Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Chapter 379 - Episode Twenty-Five - Attack of the Doom Tribe (5)

Chapter 379 - Episode Twenty-Five - Attack of the Doom Tribe (5)

Chapter 379 - Episode Twenty-Five - Attack of the Doom Tribe (5)

After that, the Doom tribe that was waiting for him escaped, but he was able to capture Dafne just like that.

Now he was locked up in one of Larks warehouses, his magic and arms sealed with Aggroa Stone handcuffs, and tied to a pillar inside with rope.

However, I had a strong distrust of the Aggroa stone, so I set up a guard Ortem to beat up Dafne if he does something.

I was visiting the warehouse where Dafne was staying in Peters mansion.

Count Julem is not involved ?

Yes, thats right. I can a.s.sure you that I am the one who has access to the royal family and the upper echelons of the Kudor Church. Hes one of the sorcerers Ive taken under my wing for Count Julem, the Marrens.

Peter said with his arms crossed and his mouth twisted into a smile.

So, I was one of Peters subordinates. I had no idea.

Im more surprised that the Doom tribe knew about Count Julem. Im going to make you tell me everything you know. You must refrain from any further activities behind the royal familys back. What do you know about it? Youll have to tell us more about the red stone.

Peter continued to ask.

I bit my bottom lip.

Oh sh*t.

I had decided to keep Peter in the dark about what Kudor had told me about Mea.

Peter is no longer my enemy, but he once tried to kill me in order to take advantage of Kudors power.

Peter is a man of means when he has to be.

If he hears about the Red Stone, hell want to restrict Meas movements and keep her under surveillance, and hell even consider her.

He glanced at me and then looked away from me and Peter.

You can boil me, bake me, or do whatever you want with me. I cannot speak on my own without the decision of the tribe. This is a matter of our survival. You also have no proof that you are related to the royal family.

Well, youve got a point. This is bad, I dont think youll understand what I can show you as evidence, so youre going to have to go through some pain to get it. We dont have much time to spare either. Abel-chan, please leave the room for a moment and call Myunhi instead.

Peter ran his long tongue around his mouth.

Peter-san, can I ask you to leave the room for a moment? I have a few things to say to Meas relatives.

Would it be a problem if I were here? Cant you do that later?

Peter seemed to know what I was thinking, and he seemed to show no sign of backing down.

Peter is now a fixer who has been controlling the royal family for years.

I dont want to fight in psychological warfare or negotiations.

Please go ahead first. It will lead to Meas follow-up

When I said that I was a little irritated, Peter pressed a bent finger to his lips in a quizzical manner.

Fhnnn Well, thats fine. I dont want to offend you too much. But please dont take too much time.

Peter left the warehouse with some implications.

I still think its a little dangerous to trust Peter too much.

After making sure that the warehouse door was closed, I considered how I begin the conversation.

It would be best if I could ask Dafne to keep his mouth shut, but theres no point for him to make a promise to me.

They are disgusting people and I dont want to let them get away with it, but I might be able to get them to tell me information on the condition that I let them go quietly.

No, first of all, there must be something that should be said.

You Doom tribe dont feel any guilt at all when you use your hands on your own people, huh. What are your intentions

I know its unfair, but I have a favor to ask! Please, will you not listen to me? Expecting that you are a friend of Mea-samas!

Dafne interrupted my words and raised his voice, trying to bow down to the utmost in his bound state.

While I was dumbfounded, Dafne continued to speak.

Please take Mea-sama and get out of here without telling anyone! I could not persuade Melzef-sama, the chief of the Doom tribe, Meas father Also, we Doom tribe are not strong enough to protect Mea-sama from Count Julems hands. But you do! You can shake off Count Julem and Melzef-sama! Thats what I think! I am not certain that you are not a p.a.w.n of Count Julem, but I have no choice but to do this in order to avoid sacrificing Mea-sama!

Dafne is desperately trying to appeal to me.

But I have no idea what hes talking about.

W-Wait a minute, what do you mean? Meas father is after her?

This was completely different from what he had said in front of Mea.

I believe the story was that Meas father was against killing Mea in the first place.

On the way here, we intentionally left Meas father, the chief of the Doom tribe, Melzef-sama, in another land. Melzef-sama is a man who values the whole over the individual His will is firm, and he intends to take care of even his own daughter. But I thought that Melzef-sama should never kill Mea, so without him, I thought of killing Mea-sama.

I thought back to the conversation between Mea and Dafne.

Mea seemed almost certain that her fathers intentions were involved.

Where did you get Count Julems name? Did he show up at the Doom tribes village as well?

Yes, thats right. We were too foolish to welcome him with open arms when he arrived, and allowed him to kidnap Mea-sama and kill her mother, Nelea-sama! We realized it after everything was over. We realized that the green-haired man who called himself James, the traveling peddler who happened to visit the Doom tribe at a suspicious time, must be Count Julem!

What ?

James name was said at an unexpected time.

No, I didnt want to doubt it, but that didnt mean I hadnt thought about it.

When Kudor asked me how I had met Mea and if there was anyone else suspicious at that time, James name had flashed through my mind.