Scandal Supermodel - Chapter 1531

Chapter 1531

1531 dont be unhappy

ai! Jing luochen, where are you going? Lu bei was even more confused.

why did he get angry the moment she said he was jealous?

He just wanted to ask if Jing luochen was unhappy that he, who usually didnt answer any calls during dinner, actually picked up an Xiaowans call during dinner.

Lu bei couldnt care about anything else. He quickly threw away his cutlery and chased after her.

Wait, whats going on?

jing luochens face, which was as beautiful as a painting, moved away. he walked around lu bei and continued to walk forward.

dont be unhappy. at most, i wont pick up your phone when im eating next time. lu bei quickly expressed his loyalty.

but jing luochens brows furrowed again, and he walked around him again.

jing luochens a.s.sistant carefully pulled lu bei, who wanted to continue chasing him, and whispered, general lu, please stop chasing him. young master is in a bad mood. youll only make things worse.

is that so? Lu bei stood still and furrowed his thick brows.

Jing luochens silent language was probably the most difficult to understand in the world.

he had studied it since elementary school, but he still couldnt completely understand it.

after all, not only did this guy not speak, but he also had a poker face.

it was probably because he had spent too much effort on this appearance that G.o.d had forgotten to a.s.sign him other things.

Thats right, general Lu. You can go back first today.

Alright, he said. Lu bei nodded his head.

On the way out, his eyes were fixed on the beautiful figure in the castle garden.

It was a few socialite instructors.

among them, ni huan was standing in the middle of the crowd. she was wearing a beautiful dress, and she looked like a new person.

She had a head full of beautiful black hair, and her face was painted with natural and elegant makeup. The dress that was specially tailored for her by an international designer was simply perfect. It raised her temperament, which was only 40%, to 70%.

indeed, clothes make the man.

Time would also urge one to be beautiful.

but no matter what, lu bei did not have anything to say to her. therefore, he did not plan to go over and take a look.

As soon as he walked out of the castle, he received the detailed information sent by an Xiaowan.

He immediately opened it and sent the message to his subordinates, asking them to look for it.

du yunlan?

He had never heard of this name before. Moreover, he was her illegitimate child.

but it wasnt impossible to find one.

after all, as long as she was a mother, she would definitely visit her child.

At the same time, an Xiaowan spent money to hire someone to track du yunlans whereabouts every day, to see when she would meet her wild man.

however, it was strange that they had not met again for a full week.

An Xiaowan knew that the longer the delay, the higher du yunlans chances of winning. So, she was more and more inclined to disclose the news that an yanmo was still alive.

however, every time she saw an yanmo looking out the window with empty eyes, she couldnt bring herself to say it. although he didnt look very happy, there was no hatred or resentment in his eyes.

Once she returned, she would definitely tell him everything.

however, this represented a hatred that was difficult to bear.

xiao wan? an yanmo turned his wheelchair around and walked out of the room, wanting to take a walk in the balcony garden. however, he did not expect to see an xiaowan standing in the corridor.

when an xiaowan heard the voice, she was stunned and quickly looked up.

dad, he said.

an yanmo noticed her odd expression and said gently, whats wrong? is there something on your mind?