Translator: Norva
Being just in time.
There was an enormous volcano located right next to the Hot Spring City. It doesn’t seem eruptive for a dormant volcano, but in compensation for that, there’s a labyrinth inside the volcano.
The Labyrinth of Purgatory.
It is being protected by the Flame Demon Lord (Honoo Mashou) one of The Five Labyrinth Commanders. Inside of the labyrinth is extremely hot and its being inhabited by demons related with the fire attribute.
Like the Labyrinth of Hades, this labyrinth also has some troublesome characteristic, too
It was the heat from magma that flows inside the labyrinth, it can reduce one’s physical strength just by entering inside. Moreover, by advancing with caution it can exhaust one’s stamina along the way too. Therefore, while one can move, its best to advance as far as possible.
On that day, there’s a lot of adventurers gathered in front of the Labyrinth of Purgatory entrance. There’s a high-ranking adventurer who plays an active role in the Federations, the mercenaries which came from another country to gain fame for themselves and finally Elfi and myself.
I’ve performed my final check up on equipment in our designated ranks in front of the labyrinth. Weapon, robe with high flame resistance, health potions and re-hydration drinks that were distributed is stored inside my magic item storage. The country itself also seems to put some effort by providing support supplies that are of considerably good quality. With this, the effect given by the robe then adding the effect of the『Magic Bracelet of Defense 』and Long Sword is perfectly matched, it will be able to nullify most of the low-cla.s.s flame magic and it should be considerably effective against the intermediate and upper grade, too.
Compared to the original amount of Magic stones possessed by me back then, currently, the amount has decreased considerably. At this pace, it’s a matter of time before it runs out. Therefore, I must regain my magical power by then.
「Oi, do you have the proper equipment? Because this is entirely different from goblin hunting-ze」
「If you’re going to chicken out, you better draw out from the subjugation corps-ze. Because it better than becoming a drag for others, ya’hear」
During the time I count the remaining magic stone, there’re some adventurers trying to pick a fight with me. The people of this world have quite the confidence in their own strength. Because of that, it was something hard for them to tolerate it if there’s someone younger standing above them.
Because it’ll just become more troublesome if I’m going to attract more attention, I’ve just ignored it. It’ll just pleasing them if I took the bait.
When I thought so.
「I won’t allow any disrespecting acts toward these two, ya’hear」(Misha)
Misha came in between us.
Her party members come over to this place from behind, too.
「Whats up with you, Misha? Aren’t you surprisingly enthusiastic regarding that guy since yesterday? Could it be that brat, is your man?」
「……Don’t spew such stupid things. With no doubt, these two are really powerful. Way more powerful than myself」(Misha)
「More than you? Well…I’ve heard that the result of their examination was excellent――――」
Then, Elfi who attentively glanced around our surroundings till now sighed.
「You’ll get your answers whether we are worthless or not after the labyrinth subjugation is over. However, if you are still alive by then」(Elfi)
The adventures felt damped by Elfi’s words which are mixed with sarcasm. It’s because Elfi is already known as a someone that possesses demon eyes. After that, the groups that acted like big shots went away.
「I’m sorry. There’s a lot of adventurers with a violent temper and they probably got worked up with the incoming labyrinth subjugation. Please don’t be offended by that」(Misha)
「Nay, we’re really thankful for what you did just now」(Iori)
「If there is something you need, then just call me out. If it is something regarding those bunch its possible for me to do something about it」(Misha)
And after that, without a reason, Misha’s suddenly blushed.
「A-and to say something such as I’m an Iori-san woman, t-that……Ahh! Anyway please forget about what I’ve said……!」(Misha)
She left the place hastily after she said that with a low voice.
With that Misha’s comrades *GERAGERA* laugh at her as they look at her state, then they chase her after they bow their head to us.
What is it?
「……then, Iori」(Elfi)
「Ah! Right. How was it?」(Iori)
I hear the investigation report from Elfi who seems to be slightly displeased for some reason. Since a little while ago I had Elfi investigate using her “Demon Eyes of Observation”. Whether is there any strange person mixed up with us. If there’s someone from the Maou forces coming to this town, there’s a possibility they might get mixed in the subjugation corps .
「I’ve checked it briefly, but I wasn’t able to detect any Mazoku magical power. At least there is some demi-human, but I can’t find anyone from the Onizoku」(Elfi)
In the first place, it’s easy to identify a Onizoku just by their appearance.
