremely bad att.i.tude.

Hmph, so youre with the big President Huo! He doesnt care about anything anymore, and Secretary Cai has been fired a long time ago. Im afraid you just came out of the mountains! its our young president huos world now, the woman sneered.. if you want to talk business, im afraid youll have to find another way!