Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Chapter 455 - Episode One Hundred-One - Cheat Sorcerers Slow Life

Chapter 455 - Episode One Hundred-One - Cheat Sorcerers Slow Life

Chapter 455 - Episode One Hundred-One - Cheat Sorcerer's Slow Life

-It had been half a year since I had returned to the Marren tribes village with Mea.

I was sitting in front of the Incense leaf field, controlling fifteen Ortems in parallel to manage the field.

Behind me, there were twenty Marrens lined up.

All of them were members of the Karlco family, the former leaders of the Marrens Incense leaf making, and those related.

They were here to learn how to make Incense leaf from me.

Noswell should particularly watch closely. Im going to let the Karlco family take charge while Im gone. My dads an amateur and the Chief is too busy to be bothered with leaf.

Oh, I dont need to be told by an Ortem fanatic to know that !

The eldest son of the Karlco family, Noswell, was frantically following my manipulation of the Ortem with his eyes.

Its a pity that Noswell has to curry up to me, his former enemy, for the sake of the Karlco family, which has been going downhill lately.

When I first came back and resumed making the incense leaf, I didnt want the Karlco family to get involved in making them because they were ambitious and I didnt want them to get into trouble.

However, since there was no one else available and the Marren village itself was no longer so simple that it could rely on incense leaf to gain authority, I decided to leave it to them.

Until now, the Marren village had been exclusive and refused to have any contact with the outside world.

However, it seems that in addition to Gizel and the others, other adults had moved around the Lomarn area to search for me when I ran away from home, and through these connections, the Marren tribe had gradually begun to have contact with the outside world.

Recently, theyve begun to sell magical item-like Ortems and suspicious food items such as Ortem buns as souvenirs.

Are they supposed to be selling these Ortems so casually?

No, its not something I can get into as Ive been spreading it all over the territory, but I think it should have been treated as something a little more sacred

As a result of contact with the outside world, the magical ores that the chiefs had worked so hard to spread were being displaced by the general money of the outside world.

The chief shows a bit of a complicated face, but modernization always comes at a cost.

Im sure its more convenient than magic ore, so let it go.

Half a year ago, when I came back to the Marren village, I was already beaten up by the whole village.

My father, Zelrut, was very angry with me at home.

It was only natural.

I had kicked out of the wedding with Gizel, run away from home, brought back Mea, and announced publicly that I would marry her.

No matter how you look at it, its not like I was trying to ruin my familys reputation.

It was even more so because I had always been a bad influence on the family.

I was even thinking of leaving the village with Mea, especially since she seemed so unhappy.

However, Gizel shows understanding, and my parents accepted Mea as they had no choice now that I have brought her here.

When Zelrut apologized to me in a despondent tone, saying, Im sorry I didnt consider your feelings and forced you to go through with the marriage ceremony with Gizel, I was just sorry.

After that, with the enthusiastic follow-up and support of the Chief and Firo, I had somehow managed to regain my honor in the Marren village with the help of incense leaf and magic tools.

Now, Ive built a house separate from my parents house, where I live with Mea.

It took about a month for me to be treated properly after returning to the Marren village, so my marriage ceremony with Mea was delayed by that amount.

As a side note, Meas father, Melzef, came to the wedding ceremony to check on me.

I noticed him and called out to him secretly, but Melzefs shoulders slumped and he said sadly, I dont know if I can be a father now.

Then he said, Take care of Mea, and eventually disappeared without even showing his face to Mea, never to be seen again.

I think the fact that he was trying to kill Mea as a chief is bothering him.

When Meas child is born, Im going to check on her and suggest that we go to the Doom village once.

After the instruction to the entire Chalco family was over, I walked lightly back to the house where Mea was waiting.

Yes, in the past six months, Mea had become pregnant.

According to the divination of the Marren tribe, it seems to be male and female twins.

There was still a long way to go before they were born, but I couldnt help but look forward to their birth.

I have to raise them to be great sorcerers.

The other day, I was talking to Meas belly in spirit language as part of her education, but she got angry and said, Please teach them normal language first!.

In addition to the other big change in the past six months has been Olvigas arrival at the Marren village.

I thought that he had finally been kicked out of the territory, but it seems that he came to ask me to repair the Moon Din.

I heard that Olviga had been studying the Moon Din in detail since he came down to earth, and it seems that the entire High Elves are in danger if the situation continues.

Without the magic of the Moon Din, the High Elves ability to reproduce will greatly decline.

In 5,000 years, the population of High Elves could be less than a tenth of what it is today.

I was astonished that Olviga was also concerned about the future of the High Elves, but it seems that he believes that if he can create an opportunity to save the High Elves from crisis, he can overthrow the current High Elf king, Goguru, and become the king again.

His subtlety and cunningness p.i.s.s me off.

