Scandal Supermodel - Chapter 1004

Chapter 1004


1004 I love you, Xiao Wan

What proposal? an xiaowan was confused.

huo shen looked at her for a long time, his long and narrow eyes slightly squinted, and a strange look appeared in his eyes.

he took out his phone and showed her the page.

After an Xiaowan looked at it twice, she grabbed the phone and took a deep breath, whats going on?

Her beautiful eyes were wide open, and the surprise in her eyes did not seem to be fake.

Huo Shens arm loosened a little, and his eyes darkened.

After carefully reading all the content, an Xiaowan thought of it.

when gong li handed her the ring, it was indeed in this small box. the background of this photo was indeed the background of the current situation. this was simply making groundless accusations!

However, it was not a bad thing for Huo Shen to misunderstand.

an xiaowan tidied up her expression, handed the phone back, and said lightly, you came to find me because of this?

Huo Shens handsome face darkened and he didnt say a word.

but she knew that if he didnt deny it now, it meant that he had admitted it.

Does it matter why I broke up with you? an xiaowan frowned, pushed him away, and turned to leave.

its important, He said in a deep voice, you still love me.

she didnt know if the second half of his sentence was a question or a statement, but it still made her stop in her tracks, and the nervousness of having her thoughts exposed flashed through her heart.

taking a deep breath, she immediately restrained her expression and coldly said, I didnt go to see you when you were injured, so I didnt care about you. i dont want to get close to you. She turned around and looked at him. besides, Ive made up my mind to break up with you. Do you think Ill still love you? she said.

all of these principles sounded very correct.

Huo Shen almost believed her.

a man as n.o.ble as huo shen would never pester her.

he stood firmly on the spot, his tall and handsome figure tainted with a layer of silent loneliness.

Ill prepare a press conference for your clarification. An Xiaowan, come back to me. He said with rapt attention.

A press conference? An Xiaowan frowned. clear what?

She still had beautiful stage makeup on her face, and she was wearing seven-centimeter high heels. Her hands were crossed lazily, and she had the aura of a gorgeous Queen.

The man in front of her looked at her with a deep gaze.

his thin lips parted slightly, and he said word by word in that magnetic, deep, and gorgeous voice, Clarify your relations.h.i.+p with Gong Li and make our relations.h.i.+p public.

Us? were breaking up, do we need to make it public? An Xiaowan chuckled.

But Huo Shens eyes were dark and deep, filled with seriousness.

no, she said. Were going to get married, he said in a deep voice.

An Xiaowan was stunned and her pupils shrank.

what did he mean by that?

didnt you ask me before if i loved you?

When an Xiaowan met his eyes, it was as if she had fallen into a Whirlpool, and she was completely lost in thought.

i didnt give a clear answer back then. He paused. now, Ill tell you.

huo shen, whats the point of saying all this now? weve already made a decision.

i love you, xiao wan.

An Xiaowan was halfway through her sentence, but because of his interruption, she was completely silent.

in the next second, she had completely forgotten what she had wanted to say.

Her heart was beating rapidly, as if her blood was surging wildly, burning her limbs and bones.

Her mind was blank, and she had lost all ability to think.

he said yueyue loved her.

Such an affirmative and certain tone.