Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Chapter 365 - Episode Twelve - Three Great Weapons in Fage Territory (3)

Chapter 365 - Episode Twelve - Three Great Weapons in Fage Territory (3)

Chapter 365 - Episode Twelve - Three Great Weapons in Territory (3)

Hmm, I dont think I can use it in its current state.

I said while looking at the magic wave tower.

As the wooden dragon Quetzalcoatl has been completed and the magic circle a.n.a.lysis of Levis spear has come to an end, I am concentrating on building the magic wave tower using multiple items as before, but this one will not be completed yet.

If we were only in a hurry to complete the magic wave tower, we wouldnt have to go to this much trouble, but we want to complete its function as a weapon first.

At first, I thought the function as a weapon would be a bonus, but circ.u.mstances are circ.u.mstances.

Thats not the case anymore.

However, since we had crammed so much unnecessary theory into it, we honestly had no idea what would happen if we failed to operate it.

This has made it difficult to conduct trial runs, which has been a bottleneck in the development process.

There are many theories that have been hypothesized but have not been proven.

This is also the case with the alchemists division and Altamir, but if a mistake is discovered, it could lead to a major rework.

Dont you think its okay not to build this anymore? Kudor-san said she wasnt going to leave everything to Abel too

Thats what Mea, whos looking at the Ortem beside me, says.

But although Kudor has a theory that it is related to Moebius, the founder of the Doom tribe, she does not know what Count Julem intends to do with Mea.

In the first place, she didnt even seem to know how much of a threat it would be.

Its possible that she knew and didnt tell me.

If the balance between my cooperation and the threat of Mea tipped in Kudors mind, its easy to imagine that she would try to abandon Mea without mercy.

In order to deal with this, I need to keep my value high.

No you think about it the other way around. Thinking about aiming, accuracy, and damage to the surroundings makes it difficult.

Abel ?

If you ignore all that and just make a bomb that will go off and blow up the Dinrat Kingdom when the time comes, it wont be too difficult to complete. ? Im sure that if I just hold the switch, Kudor will have no choice but to watch my every move.

Arent you thinking of something outrageous!?

I stared at Meas face.

Whats the matter, Abel? Did Mea say something strange? Isnt Abel the one whos blurting about erratic things.

I havent told Mea about what Kudor told me yet.

I dont know what to tell her.

In the meantime, Ive told Peter to do some research on the Doom tribe.

Ive done some quick research, but theres not much information about the Doom tribe.

Im sure there were some books written about them in the old books that the chief kept behind wards, but I couldnt find anything of particular interest in the books circulating in the territory or in Larks library.

I dont know if its a secret or if theres nothing to tell, but Peters connections may have something to offer.

No I cant say it well, but I think I need a little insurance. You remember how Kudor was going after Mea from the very beginning?

What? Oh But wasnt that aimed not at Mea, but at Zolomonias staff that I carried?

Indeed, it would have seemed that way for Mea.

Kudor was speaking in an ancient spirit language at the time, so Mea couldnt understand a word he was saying.

Even if thats the case, its conceivable that he could re-target me or Mea for some other reason. Anyway, aside from the self-destruct mechanism, I need this. Its the only way to keep Kudor from cutting me off. Besides, we dont even know what Count Julem has in store for us.

I nodded to myself as I looked at the magic wave tower.

To be honest, at the current rate, I have no idea how long it will take to fully fill in the holes in the theory and give it shape.

At worst, it might take five years.

There are many aspects that I have no idea how to fill out.

But this is absolutely necessary.

Hmmm But, Mea dont thinks that Its necessary to go this far, thought

Mea says so, but in reality, Kudor is dangerous.

When she fought me, she kept her magic down and only used tentacle attacks.

Even so, I couldnt see any way to win.

What kind of weapon is this, by the way?

I jumped up and brought my face closer to Mea.

Thank you for asking. To be honest, its hard to define it in terms of magic formulas and arrays letter, but Ill give you a quick and simple explanation. Its a weapon that creates a pseudo-five-dimensional s.p.a.ce in the form of a beam, which twists the s.p.a.ce within its range and ensures that the target is twisted and crushed.

Eh So-Somehow, it sounds amazing.

By magic formula, seven-tenths of the s.p.a.ce that was in a straight line of pa.s.sage will be transferred to the complex plane, but to be honest, Im not quite sure how to define where its supposed to go. I think its safe to say shell probably disappear.

Whats that, so scary

Its more of a beam of s.p.a.ce than a beam but the deployment speed is in principle only zero seconds, so there should be no way to avoid it.

The speed is perfect.

Its impossible to avoid it after seeing it, unless you turn back time.

However, no matter how hard you try, the range is only about one round larger than the entire Dinrat kingdom, so I cant use it if they escape from the country.

If you try to expand the range any further, you will lose control no matter how you try.

However The only thing is that if something goes wrong, theres a high possibility that the whole planet, not to mention this country, will be wiped out and a huge pit will be born in this universe, so I dont want to use it.

As I thought, isnt it better not to build it!? I dont think its necessary to use it!

Mea grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me.

Wait a minute, theres something I havent explained yet.

In case of emergency, it has the ability to search and target spirits with high magic power from within its range. Ive already implemented this. But the main body is still incomplete, so it cant shoot.

As I thought, Kudor-sans is the only enemy as its target, right!? Isnt it? Something happened, right, Abel!? Is there something youre not telling Mea!?

Mea shook my body.

Wait a minute, Im going to throw up! Ortem! Im in control of an Ortem right now! Its going to stop!


Mea stopped moving her arms and looked up behind me with a tense expression.

I slowly turn around too.

Peter and Myunhi were standing side by side, staring at my back.

Ah Peter-san, what can I do for you?

Peter-sama is here to make sure that Abel is not creating something strange.

Myunhi replied on Peters behalf.

He was calm, but his anger toward me was palpable.

Um This one is necessary, so Um, when did you start listening?

What are you thinking! Peter-sama may have said that he wanted to protect the world from Count Julem, but that doesnt mean that he wants us to destroy the world first so that Count Julem cant do anything about it! Rather, if youre going to shoot something like this, its much better to let that monster do what he wants!

He had heard most of what I had said.

I know that! Thats why Im really concerned about safety! I dont want to accidentally destroy the world either! You should be able to understand it from my magic formula and the array notes!

Do you really think youre the only one who can understand something like that!? Peter-sama, this is no good! Should we destroy everything and put him in a cell Peter-sama

I also thought that Peter was quiet, but it seems that there is something wrong with him.

He was not only completely unresponsive, but he was also motionless.

Myunhi waved his hand in front of Peters mask and muttered with a serious expression.

Hes pa.s.sed out standing up