Scandal Supermodel - Chapter 1856: youzi l s birthday

Chapter 1856: youzi l s birthday

Chapter 1856: youzi l s birthday

Translator: 549690339

She didnt want to know how an Xue was doing.

If it wasnt for the fact that someone had suddenly come to cause trouble today, she probably would never have heard this name again in her life. a.s.sistant lott paused and continued, an xues depression seems to be quite serious. she committed suicide again yesterday. shes still in a coma. Im afraid thats why this man came here to cause trouble. an xiaowan frowned and pursed her lips.

it seems like an Xue was the one who told me about those old things that have already been clarified. Huo Shen said in a deep voice.

Seeing that an Xiaowan was in a bad mood, he waved his hand and asked a.s.sistant Lott to leave.

After thinking for two seconds, he thought of something.

Xiao Wan.


youve forgotten something.

An Xiaowans mind was a little confused. She blinked and asked, What?

huo shens s.e.xy thin lips curled up and he held an xiaowan in his arms. he raised his eyebrows and said, Its youzis birthday,

She was stunned when she heard this.

then, she didnt have any other thoughts and only felt annoyed. oh right, there have been too many things recently. i completely forgot about yingluo.

Her face was a little hot, and she was extremely embarra.s.sed. She felt that she was really not a good mother.

recently, she had been busy with work and the huo familys affairs. more importantly, she had been trying to find a way to cure youzi through various channels. She had sent emails to almost all the top doctors in various countries to ask, but she had not gotten any answers. then, lets take youzi out this weekend?

I also think so.

after the two of them made their decision, they began to make arrangements that night. the next day, they set off for old mr. huas villa.

hearing their thoughts, hua Zhi smiled.

youzi has been in good health these days. just take the medicine out. if theres any problem, bring it here.

After leaving some instructions, an Xiaowan and Huo Shen went to pick up youzi.

Youzis courtyard had to be strictly guarded, so a new one was arranged for her. This time, it was near where old Mr. Hua lived. The path inside was winding and complicated, but because the two of them had been here many times, they could now enter smoothly.

You guys are here?

As soon as an Xiaowan and the others walked in, they saw old Mr Hua coming out.

he was holding a cup of fragrant tea in his hand, and the air around him was filled with the fragrance of tea.

were here to take youzi back for her birthday, an xiaowan said with a smile.

Old Mister Hua nodded and said, Be careful, thank you for your care, Mr. Hua. I can see that youzis health is getting better day by day.

thank you, Huo Shen said. Ive also brought some gifts. I didnt want to disturb you, so I gave them to you and hired some servants.

an xiaowan suddenly thought of her own book and hurriedly took it out. by the way, i went to a place and got a few medical books. i dont know if theyre of any use, but i thought they were quite profound, so i thought id bring them to you. an xiaowan took out the book from her bag and handed it over.

Old Mr. Hua had initially rejected the gift, but when he saw that it was a medical book, he became interested.

Then, when he turned to the first page, he was stunned.

they were very old medical books, the pages were yellow, and the words inside were exquisitely written. an xiaowan found it by accident in the palace fergora lived in.

This is a Pixiu.. His hand trembled slightly, and he said in shock after a long while, Where did you get it?