Also, there’s a method to distinction them, it was by their large build and different skin colours. Although there are some men with a large build, however, their build was different from human standards. It’s because Beltoga is nearly three meters tall.
「However, there’re some people wearing magical items. Because of that, there’s a possibility that they might be hiding their race like I did. But either way, we need to keep our guard up just in case」(Elfi)
Certainly, there’re some people wearing an armor that can be considered magic items.
There were many people with their faces hidden in it. Among them, there’re people that wore full-faced helmets, too.
「Especially, that man who’s using full body armour. Moreover, all his armours are magical power bestowal items」(Iori)
「……That fellow, huh」(Elfi)
It’s the guy who I fought at the guild before. I was able to defeat him without any difficulty, but it showed his behaviour quite suspiciously. I’ll need to be especially cautious of him.
「……It’s about time」(Iori)
In the meantime, the inspection time has already ended. A representative of A ranks adventures has taken the lead and inspired us. It seems the morale isn’t that bad.
「With this the subjugation of the demons inside the labyrinth has begun!」(Representative)
「「Oooouu!!」」TN literally 「Yeah!!」
After the adventures are done with their cheering, everyone starts advancing towards the labyrinth entrance. The entrance of the Labyrinth Purgatory is a big hole in the rock cliff.
Thus, we set our foot in the Labyrinth of Purgatory entrance.
The hot wind is drifting out from the inside.
In the blazing hot heat, we ascend through the bad rugged hilly road.
Unlike the Labyrinth of Hades, for this labyrinth, we need to ascend it from bottom to the top. A little away from the pathway that we use, there’s hot boiling magma flowing in a stream.
Both I and Elfi are on the rear of the ranks.
It seems that we have been given a duty to protect the mages who became defenseless during performing their aria.
「It’s hot……」(Iori)
「I agree……My alter ego body is about to melt」(Elfi)
「You need to stop that by all means」(Iori)
Different from the heat of the summer, it was way hotter because we were constantly exposed to the blazing heat.
「Though I have partic.i.p.ated in the last subjugation corps, everyone has become completely exhausted by the time we approached about the middle of the labyrinth. Although you have arranged your equipment from earlier, Amatsu-san please try to preserve your strength, too」(Misha)
Misha’s party also carries a similar role to us which is to protect the mages. But it’s different from us because their placement was decided by antic.i.p.ating their abilities. The reason why Misha’s approaching us is because she seems to be worried about us.
「What I mean is, when it became where we couldn’t advance any further, at least you need have strength to withdraw when time comes because for the ones that are left behind ……」(Misha)
Misha said that with a bitter expression on her face. As for her friends, they also rub their forehead as if recalling something unpleasant.
「So far the labyrinth subjugation is being forced to withdraw before even arriving at Flame Demon Lord place, ya’see」
「Yeah. The temperature will rise higher when we move further into the middle part of the volcano. In addition, the number of demons will increase, too. As we exhaust our strength, the peoples who collapse will start to appear]
Probably it can’t be helped if there’re some people that will be abandoned during the withdraw. Even if both Elfi and I don’t have any problem with that, this subjugation corps will probably withdraw in the midway, too. If that situation ever comes, we will just need to keep advancing by ourselves.
「Ahead! There’re three flame lizards!」
A cry rises from the adventurer who walked at the front.
It’s a big demon lizard which vomits flames from its mouth.
「HAh, it’s an easy win」
The flame lizard is being killed and it seems that the vanguard’s adventures don’t need any help from the mages, too. With such excellent coordination, the flame lizard has been defeated in the blink of an eye.
After that, as we keep proceeding, the number of the demon attacking us keeps increasing. The ones that keep attacking us for some time are mainly the flame lizards, the fire loper with high-temperature feeler and the flame rock tiger which had its body covered by magma armor. As expected, the vanguard keeps dealing with it, they will buy time for the mages to complete their aria to kill it.
The demons also came to attack us from our rear, too.
In order to protect the mages, we need to fight it.
「You lot, step back!」
The other adventures shouted at both me and Elfi as they obstruct us and step forward without taking a lot of time the fight has ended. Because it’s said that the reward will change depending on one’s achievement, that’s why they’re trying to monopolise it. Misha was complaining about it. But to be frank I was grateful for what they did because it’ll easier for me to reserve my strength.
「……It’s about time for me to stop my unwillingness from using it, huh」(Misha)
It’s been a while since the number of demons began to increase. Misha removes the eyepatch that she wore on her left eye. Under the eyepatch was an eye with a crimson pupil that’s different from her right one.