So this is the man who survived the Mythic Wars, became the ancestor of all the current High Elves, and clung to the throne for 10,000 years.

In fact, if I look at it, theres a good chance that he can repair it or come up with another alternative, and if he does, it wont be impossible for him to return as the king.

Since the Moon Din in this world is not as large as the Earths Moon, and since it is still approaching due to the influence of the Moon Festival Dinmei, it is not impossible that I could head out to investigate it in detail, and I might even be able to repair it and restore its magical glow.

However, although I feel pity for the High Elves, not to mention Olviga, Im a busy man and dont have time to head to Moon Din to investigate.

Olvigas persistent bowing broke my heart and I promised to go to Moon Din within ten years.

Olviga said happily Ten years is only a moment!.

An old man who lived over 10,000 years is really different.

Another thing that has changed is the death of Peter.

The current king of Dinrat had fallen ill and they had to decide on the next king as soon as possible, and the leading candidates, Prince Alphonse, the firstborn, and Princess Charlotte, the youngest, were fighting for the succession.

At that time, the remnants of the warring factions of the Galshard Kingdom have disbanded thanks to the efforts of Gaston, the only knight who served Princess Charlotte, giving Princess Charlotte a large lead as a candidate for king.

Furthermore, Princess Charlotte publicly revealed that the royal family had been puppets of the ageless monster Peter for many years, and that Peter had dibs on Prince Alphonse and planning to pressure other n.o.bles to make him king.

The monster Peter attempted to Princess Charlotte, but failed and tried to escape, and died in a battle with the knight Gaston in a hidden pa.s.sage under the castle.

After that, Princess Charlotte officially became the queen.

Gaston is now regarded as the strongest swordsman in the world.

I didnt think it was possible either.

Peter must not have already been interested in controlling the royal family.

There was no reason for him to take forceful steps to make Prince Alphonse king and to confront the other candidates for him to be the king.

What was Peter being killed mean, when did Gaston become so strong, the whole truth is still in the dark.

Maybe Im misremembering and Gaston was strong all along. ?

Oh! Abel-san! There you are!

I looked up to see s.h.i.+bi running towards me.

I wonder if he has brought some trouble with him.

Whats the matter, s.h.i.+bi? m in a hurry

You just want to see Mea-san as soon as possible, dont you? Ive got a guest for Abel-san. Hes waiting for you at the Chiefs mansion. Hes probably a n.o.bleman by the looks of him

What a pain in the a.s.s I dont know what he wants, but just say no.

No! Abel-san, arent you complaining about wanting more money for development.

The aristocracy is on a roll, after all If hes got a lot of money, thats fine, but if hes the kind of guy wholl tell you to come to his territory and apply pressure on you

My shoulders slumped as I made my way to the chiefs mansion.

Ill say no quickly and go home.

If its going to take too long, Ill have it moved to a later date.

The village now has a lot of accommodation facilities for tourists.

With that in mind, I headed to the chiefs mansion and found a tall woman, a queer wearing clean clothes in the guest room.

It was Peter, though he was not wearing a mask, which made him have a very uncomfortable feeling.

He is not wearing a mask, but Myunhi is standing next to him.

Pe, Peter-san!? Youre alive!?

Please dont kill me, Ive just decided to disappear from the political scene. The best way to do that was to die on a prominent stage. I colluded with Queen Charlotte to kill me in a deliberate screw-up in exchange for helping to pad her list of accomplishments.

Oh, I see

If you say its Knight Gaston, people will believe it. His power of attraction is amazing. If you hear the name Gaston, people will immediately recognize Charlotte. Its I was really in favor of Prince Alphonse until Count Julem disappeared, but Gaston turned me upside down. Shes got a good knight, that girl.

G-Gastons mysterious success is due to Peters padding

With the way hes talking, Peter probably did that without knowing that Gaston is only a mid-level adventurer.

Whats wrong, Abel-chan? You look so tense.

N, no, its nothing.

The Earnest Peter is what were talking about.

If he had known that the knight Gaston was just a normal Gaston, he would not have made Charlotte his queen.

But thats not important to know right now.

Its not my problem that Gaston has become the strongest swordsman in the world.

Ive been alive for too long and was actually going to disappear, but that might be a problem, so I decided to stay where I am for a while and see what happens. Its not necessarily that the remnants of the organization that I had will not go out of control. And I also wanted to see what Abel-chan would do in the future.

Peter-san !

And Im worried to leave you out there.

Ha-ha-ha no

I smiled bitterly and covered it up.

This is not good I should hide the chimera and artificial spirit that Ive been secretly creating with all my research materials.

Ive gonna make sure that the ones involved dont say anything.

