Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Chapter 390 - Episode Thirty-Six - Gizels Attack (7)

Chapter 390 - Episode Thirty-Six - Gizels Attack (7)

Chapter 390 - Episode Thirty-Six - Gizel's Attack (7)

You !

Gizel quickly moves forward and around, and with the opposite hand from the one holding the Ortem, fires a palm strike at Mea.

Meas guard Ortem moves again and is attacked by Gizel.


Mea fell backward whose legs gave in.

H-, hey, stop it, Gizel!

I tried to stop Gizel, but she didnt seem to be listening.

Gizel quickly throws the Ortem behind Meas back.


The Gizels figure again moved instantly into the sky behind Mea, holding the Ortem.

She throws a weighted elbow strike from the sky, but its bounced off the guard Ortem again and flies through the air, spinning around before landing.

Wha-, what are you doing so suddenly!

Youre in the way, so I wanted you to sleep a little, though.

Gizel glares at Mea with cold eyes.

It was an extremely fast series of shots.

She has completely mastered the martial art of using wooden stick.

She often accompanied me in my magic training, and although she never showed it, her magic skills were as good as an adults, but the accuracy and speed her his magic had grown several degrees since I was in the village.

I can only a.s.sume that there was someone who went along with the martial arts and magic training but its not something you can do in a short period of time.

If its not the Chief, then its probably Sim, the demon from the grimoire.

The grimoire is floating in the air, its pages fluttering in the breeze all by itself.

He seems to be standing still, moving behind Gizel, but its eerie.

Im sure hes planning to do something when he sees an opening.

C-Calm down, Gizel! If its a magic match, you know youre no match for me when you fail in your first attack, right? I cant shoot a large attack in the city, but if I want to, I can quickly teleport the ten or more Ortems that I have in storage nearby, you know.

Then why dont you just do it! Now, quickly, point your wand at me and shoot me with magic or whatever! You can take Sim-san away from me and run away with that horn lady!

I, Its no use The blood is completely rus.h.i.+ng to her head.

I pointed my wand at Gizel but she was out of my sight.

Gi-, Gizel.

I dont think there will be a problem but if it goes on too long, Mea may be harmed somehow.

I understand that its not good with the way this is going, but I cant bring myself to attack Gizel.

T-There you are! Abel-chan!

I turned my attention to the voice and saw Shame standing at the entrance of the alleyway.

U-Um W-Why are you holding your wand up, Abel-chan?

Shame became confused when Shame saw the situation.

I-, its kind of like a brother-sister fight

Mea-chan, its dangerous so come over here. If you get caught up in Abel-chans quarrel, there wont be anything of you left! Its like having two Abel-chans!

Shame raises her voices and tells Mea

In the meantime, Gizels mid-air kick to Mea was just blocked by the guard Ortem again.

N-no, I cant move carelessly, so Mea move away from me too because its dangerous! Shame just go away for now! Ill take care of it somehow!

Ehhhh why did it turn out like that

Shames eyebrows raises and said in an annoyed tone.

Ive also learned magic and how to increase my magic power from Sim-san! If brother just takes it like that, even you might get hurt!

Gizel s.h.i.+fted her gaze from Mea to me standing beside her, and threw an Ortem at me.

Sleeping Powder.

With Gizels chanting, a magic circle spread out around the Ortem that was approaching me.

The idea is to completely incapacitate me by putting me to sleep once.

Flame, form, ball

I shoot a ball of flame from the tip of my staff and catch Giselles totem.

The Ortem fell to the ground, bursting into flames, and turned into a black lump of charcoal.

Understand that any more is meaningless. Im sorry I ran off, too but Im going to have to get rid of that demon. Hes really dangerous. Giselle, I dont want to leave a guy like that out there by your side.

People will be gathering soon. So please stop doing this again.

No! I dont care if people gathers!

Gizel collapsed in tears.

Because If I let go of brother here, you will leave the country, wont you? I absolutely do not want that! Please, brother, at least come back to the tribe! If you can talk to me face to face and then say no, then I wont say anything more about the marriage ceremony! I dont want anything more from you if you come back!


