Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Chapter 401 - Episode Forty-Seven - The Count (5)

Chapter 401 - Episode Forty-Seven - The Count (5)

Chapter 401 - Episode Forty-Seven - The Count (5)

James-san so you were on that side.

James turned his head to me.

There was no expression on his face. It seems that he does not have any special feelings towards me.

In the first place, that side is probably his true face.

If youre going to be in this much trouble, I should have taken action sooner.

James says uninterestedly.

My mind went back to the moment I met James.

After I left the village, my real journey began when James picked me up.

I owe him a debt of grat.i.tude. So Im reluctant.

But thats no reason to step aside now.

Well, lets have round two, Abel! You cant expect to get away with taking on three of us!

Count Julem laughed.

With that voice, the spherical spirit Jem began to move.

He opened his big mouth and jumped into my face.

Count Julem, with flames in his hands, glides toward me on the s.h.i.+p.

Its three against one.

Its a little hard to believe that there are three Count Julem.

No, I dont have to be that careful with Jem.

In order to ensure that the enemys strength is reduced, I should start with the flying spirit gems.

Flame, form, ball

I wrapped the flame in a spherical ward, compressing it and adding an inexhaustible supply of magic power.

At the tip of my wand is Count Julem.

This way, theres no way they can wrap me up in that little breeze and crush me or pa.s.s me off.

As soon as we were outnumbered, there was no reason for me to force Count Julem to be captured alive, nor could I afford to do so.

There is no need to save the power.

Ill also set the tracking ability to high.

It would be troublesome if I get caught at the same time.

I attacked Count Julem and prevented him from covering Jem.

As soon as Count Julem saw Abel ball, he became alert and regained the distance he had closed.

Good luck running around!

The glowing white sphere that was released approached Count Julem.

Count Julem kicked off the ground and leaped through the air, flying around the mast as he ascended.

After that, the Abel ball relentlessly follows him around.

In the meantime, Jem was approaching me.

The Hydeem Magimetal around me lifted up and entwined with Jem, restraining his movements.

Count Julem is fleeing to a higher position.

James, for some reason, hadnt moved from his initial position.


I point the tip of my wand at Jem that Im restraining.

Jems body bursts into flames, flames spewing from his eyes and mouth.

I almost fell onto the s.h.i.+p, so I coated the floor where I landed with Hydeem Magimetal to prevent it from igniting.

Jems body burned and shriveled.

Gi-Gillemeim, do something!

Count Julem, who was still being chased by the tracking Abel ball, approached James, who was floating in midair.

James creates a magic circle in the air.

The magic circle turns into a black circle, into which the Abel ball is swallowed and disappears.

The circle quickly shrank and disappeared as if nothing had happened.

What is that magic.

I had never seen it before.

It seems that he connected with another s.p.a.ce and let Abels ball be received there.

Its a weird kind of magic.

Its likely that theyre using both the spirits in the air and their own spirit bodies to control their magic.

Even if I a.n.a.lyze that magic circle alone, I wont be able to recreate it.

If it gets caught like that, its probably pointless to try and hit them with high-powered magic.

At the very least, the tracking function will not be effective against James.

Youre looking at it with interest, but a human cant reproduce it.

James said blankly.

Gi-Gillemeim, why didnt you help Jem? Its my precious spirit body. If we had been attacked at the same time

James shakes his head at Count Julems words.

I thought you would not be satisfied until that ball was crushed. To be clear, youre slowing me down, so Id like you to leave while I have his attention.

W-What did you say?

If we dont have your spirit body, we may not be able to perform the ritual. That thing is attracted by our spirit body, after all. Its not very realistic to protect you repeatedly while fighting. Dont get your hopes up.

Count Julem fell silent and flew in the opposite direction from us.

It seems that he is wary of the interference of the teleportation magic and is planning to run far away from us.

I immediately pointed my wand at Count Julem, but quickly gave up and focused on James.

Its doubtful that I can hold James while chasing the fleeing Count Julem.

And from the way James was talking, he seemed to be more than a match for Count Julem.

Its not an opponent I can afford to look down.

Why does that man want to make unnecessary enemies when he could have just smoked his way out of it?

James held his forehead and shook his head.

Of course, just because the Count is gone doesnt mean Im going to allow you to follow him.

If you believe me when I say so, we can have an easier way, though.

James puts his hands out in front of him.

A magic circle unfolds at the end of James arms, and a black sphere appears at the end of it.

A thin line of light is moving inside.

Dont tell me, thats

So youve seen something like it, Im impressed.

There is no doubt about it, it is the chaos I saw in Altamirs Tower.

Chaos is the distortion of s.p.a.ce itself, and should be defined as a phenomenon rather than a substance.

Altamir called it a thing that breaks down everything it touches into the smallest of material units and banishes it to another s.p.a.ce in a haphazard manner.

After that, I made some calculations about the chaos, and they seemed to be correct.

I thought it was impossible in modern magic for a human to intentionally create a demon, but its not surprising that a suitable demon could use its own spirit body to make up for the lack and turn it into a method of attack.