By the way, Abel-chan, didnt you leave an artifact containing the soul of the founder of the Doom tribe, Moebius, in the territory? Please dont leave that dangerous thing in the warehouse. Do you want to turn the territory into a magic land?

I-Im sorry, Im tired too And I dont think Itll be able to do much more, so I thought it was okay

Ive thrown Zolomonia-chan into the tower where shes sealed up for now, so check it next time youre back in territory.

Thank you.

I bowed my head to Peter.

Isnt Peter-sama numbed by Abel-samas influence? It seems to me that hes being cruel enough

Myunhi said to Peter with some reluctance.

Actually, there is someone I want you to meet, Abel-chan. Come on in, please.

Peter called out to the door behind him.

Did you ask him to hide?

What are you trying to be important for?

Its not like I will be pleased with whoever you bring in

A-, Abel-sama !

A small old man with a monkey face stood in front of the door.

I looked him in the eye.

There was no way I could mistake him for someone else.

It was Penrath, one of the four great former priests of the Water G.o.d.

Pe, Penrath!


Penrath came rus.h.i.+ng towards me.

I opened my arms and embraced Penrath.

Peter had kept his promise to me.

He had gotten Penrath out of jail.

To be honest, when I heard that Peter had died, I had been angry, You stepped over the line and ran off to h.e.l.l, you f.u.c.king f.a.ggot! but it looks like that was not the case.

Im sorry to interrupt this freaky farce, but that guy is really dangerous, so Abel-chan should take responsibility for keeping a close eye on him, okay?

Peter-sama, if anything, Abel-sama is the more dangerous one, so theres not much point in warning him, is there?

Myunhi says severely.

D-Dont worry, Myunhi, Im sure Abel-chan knows what hes doing. Penrath may be out of control, but Abel-chan is the kind of person who can learn and try to hide his abnormalities. At least he doesnt like to make a scene.

What does Peter think I am ?

Its good that you came, Penrath! In fact, Im secretly building a reproductive type of chimera or artificial spirit here in the village. Ill show you later.

Really, as expected of Abel-sama! This fool is overflowed with tears!

Wait a minute, Abel-chan! Show it to me, too!

Peter looked like a demon.

O-Oh no, my mouth slipped.

And so, somehow, I managed to get through and persevere, and ended up meeting Peter again.

He seemed to be planning to live in the territory again.

Penrath was going to stay at an inn in the Marren village, and I was going home for the day.

I was later than I had planned.

Ah! Welcome home, Abel!

Meas voice echoed from the back of the house, and I could hear her getting up.

Mea-sama, please take your time. I cant have anything happen to brothers child.

I heard Gizels voice and she appeared in the doorway.

Gizel was wearing an ap.r.o.n and a smile on her face.

Welcome back, brother! Ill have your meal ready in no time!

Sorry, Gizel.

Gizel is taking care of the house for Mea, who is very sick.

I have a lot of work to do, so I cant be home as often as Id like.

Mea came out from the back of the house with a big belly and an anxious look on her face.

You cant, Mea-sama. You shouldnt move around so carelessly. Dont worry, you can leave all the personal care of brother to me. Ill take care of your food and laundry, too. Now, Mea-sama, please take your time to recover.

Gizel spoke with a smile.

A-Abel, um is Gizel-chan alright?

Im fine, Mea-sama. I am sorry for making you feel uneasy Im just trying to a.s.sist my brother and his wife as a family.

Mea looked at me and Gizel alternately.

Dont worry, Mea. I know youre anxious because you and Gizel have been through a lot but we talked it out and Gizel says weve come to an agreement.

Gizel has a guilty conscience, so she cant be blamed if she comes on too strong.

In addition to that, Im worried about Meas health, but Im also a busy man, so Im sure shes a big help.

Yes, Mea-sama. Please dont worry, and leave everything about brother to me.

You said you were a.s.sisting the couple, but arent you only talking about Abel?

Gizel cleared her throat to cover up her mistake.

As I thought, this wont do, Abel! Mea alone is just fine! As I thought, Gizel-chan, the distance between you is really weird! Siblings dont usually put their faces that close together!

Is that so? Its always been like this in my family, thought?

Gizel-chan is not normal!

Mea clung to my arm and looked at Gizel.

Gizel smiled back at Mea, who smiled back at her.

Thank you for reading!

Its been three and a half years since the start of the series, and Ive finally completed the Noroizoku Tensei!

4,550 words and 1.4 million characters.

This is the first time Ive been able to complete such a long novel.

This is all thanks to you, the readers who have supported me since the beginning of the series!

Thank you once again!

The second volume of the comicalization will be released in mid-September, so please look forward to that as well!

Ive also started posting my new work, The Immortals Apprentice, today.

Im also planning to write a romantic comedy with the strongest protagonist, so please look forward to it! (07/19/2019)