It was at that moment that I lowered my wand.

As I thought, Im weak against my sister. It was worth it to make up with her

A horrible thought flowed into my head.

In the moment I was taken aback, black light leaked out of the grimoire and covered Gizels body.


Oops, I advice you to not carelessly touch her. Im sure her body cant take it anymore?

Gizels entire body was enveloped in a black mist.

A pair of unevenly sized eyes opened on the surface of the mist, in the middle of Gizels face and around her abdomen.

I would have preferred to go about things a little more peacefully, but now that the project has progressed this far, theres no need to be any more wary of other demons or Kudors eyes than necessary. In the first place the fact is that Gillemeim has begun researching the creation of a copy of you in the Galshard Kingdom, so you are no longer needed. Its about time I got some results.

Gillemeim is the name of a genius who was more than five hundred years old and was regarded as the most brilliant minded sorcerer of all time.

The magic circles, magic formulas, and array letters that I work with are heavily influenced by Gillemeim.

W-What are you ?

Ive been observing your journey from the time you left the village until now, albeit indirectly.

There was a word that stuck in my head.

Gizel called the grimoire Sim.

I remember hearing that name somewhere else recently.

The Great Spirit Sim was on the list of threats of Rimud of the Five Grand Masters, along with other mythical demons.

He was ranked fourth on the list, and was known as The One Who Slaughters History because he was an evil being who had destroyed several small countries by using the royal family as puppets.

In the fourth place, but the first place is Kudor, the second place is the demon Dioms, who is said to be the boss of the huge organization Balancer of the Scale of Time, which calls itself the mediator of the world, and the third place is the demon King of a hundred karma, which the fire G.o.d Maharbo created as a countermeasure to Kudor at the end of the mythological era.

Sim, too, is arguably the highest-ranking demon remaining in the world.

I know what happened when you left the settlement and visited the Lomarn City. I know about how you destroyed the floating fortress and how you are playing and being wors.h.i.+ped by foolish adventurers. I didnt expect you to defeat Meds, but it was a plus because I was able to gauge your danger level in exchange for his incompetence. It seemed like he was planning to challenge us soon anyway

A chill went down my spine.

There is only one person I can think of who is the master of the fake Levi and who has been watching me all this time.

So Youre one of Count Julems men, huh !

I thought that as long as I was in this kingdom, he would come to contact me at some point, but I was very wrong.

Julem had his eye on me long before Kudors resurrection was undone.

How do you feel? How does it feel to resist, to think you have it all figured out, and to be in the top of my hand from start to finish? How pathetic, people who have been used by me always have that look on their face when they find out the truth. Yes, thats the face they make before their final death. Fufu No, I guess I could turn you to stone and make you mourn forever.

Sim transformed into a spherical shape as it wrapped around Gizel.

It was a mixture of black and green, and the pupils branched out and increased in number.

Her eyes branch out and multiply in number, until they take on an eerie appearance, dotted with eyes of varying sizes.

The day after tomorrow, the Moon Festival Dinmei, is already upon us. Your role is already over. So I was going to let you live a little longer and dispose of you in another way, but Im now convinced after seeing that conversation just now. Youre a coward, so you cant attack me with your own sister, right?

A creepy laugh escaped from Sim.

I gritted my teeth and glared at Sim.

Oh, scary, even I might not be safe if I clash with a guy who fought head-to-head with Kudor. I didnt see it coming the first time I saw you. You worked well as a guard for the princess, but who could have predicted that you would be dangerous enough to challenge me and Kudor?

Princess ?

It seems that the purpose of this conversation was to retrieve Mea.

I raise my wand. But if I carelessly release magic now, the aftermath will kill Gizel, who is trapped in it.

Ohhh, Id appreciate it if you dont resist as much as possible. If possible, you know, I dont want Kudor or any other demons to get wind of this. Be careful, because itll determine whether I let go of your sister alive or not after this is all over.


[Activity Report]

Noroizoku Tensei Comicalization will be released on November 12th!

There is also a newly written novel, so please look forward to it!

The details can be found in the authors activity report. (11/9/2018)