Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Chapter 414 - Episode Sixty - A Visitor from the Fire Country (10)(Side: Collector)

Chapter 414 - Episode Sixty - A Visitor from the Fire Country (10)(Side: Collector)

Chapter 414 - Episode Sixty - A Visitor from the Fire Country (10)(Side: Collector)

The collector readied his sword and observed the oncoming Jeem.

His movements were more linear than ever before.

With this, the current sword should have been able to easily slash at Jeems arm, evade him, and safely chip away at his spirit body.

That was why it was eerie that Jeem was now attacking in a straight line.

The collector hesitantly waited for the moment when Jeem was about to attack, and then waited for him to come at him.

When Jeem was right in front of the collector, he unleashed a two-armed thrust at him.

The collector ducks and swings his sword in response.

But in the midst of the high-speed battle, Jeems figure blurred from side to side and turned into three.

Nn !

Let me show you my special technique, Enhanced Suigetsu!

Jeem approached the collector from three different directions and unleashed a total of eighteen arms to pierce him.

The collector wobbled backwards, swinging his sword haphazardly to keep Jeem from getting any closer.

In front of the collectors eyes, the three of Jeems figures overlapped and became one.

Now that hes back in one piece, Jeem dodges the sword in a wide circle and closes in on the collector.

The collector was. .h.i.t by a barrage of Jeems hand swords and guards with his sword.

Hihohohoho! Youre finally slowing down, collector! I can see that with each strike, your magic power is rapidly draining away!

I-Impossible It was only for a moment, but it was clearly an ent.i.ty, not an illusion!

Well, shall I give you another shot ?

Jeem laughs.

Altamir flies after him.

D-Did Jeem increase just now? I couldnt follow it with my eyes, but then its probably just an instant Bunrei!

Jeems smile twisted at Altamirs words.

It cant be anything else! A demon can split its spirit body and create a new demon! Once a Bunrei is established as a new individual, it cannot return to its original form so easily. But if you can pull it back to the moment when the spirit takes hold as an individual, it should not be impossible to create a pseudo-Bunrei!

A part of Jeems bodys eyes glared at Altamir.

A Bunrei should not be a phenomenon that can be casually triggered! Its would put a lot of strain on the spirit body. In addition to that, if you make a mistake, it can be an action that will greatly reduce your power. But if hes still using it, then hes under a lot of pressure

Babbling and babbling, what a noisy girl

Jeem held the collectors sword in place with his hand sword while he picked up a stone on the ground with his spare arm and threw it at Altamir.


Altamir tried to escape into the air, but the stone went through the elbow of her arm.

She retreated, holding her elbow.

As Altamir is an artificial spirit, some injury is not a problem.

However, it was obvious that the current blow had been fired by daring to avoid her body.

If he could strike with such speed, it should not be difficult to kill Altamir at this distance with just a stone throw.

I wont kill you because you have the task of a.n.a.lyzing the tower. But I will not let you talk about me the pinnacle of the spirits, as if you understand me, which is unpleasant.

The collector took advantage of Jeems distraction to swing his sword through his arms and into Jeems face.

But the two arms immediately return to catch the blade from both sides.

I guess Im being underestimated. When an attack like that hits

The collector kicks Jeem in the abdomen and jumps backwards.

As he landed, he quickly bounced off the ground with his foot and retreated further.

Ha~! Your const.i.tution comes in handy once you get used to it! It helps me keep my distance!

The collector raised his sword as the distance opened up, and quickly unleashed Dragon Kings Roar, Bahamut Roar.

Jeem stopped and focused on evading.

Theres no way a straight forward attack will hit me! I know youre using up a lot of magic with that attack! I just have to make sure I avoid it!

But the collector continued to unleash the Dragon Kings Roar, Bahamut Roar.

The slash that was shot with great speed again aimed at Jeems landing spot.

He twisted his body in the air and jumped to the side, stretched out his arms, grabbed the ground with his fingertips, and threw himself forward to avoid it.

I told you it was useless! Im telling you that technique will destroy the tower if you fire it carelessly!

Jeem opened his mouth wide and shouted.

The collector was covered in blood, but still smiled fearlessly.

Ha! It is an ironclad rule of warfare to do what the enemy does not want you to do!

The collector said, jumping further back to open the distance.

He then held his sword wide.

Its obvious that he is going to shoot the Dragon Kings Roar, Bahamut Riar three times.

Do you plan to shoot the Dragon Kingss Roar, Bahamut Roar while running around ! Looks like youve gotten desperate!

For Jeem, hes not afraid of the one-shot Dragon Kings Roar, Bahamut Roar.

Its very powerful, but its not unavoidable.

If you want to shoot while running away, just concentrate on evading and wait for it to wear off.

But I didnt want to be shot at unintentionally and have Abels tower damaged, if at all.

Jeem also understood that the tower was something that could blow up the entire territory.

Not only would he lose the weapons he had available, but at worst, his own life would be in danger.

Then Ill close the distance and finish us off!

In order to prevent his movements from being read, Jeem ran across the ground in a zigzag path like a lightning bolt towards the collector.

Nn !

The collector kicks the ground with his legs, keeping the purple glow of Dragon Kings Roar, Bahamut Roar in his sword.

Im sure hes going to jump backwards to get some distance and then unleash the Dragon Kings Roar, Bahamut Roar, from a safe distance,

Jeem lowered his head and walked straight ahead.

Its easy to read the movements of an enemy who is bent on escape.

If he could read their attempts to escape, he could easily corner them.

The collector was jumping forward, not backward.

He swung his sword down at Jeem, who had stepped forward unprotected.

Wha- !

Being deceived by a simple trap!!

Jeem was afraid of the destruction of the round tower, and he didnt want to fire Dragon Kings Roar Bahamut Roar repeatedly.

The collectors took advantage of this and made him think that he was desperate by firing unnecessary Dragon Kings Roar Bahamut Roar, and induced him to think by making him impatient for a quick resolution.

Now I can rip your body apart at close range!

Ill return it back to you!

In front of the collector, Jeems figure split into three.

From each direction, he unleashes a handful of punches at the collector.

Its not easy to deal with Jeems immense technique, Kyouka Suigetsu.

I knew youd come!

The collector raises his sword quickly to the side, flas.h.i.+ng it like a wave, and avoided Jeems piercing hand with his dancing footwork.

The collector avoided the eighteen arms and slashed the chest and abdomen of the three Jeems with a clean trajectory of the blade.

Their bodies were gouged out, creating a large gash.

You saw through me!? How, how can you completely avoid it !?

That wasnt a move Ive seen many times! I was uncomfortable with the movement, but after listening to the witch, I understood!

Jeems exquisite technique, Kyouka Suigetsu, requires the spirits to reunite before they can settle.

This is why the three of them cannot be separated from each other and must be in close contact by the end of the technique.

If you know where you stand at the beginning, you can figure out all the rest of the moves. And of course, the end of the move! No technique is as easy to read as this one!

The collector swung his sword in a sideways motion.

The magic power that was put into the sword for Dragon Kings Roar, Bahamut Roar, was unleashed at once.

The slash took on substance and flew to a position where the three Jeems overlapped.

The Dragon Kings Roar, Bahamut Roar was released from close range and pa.s.sed through Jeems abdomen.

A slice ran through his body, and Jeems body was flung away with ease.

His body slammed into the ground unprotected, and his six arms and waist twisted in random directions.

The eyeb.a.l.l.s showing all over his body were bloodshot red, and his black eyes rolled.