It isn’t an odd eye.
「Demon eyes are it?」(Iori)
「It’s called the “Demon Eyes of Observation” it’s a demon eye that can detect the magical power, it considerably lower ranked if being compared with Elfi-san explosion demon eyes, ya’see」(Misha)
It is one of the demon eyes possessed by Elfi. Misha doesn’t seem to be able to switch on/off her demon eyes and because of it she just covers it with an eyepatch. Just by using it, it put a burden on Misha’s head and eye.
「Are you the one that keeps observing us when we came to the adventurer guild?」(Elfi)
Misha had a surprised expression on her face at Elfi’s question.
「Y-yeah. I’m observing you guys using my demon eyes because I was a bit curious. So I’ve been noticed……」(Misha)
The gaze that I felt at the adventure guild seems to have been Misha’s. As she seems to understand what I’ve asked, 「No」she shake her head denying. But the second one that I’ve felt is clearly harbouring hostility in it.
It was clearly different from the first gaze.
「There’s two fire lopers!」
Misha suddenly looked away as if she had detected something with her “Demon Eyes of Observation”. There’s a red feeler creeping out from the inside of the wall. Misha parties quickly to kill it before it able to make any move to attack. It looks like Misha’s party members have good coordination.
……The comradery between their party members seems good, too.
In addition to the sensing ability of demi-humans and the demon eyes, her detection ability is considerably high because of it.
「That quite a good movement. She’s able to use her demon eyes skillfully」(Iori)
「But I can use it way better than that」(Elfi)
Are you a child?
「Say Elfi. That reminds me, what kind of demon eyes do you possess?」(Iori)
Suddenly I asked Elfi because I felt curious about it.
Generally, a person is able to retain one type of demon eyes with one ability.
However despite that, Elfi is able to operate both of her demon eyes equally, Moreover, her demon eyes have three abilities.
「You should be surprised when you hear it. The name of the demon eyes which I have is known as “Demon King Eyes”」(Elfi)
「It’s a demon eye that I never heard of, huh」(Iori)
「Of course you don’t. In this world, only me myself can use this “demon king eyes”. Even for the generations of Maou before me,none of them possessed those demon eyes」(Elfi)
It seems to be『The demon eyes which dwell in both eyes』, she can properly use several demon eyes abilities with it. Even though the ordinary demon eyes are considerably useful, but with this, her power is on the foul cla.s.s level*. TN it can be considered as cheats too
Right now it’s only up to the third stage. When I fought with her back then, she’s able to use more demon eyes ability.
Since then, after taking breaks for several times and nearly than two hours, we finally reached halfway up of the labyrinth.
There’s an open s.p.a.ce at halfway up of the labyrinth. It’s a large open s.p.a.ce where all the adventure can take their break. Because there’s magma flow nearby, it felt really hot,even more than before.
「Right from this point, it is going to be a “Torrid Region” where the temperature becomes hotter. Take your rest properly till then」
After the halfway up the mountain, it seems the temperature was raised by magic.
From here on it was a crucial moment.
The adventurers are alternately standing as the watch while performing an inspection on their arms. As expected, they were well experienced as they’re able to perform it in the blink of an eye. After I re-hydrated myself, I’m taking a turn with the lookout.
「……Elfi. What do you think regarding the adventurer’s movement till now?」(Iori)
「It isn’t bad. However, it’s still insufficient to defeat the Flame Demon Lord」(Elfi)
They did well to reach here, however in this labyrinth the higher we go the more powerful demons are we going to run into. It’s a monster beyond tsuchigumo. Yet, there’s just several of them that inhabits here. However, there’s the Flame Demon Lord that possess more strength than rest of them. If they intend to defeat the Flame Demon Lord, I think that it’s necessary for them to double their war potential.
Well, the main purpose of this subjugation corpses is to eliminate and prevent the demon from inside the labyrinth from breaking out and because of that it was more than enough if they can barely fight against the Flame Demon Lord itself.
At that moment, Elfi’s suddenly raises her face as if she has noticed something happening.
Next Misha’s shout sounded.
「IT’S AN ENEMY ATTACK! Seven fire loper, five flame lizard and three flame rock tiger!」(Misha)
From the magma, there’s a large quant.i.ty of demons jumping out from it. As the adventurers readied their stance in hurry, they engage with the attackers.
The came along mercenary from the foreign country are a.s.saulting the swarm of fire loper. Each one of them is showing some quick movement and cutting off the feeler. Their proficiency is quite high, too.
