Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Chapter 394 - Episode Forty - The King of Destruction (3)

Chapter 394 - Episode Forty - The King of Destruction (3)

Chapter 394 - Episode Forty - The King of Destruction (3)

There was tension in the s.h.i.+p.

While Melzef slowly looked around, the sorcerers and swordsmen who had been called in to guard the s.h.i.+p had their weapons at the ready, but no one was attacking.

It was absolutely impossible for a normal person to have a proper fight with that thing.

It would be like a child challenging a dragon with a stick.

I pulled out my wand and held it up to Melzef.

Melzefs eyes sees Mea.

Fa-, Father

Mea speaks in a trembling voice.

Dafne explained that he didnt bring Meas father with him because he was against her disposal.

But from the looks of it, I dont think thats quite true.

Mea seemed to know this but perhaps Dafne was just saying that to avoid hurting Mea in the least.

Melzef didnt say a word.

With no expression on his face, he once again kicked up from where he was standing, leaped over ten meters lightly, and came towards us.

Mea! Im sorry, but Im going to beat the c.r.a.p out of this guy!

I pointed my wand high into the sky.

Dafne had said that Meas father was the chief.

This man is the representative of the Doom tribes group of pursuers and is probably the most powerful.

If we can crush this guy, it should stop Meas family from chasing us around.

Im sorry to do this in front of Mea, but this is not the time to be talking about that.

Im sorry, but Im gonna make you incapable of recovery!


I smelt three chunks of Hydeem Magimetal around me.

The Hydeem Magimetal stretched out in a straight line, aiming at Melzef in the air.

The fastest Hydeem Magimetal reached right in front of Melzef.


Melzef moved his spear from his back to his hand and positioned it under his body, deflecting and evading.

One spear greatly changed his movement. It seems to have tremendous weight.

Oh, you can avoid it with that kind of movement ?

I couldnt believe the scene in front of me.

I thought I had attacked with all my might.

If he can avoid that, his reaction time alone is on the level of Kudors tentacles.

It was strange that his name was not on the threat level list.

That ranking is so out of control, isnt it, Peter?

Well, that would make Sim #4 and Gaston #33.

Well, it doesnt matter because its has auto-tracking.

A pillar of Hydeem Magimetal, which had been redirected just in front of him, pushed up into Melzefs abdomen.


Melzefs body was pushed up into the air.

The other two metal pillars. .h.i.t Melzefs body, melted for a moment, and then solidified again, taking his thick legs into the metal.

W-What the h.e.l.l!?

Melzef tried to pull his leg out, but the metal didnt budge.

D-d.a.m.n you ! So you are an underling of Count Julem!

No, I have nothing to do with them.

Nonsense, you cant be serious! Otherwise, why would you be defending the red stone?

Melzef was shouting at us from high in the sky.

At this moment, his intimidation has not diminished.

Because Mea is my companion, my lover! What more reason do you need!

Melzef turned his head and closed his mouth as if he was bewildered.

But he immediately put some strength into his face and shouted back.

So youre nothing but a fool! You dont seem to know that the red stone is the tool of the most terrible man in the world! As long as that is in your possession, you will never find rest, no matter where you run to!

How is a b.a.s.t.a.r.d father who is chasing after her daughters life supposed to know that! You stay here and die!

The three pillars flexed individually.

Ill stop at the head and torso!

However, Im going to shatter your limbs, and then put a curse on you so that no bio-magic can get through.

It is said that we, the Doom tribe, were originally created in mythological times by a pillar of the G.o.ds in desperate need of a human vessel that could be used for maximum war potential.

Melzefs body turned red and his muscles expanded further.

His figure is already like a red demon.

I was born with a lot of strength. I didnt know why, but by the time I had deciphered the ancient texts for myself, I realized that it was due to incomplete ancestry, and that I didnt have the ability to fully control it. Hence, I have never given it my all. Thank goodness were in the ocean, the damage will be minimal.

I hammered the bent metal poles together.

But Melzef forcefully twisted his body, it fatigued the piece of metal holding him, and just before the three pillars intersected, he forcefully kicked it away, breaking the restraint, and then jumped on it.

He pointed the sight of the spear in his hand at Mea.

I was so surprised that I couldnt even speak.

I hadnt expected it to go this far at all.

I pointed my wand at Melzef and transformed the pillar of Hydeem Magimetal, creating a thick s.h.i.+eld between me and Melzef.

I dont know how to hold back.

Abel ball and Levis spear would indeed kill him.

But if Im not careful, I or Mea could be killed first.

Melzef pulled the spear he was holding backward again and slammed it vigorously into the Hydeem Magimetal s.h.i.+eld.

The tip of the spear shattered and the handle snapped off.

As I thought, Its hard.

that didnt shatter it, as expected.

No, Im just glad to know that.

If so, I might still be able to neutralize him somehow without killing him.

Melzef struck the Hydeem Magimetal s.h.i.+eld with his bare hand.

A shockwave was generated, and the s.h.i.+p shook violently.

I was knocked off my feet by the shaking and was distracted trying to regain my position.

Ugh !

The s.h.i.+eld cracked and shattered, and from the center of it, Melzef swooped down with his fists at the ready.


Are you saying that your bare knuckles are much harder than that spear?

Its no use, even if I manipulate the Hydeem Magimetal now, it wont be in time and I wont have the time to activate my new magic.

Meas guard Ortem leaped up and collided head-on with Melzef.

Melzefs trajectory deviated and his body fell into the sea.

A huge splash of water came up and poured down on the s.h.i.+p in a torrential downpour.

The waves shook violently.

D-, did you kill it? That monster!

Hey! Nevermind that, theres more water coming in! Somebody! Get someone down here who knows magic! Fix the hole!

The people who had been frozen in fear of Melzef began to move in a panic.

They were in a state of panic because of the huge hole he had made in the s.h.i.+p.

I quickly approached the guard totem that had fallen onto the s.h.i.+p.

The guard Ortem wood body snapped and was deformed.

It was a custom-made Ortem that I had strengthened with my magic, so it should be able to withstand most impacts

I readied my wand and moved to the edge of the s.h.i.+p.

A few feet away, there was a large splash and Melzef appeared from the water, his skin turning red.

It is not my intention to involve innocent people in this either. If you really want to stand in my way, then come down. I will deal with you.