Scandal Supermodel - Chapter 1186

Chapter 1186

1186 you are mine

An Xiaowan, youre really infatuated.

Huo Shens thin lips twitched a little sarcastically.

she pursed her lips and did not say anything.

However, she did not expect Huo Shen to have changed. He was no longer the hot-tempered, overbearing man. in the past year, the coldness in his bones seemed to have seeped into his blood.

There were perhaps fewer and fewer things that he cared about now.

That night wasnt enough. Huo Shens thin lips twitched, and his eyes were cold and indifferent.

An Xiaowan was shocked, her dark pupils quivering.

what did you just say?

i said, if thats the case, one night isnt enough. huo shen used all his strength and tore her messy dress into pieces in an instant. he threw them on the ground.

Huo Shen!

Please me, until I find a woman more delicious than you. in that case, i wont hurt your gong li.

huo shens voice was cold and hoa.r.s.e like never before.

They seemed to be fighting to the death.

Although they were just words, each sentence was like a sharp blade that stabbed into the other partys vital points.

I dont want to!

The deal has been made, you cant go back on your word.

Huo Shen said coldly, then pressed her against the chair.

Ah, Yingluo.

an xiaowan suddenly reached out and covered her lips. stars appeared in front of her eyes, and her brain suddenly lost the ability to think and went blank.

its mine,

youre mine.

Chaos. love In his daze, Huo Shens eyes turned dark red as he mumbled something in his throat.

an xiaowan had been tormented by him so much that she couldnt hear what he said at all.

After an unknown period of time, a life-and-death struggle between them finally came to an end.

huo shen let go of the weak woman in his arms and enjoyed her rare obedience. his eyes softened subconsciously.

in the past year, he had imagined the scene countless times.

If only he had not used ye Qingqing as a s.h.i.+eld to protect an Xiaowan and carried out that plan If only he had not boarded that s.h.i.+p and had stayed by her side instead

If only he had taken her to the hospital for a check-up earlier and found out that she was pregnant.

if, on the dance floor, when she walked towards him, he immediately threw everything away and returned to her side.


Come to think of it, there were so many opportunities between them to turn tragedies into comedies.

but in the end, there was no if.

huo shen lowered his eyes and picked up the woman in his arms. he then called special a.s.sistant luo and ordered him to clear the entire royal court club.

Three minutes later, a.s.sistant Luo replied in a low voice, Young master Huo, theyve been cleared.

huo shen wrapped an xiaowan up in his big windbreaker, not even revealing her face. then, he pushed the door open and carried her to his room in the dragon court club.

then, he washed her, cleaned her, and dried her hair.

Then, he carefully put it under the blanket.

He sat on the edge of the bed and stared at the woman who was fast asleep on the bed with a cold expression.