Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Chapter 437 - Episode Eighty-Three - Red Dream (1)

Chapter 437 - Episode Eighty-Three - Red Dream (1)

Chapter 437 - Episode Eighty-Three - Red Dream (1)

Anyway, it was an ugly, creepy dragon.

Or, more accurately, a high-ranking spirit in the form of a dragon.

It slipped out of the narrow s.p.a.ce of the Moon Din and took full form.

It had huge wings and six human-like arms.

Its face was crumpled like an abstract painting, and its three eyeb.a.l.l.s of different sizes were arranged in a messy fas.h.i.+on.

Its mouth was slit wide open.

The blue-green and dull body surface was covered with reddish-black fibers like blood vessels.

And above all on the chest, there was what looked like a huge human face with its eyelids closed.

The human face is red in color. There seemed to be some kind of mysterious fibers extending from here to the entire body.

Three huge tails crawled across the sky.

The moment I saw them, alarm bells went off inside me.

No way, you are

I am Silfheim, the sky G.o.d, who rules over all under the sky. Ever since I was defeated by Cudre, I had spent the last 10,000 years gathering spirit bodies under the gravity of the Moon Din and rebuilding my own body Now, I will descend to earth once again and rule over all of this world.

The three eyeb.a.l.l.s of the Silfheim move gleamingly.

The strongest of the four G.o.ds the sky G.o.d Silfheim.

I thought the High Elves was just being played by a fake G.o.d, but it turns out he really is the one.

I should have realized this by working backwards from the law that binds the spirits by name.

There is no other Great Spirit that does not contradict the name a.s.sociation of Count Julem and the others, except for Silfheim.

It was quite different from the sky G.o.d Silfheim I had seen in paintings.

If the lore is correct, Silfheim should simply be a spirit in the form of a giant dragon.

This ugly figure is the result of his defeat by Kudor and his inexhaustible collection of spirit bodies in search of power alone.

No At first glance, he looks like an idiot, but only the human face on his chest is stable.

Even the head of the dragon had a messed up face, but the face on the chest was well organized.

And that face gives off a strange sense of misery.

Is it some kind of magic phenomenon ma.s.s ?

It may be a weakness, but if it were, I dont think they would have exposed it that easily.

It might be better not to attack it.

Ive grown too powerful. This figure can easily break the laws of the world, so I would not have used it if I could, but you made me cut this card. Abel Belek, the abomination of the other world. I will eat your spirit. You will suffer in my body forever.

Silfheim flapped its six wings and came at me from the sky.

The countless fragments of the Moon Din snapped off the branches of the magical tree Alberut.

I wave my wand.

Kah, Sacred Flame!

A barrage of white light, nearly ten in number, shot from the mouth of the wooden dragon.

That again. Ive taken it once as James. It was a great attack. Its not a good idea to take them needlessly. I can make erase it, but I dont have to give up my magic. I dont want the Red Dream to wake up, after all.

Silfheim changed his trajectory significantly and escaped the tracking of the white barrage.

Hes too mobile, so with the tracking ability of the Sacred Flame, it will be shaken off.

Lets run! You have no objection, right!

I-I-I-I have no objection! Of course!

Olviga responds to my words.

I waved my wand and the wooden dragon changed direction and increased its speed.

It snapped off a branch of the magical tree Alberut and went through it.

I didnt think that after defeating Moebius and taking on Count Julem again that such a monster would come out in the end.

If we get into close combat, its over.

He will probably come after me, but anyway, for now, I have to keep attacking while running away.

Maximum speed ooohhhhhhhh!

I increased the speed of the wooden dragon Quetzalcoatl.

The scenery changes rapidly.

In a flash, we escaped from the magical tree Alverut, crossed the sky country Alfheim, and went out to sea.

I look behind me.

Although Im flying the wooden dragon Quetzalcoatl as fast as I can the distance between me and the Silfheim who are chasing after me is shrinking.

You monster !

I glared behind me and clicked my tongue.

I didnt want to rely on that thing, but now that its here, theres no turning back.

If he has Count Julem in front of him, he wont have time to antagonize me.

I put my hand over my clothes to the summoning crest on my chest.

You can see the summoning crest s.h.i.+ning.


A huge magic circle unfolded on top of the wooden dragon.

A woman appears in front of me.

She has a terrifyingly well-rounded appearance and is dressed in a majestic robe.

Her pale, beautiful hair is long enough to touch the floor.

It is, of course, Kudors human form.

Kudor opened her eyes and gave a small shake of her head.

I thought you had disregarded my words and done your own thing, but I didnt expect you to go this far.

Call me selfish, but isnt it convenient? I sealed up Moebius, cleaned them up, and dragged out Silfheim.

I took the initiative and looked at Kudors reaction.

Its not so small as to be offended by a single word, but I dont want to cause any unnecessary offense.

Im sure he doesnt think well of me because I ignored her orders and moved around on my own and its like I threw sand in her face.

Kudor didnt seem to have any intention of doing anything to me at this point, and she immediately turned to the flying Silfheim.

However I didnt think he let his spirit bodies grow that large. Its much larger than it was 10,000 years ago.

A-As I thought, its a lot more advanced than when in the mythical era.

Um what are the chances of winning?

Its a shame, but the odds arent very high Especially the face of that chest in particular is the worst. Youve created something ridiculous, Silfheim. If Im right, you cant force your way out of that one.

Kudor said simply.

I gulped.

Oh no I thought I could get by with Count Julem by crying out to Kudor, but I didnt expect him to be any worse than Kudor.

As I held my head in my hands, Kudor stepped forward toward Silfheim.

However now would be a good opportunity. Ill take care of it. So you should keep your distance and try to find a way out of it. If it helps, Ill let all your foolishness slide.

Y, yes Ill do it

As expected of Kudor, how manly.

If I cant contribute, Kudor will be killed anyway because she cant break through the Silfheim.

Its practically an acquittal.

From Kudors point of view, she doesnt want me to cut corners in any way, or distrust her like I have in the past, so she has no choice but to do what she has to do.