Scandal Supermodel - Chapter 1260

Chapter 1260


1260 aggressive and overbearing

next, the design team and the manager of the huo group led a group of reporters into the hotel to film and a.n.a.lyze the situation. Huo Shen and the others all left first.

He glanced in an Xiaowans direction from the corner of his eye, but he didnt stop and left directly.

he sat in the car and took off his coat. his wound was already slightly stuck to the cloth.

Huo Shen frowned, but he still quickly took off his coat and threw it aside.

Young master Huo, do you want to go to the hospital first?

No, to the ye family.

today was ye qingqings birthday. no matter what, he had to be there.

Yes, young master Huo. then ill call the doctor over.


after a few seconds of silence, the man opened his eyes again, but he still couldnt help but ask, An Xiaowan, are you alright?

special a.s.sistant luo was stunned for a moment before he immediately replied, she wasnt injured. She was the one who helped to control the situation.

Huo Shens eyes flickered, and he nodded slightly without saying anything.

As the hotel was far away from the ye familys house, Special a.s.sistant Luo asked the doctor to wait at a spot on the way. He got on the car halfway and treated young master Huos wound.

the scale of the banquet today was very large. almost all the famous people in the country were invited to attend.

on one hand, it was ye qingqings birthday party. on the other hand, it was also a celebration party for the trial operation of the smart hotel.

this was also the huo familys biggest project recently, and it was also the project that the world was looking forward to.

the an family was also invited to this banquet.

Huo Shen arrived quite early, so he went to the resting room at the back to change his clothes and eat something.

after putting on her makeup and the dress that had been carefully designed by a designer, ye qingqing hurriedly lifted her dress and ran to huo shens room.

however, she was stopped by father ye halfway.

qing qing, where are you going?

Im going to look for brother Shen! I heard that hes already here! Ye Qingqing said with a smile.

Father yes expression turned cold as he shook his head.youre not allowed to go!


you know, something went wrong at todays opening ceremony. Father ye took a deep breath. in order to save that woman, Shen er rushed up to her and carried her out.

although no photos were released, the ye familys staff members were there, so they naturally knew about the news.

The expression on ye Qingqings face suddenly froze.

during this period of time, both the ye family and her had tried their best to urge them to get married. no matter how father ye tried to persuade him, he would always use a threatening tone when he was unhappy. he even used mr. hua to persuade him.

however, it was useless.

this time, daddy really cant take it anymore. father ye had always held this daughter in the palm of his hand, afraid that she would fall and melt in his mouth. now that she was being looked down upon and defiled by a man, he really couldnt bear it.

Daddy, dont!

ye qingqing wanted to stop him, but father ye was already walking towards the lounge where huo shen was in an aggressive manner.

at the same time, an xiaowan also arrived.

she knew that huo shen had arrived early and wanted to take this opportunity to see how his injuries were. so, she went to the guest lounge area at the back.

she had just turned a corner when she b.u.mped into the aggressive father ye.

his eyes were burning with fire, but the moment he saw an xiaowan, his expression suddenly turned cold.

Miss an.

an xiaowan wanted to walk past him, but when she heard him call her name, she had to stop.

at the same time, a figure behind her also stopped abruptly, a hint of antic.i.p.ation in his eyes.