The full body armour and the surrounding A ranks adventurer are handling the flame rock tiger. They have defeated it without any problems, too.
The flame lizard is being defeated easily by Misha’s with the cooperation of the mages.
So far there’s no problem occurs.
「……It’s approaching」(Elfi)
Elfi line of sight is point toward the ceiling which starts to shed a red light. Following that, a part of the ceiling melted that creates a hole on it and from there a demon rush out from it.
「Its a Flame dragon!?」
The adventurer’s leaked their voices after looking at the appeared demon.
It’s a huge dragon which had its whole body covered by red scales. It is flying in the sky using its two pairs of wings and tear its prey with sharp talons. In an instant a person turned to ashes and dust after being engulfing by the flame that breath out from its mouth. Those red scales have the ability to repel magical power, too. Among the demons, it’s one of the dragon that it’s being feared in particular.
Except for the Flame Demon Lord, it can be called the most troublesome demon in this labyrinth.
Most of the adventurers are still dealing with the demons which came out and they can’t react to the flame dragon. The mercenary who have killed the fire loper flew off their magic, however, the fire dragon simply evade the magic easily by flying in the sky at high speed. Thus, it threw its breath from above the sky.
The mercenaries were unable to defend themselves in time.
「……Got it」(Iori)
At that instant, the flame dragon breath is being exploded by Elfi’s demon eyes. The blast shock wave rages violently, for that instant the fire dragon movement had been stopped.
【Demon Eyes・Heavy collapse】(Elfi)
Then with the applied weight, the fire dragon is being dragged to the ground.
However, it’s resisting against the weight with that ma.s.sive figure, it was able to maintain its posture while falling. While getting ready the sharp talon on both of its hand, then it opened its mouth as it wanted to throw away its breath.
「Run, run awaaay!」
The fire dragon thrust toward the confused adventurers. As the flame dragon was about to seize its prey it almost descended into the ground, then.
I’ve thrust myself right beside it.
I invoke a magic to raise my speed. In addition to physical reinforcement from the 『Magic Ring of Strength』and the effect from the 『Jade Longsword』. As long as my foot is on the ground, the current me now I can move at considerable speed.
I’m approaching the flame dragon at the highest speed just like a bullet itself.
Noticing at my existence, the flame dragon turned its neck toward me. Changing its target to me, the flame dragon opens its mouth which has a fang that lines up like a sharp thorn, then as it about to release its breath at me.
That instant as we intersected with each other.
On the flame dragon long neck, there’s a part where it scales were thin. By aiming at it I cut it off right in the middle of it and with that it finally fell into the ground. The breath which was going to spit out is spontaneous discharged causing its head to exploded.
I’ve been hit by those shock waves, however, I was able to largely reduce most of the damage thanks to the equipment that I wore. As expected, even if I wore my equipment, I would be charred if I took that breath directly.
「It is a lie……」
「Wh……what just happen, back then?」
「Did he just defeats that……flame dragon?」
The adventures which just killed the other demons had astonished looks when they turned here.
Dumbfounded, surprised and fear―――.
Did I just went a little overboard?……as I frown.
During the time when I was a hero, I was being feared whenever I’ve shown off my power. Is it a bad choice to protect the adventurers preventing the reduction of their numbers In order to preserve my power as much as possible?
Just when I thought so.
「Wow, that awesome!」
The shouts of joy broke out from the adventurers. Some of those adventurers rushed toward me and Elfi.
「Wow!? What are both of you really!」
「You’re incredible! Elfi-san!」
「The user of “Demon eye of explosion”……!」
Elfi is perplexed toward the adventurers that are in a state of excitement
「As expected, Iori-san is really strong!!」(Misha)
「O,Oo?」(Iori) TN or「Ye-Yeah?」
My shoulder is being shaken by the excited Misha. The other adventures are having similar feelings, too. For the adventurers who picked a fight with me some time ago, they are looking at me with faces which seem awkward.
「You’ve saved us-ze! Thanks! 」
「I thought that I was going died」
「……I’m sorry for making fun of you」
Apparently, after all, what had happened it didn’t turn into a fear toward us.
This is troublesome, however……
At that time, there’s a sharp gaze being pointed toward us. Because of the adventurer had gathered around us, I do not know whom it is from.
However, from the gap of the adventurers I’ve seen the man with full armour sent his gaze toward us. Yet, I can’t tell his expression behind that helmet.
With all that, we have arrived halfway up the Labyrinth of Purgatory.