Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Chapter 354 - Episode One - A Certain Fire Countrys Evil Omen (1)

Chapter 354 - Episode One - A Certain Fire Countrys Evil Omen (1)

Chapter 354 - Episode One - A Certain Fire Country's Evil Omen (1)

At Peters invitation, I was again sitting in the secret meeting room that Larks grandfather had built on the second bas.e.m.e.nt floor of Larks mansion.

Peter was sitting opposite to me, his elbows on the desk. He was shaking his shoulders in a buoyant manner.

Next to Peter was Myunhi sitting.

Peter is supposed to be the forbidden sorcerer who controls the Dinrat Kingdom from the shadows, but we have grown accustomed to seeing each other like this.

Abel-chan, thank you for the help you gave me the other day in the matter of the Levi Church, you did a great job. It seems that the head of the Maharaun Kingdom was annoyed by the outburst of Med who was deceiving Levi. In fact, the other day, I had one of my men in contact with a follower of the other side, and I heard that the other sides master was very surprised.

Ohhhh is that so

Im not really interested in the story, to be honest.

If there is any progress as a result of the meeting, I would for you to talk about it already.

Riveras Church Kingdom? Did its name change? It used to be just Riveras Kingdom.

Mea tilted her head.

As I was about to answer, Peter leaned forward.

Weve had false Levis and the Pope Sateria calling themselves sovereigns, but weve never officially unified. With the establishment of the Levi Church faction, there was finally a movement to unite the whole country, so the royal family of Dinrat Kingdom decided to officially recognize Pope Sateria as the sovereign.

Hmmm I dont know, but I kind of get it!

As expected, Peter is in a better mood than ever.

Even with Meas empty reply, which she clearly didnt understand at all, he didnt lose her good mood at all and kept his mouth in a good mood and smiled.

So please keep your story short. Also, you rented this bas.e.m.e.nt room from Lark because you wanted to ask me for something, right?

No, its not like that. Its just that there was a change in the situation and I thought I should let you know. You want to know, dont you? Look, I told you about a certain big shots attendant of the Maharaun kingdom

Peters manner of speaking was exquisitely irritating.

Its irritating that he has been talking at a slow pace, withholding his name, but with a slight hint that his related to a bigwig in the Maharaun kingdom and that he has revealed his nose.

I have a lot of work to do as the head of the alchemist division, including training, design, and improvement of the territory problem, which has been delayed due to the Riveras problem.

I was trying hard to stay awake and ripe with it, but Peter made it sound as if he had something important to say, so I decided to take the time to listen to him.

I want you to focus on the main points.

If you want, you can write it down on a piece of paper and hand it to me.

As long as you do that, Ill read it while Im carving an Ortem.

Peter-san are you free? Youve been in territory a lot lately, havent you? Didnt I tell you before that I need to fly around the country more?

Its okay, its okay. In the first place, the places that I absolutely need to travel to have been largely taken care of by the resurrection of the G.o.d Kudor and the defeat of the fake Levi. The rest of the work has been thrown to my subordinates, so for the time being, Ill just be taking regular reports and giving instructions, and Ill be fulfilling my most important duty of entertaining Abel-chan in Lark-chans barony.


Dont tell me this person is going to stay in the territory forever, and keep calling me every time something happens.

Im busy too, really. Im really busy with human resource training, territory reform the manufacture of the wooden dragon, the construction of the magic wave tower, and the a.n.a.lysis of Levis spear, all of which are pretty packed.

I-I see, Im sorry. Ill try to refrain from summoning you.

Later The Moon Festival Dinmei is coming up, isnt it? Altamir-san wants to know if the moon din is affected, so she wants me to help her measure the magic field. That preparation is quite a ha.s.sle. Lark was also making a fuss about whether we could hold an event to revitalize the territory in connection with the Moon Festival Dinmei, and I was interfering in various ways, and before I knew it, I was incorporated as the vice chairman of the event planning.

You know, you really should turn that down.

Peters mouth under the mask returned to a straight face.

Anyway, please keep it short! I know Peter-san wants to say that this is a crisis for the country, but Im risking my life for the work of the Alchemy Division and the planning of the Moon Festival Dinmei!

Youre the type of person whos easily influenced.

Peter sighed in exasperation.

Well, thats fine. It would be more troublesome if I were to conceal it from Abel-chan and he were to look at me as a third party. I really dont want to tell you this, but Im actually in league with Rimud, one of the Five Grand Masters, who is rumored to be the most powerful sorcerer in the Maharaun Kingdom.

R-Rimud is

I was surprised, indeed.

In the Maharaun Kingdom, the king and his four advisors are known as the Five Grand Masters.

Rimud is the most powerful sorcerer in the Maharaun Kingdom, and the second most influential man after the king.

I dont know much about him, but Ive heard that hes moderate, but hes also a man with a lot of dark rumors.

Well, we dont really cooperate with each other, we just collude behind the scenes to help each others country. When I tricked him out of it once, he almost killed me with the magic circle he had put in a letter. Im glad that it was only a warning, but if it had been a serious attack, it would have killed me.

What the h.e.l.l is this guy doing

Ive never heard of such a convenient pipe until now. As I recall, Count Julem announced to Peter-san that he would have the four major powers attack the Dinrat Kingdom, didnt he? What does the Grand Master Rimud have to say about that?

Yes, thats what I wanted to talk to you about! It looks like Abel-chan is finally starting to listen to me!

Peter said happily.

I was so curious that I asked him about it.

I shook my head and shook off my thoughts, my face tensed and my expression hardened.

Theres no end to what you can hear about this kind of thing.

I just need to hear the minimum policy.

U-Um, Im really~! Busy so!

There are a lot of things you need to know before I can give Abel-chan an accurate picture of our relations.h.i.+p with the Maharaun Kingdom Lets see, lets take a look at that first.

Peter hurried Myunhi with a glance.

Myunhi put a stack of papers on the desk.

The page that was rolled up showed what looked like a sketch of a face.

Could it be some kind of handbook?

Minimal! Minimal, please!

In fact, this is a list of a hundred of the most important people in the world and high-ranking spirits who are known to have lived within the last hundred years, arranged in order of threat level Would you like to see it?

I leaned forward.

T-That means !!

This is the male admirations Strength Ranking.

In my previous life, I was also excited to see the strength rankings of my favorite popular manga characters.

It was a desperate attempt to create a ranking of the top authorities in this world.

It was impossible not to be intrigued.

I leaned forward and reached for the threat level list.

Peter grabbed the doc.u.ment and quickly lifted it high.


Of course, this is a super-secret doc.u.ment, and I promised Rimud that I would never share it with anyone. So youll have to be a little more cooperative, wont you, Abel-chan?

Peter laughs, the corners of his mouth hanging in a smile.

Uugugugu But I dont have time ! In the first place, Levis spear and the wooden dragon were made to fight against Count Julem !

For now, I understand that you have some regrets, but shall I resign as vice president of event planning?