Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Chapter 343 - Episode Forty-Three - Pope Sateria (8)

Chapter 343 - Episode Forty-Three - Pope Sateria (8)

Chapter 343 - Episode Forty-Three - Pope Sateria (8)

This is the place where we Levi followers communicate with Levi-sama G.o.ds Room.

Sateria led us to the top floor of the palace.

At the back of the room is a gold ornate pedestal with a large, blue, crystal ball on top of it.

Thank you, Mea were done with the stairs now, so Im fine.

I lowered my arm from around Meas shoulders.

Are you okay, Abel? Are your legs sore?

Mea asks me anxiously.

For the time being, its fine

The spiral staircase leads up to the top of the building, and halfway up, my legs gave out and I fael down the stairs.

Sateria apologized and offered to lend me her shoulder, and Mea, who was stretching my toes, half-cried, and Sateria, who was concerned, immediately pulled away.

I apologize for the real inconvenience of the place it was designed to show Levi-samas dignity, but it seems that it needs to be a little lower

Saterias mouth leaked out the plan to make the palace barrier-free.

I had wondered what that spiral staircase was all about, but it seems that Levi was being selfish.

I dont really care what happens to the rest of it, as I have no plans to ever visit this place again

Saaateriaaaaaaa! You you have really brought such people into this sacred place!? What do you think I am!? This disrespect, this disrespect, this, what do you think this place is !

Levis voice echoed directly in my head.

I dont know whats going, but I thought that since Sateria seemed so confident, she must have told Levi about it, but apparently, the real G.o.d didnt approve.

Moreover, Levi is quite p.i.s.sed off at this situation.

This Pope had been talking a lot of big things, but Im sure she hadnt gotten any of it right.

Its not just a domestic dispute, its a conflict between the Pope and the Church.

Enough, please give up! Now that Abel-sama is here, Levi-sama should have no choice anymore. As I said before, if youre going to fight Abel-sama, I will not cooperate! Please fight without the magic power of your prime or Levis spear!

For you, for you to belittle me ! Listen, Im saying that Im going to fight to protect this country! If you persist on being stubborn, this country will be finished!

Even if we continue to follow Levi-sama, the Riveras Kingdom will surely be destroyed one day! I beg you! I want to believe in you too! I want to believe in you too, Levi-sama! But this country cant afford to do anything else!

Sateria blushed and shouted into the crystal ball.

The words were pleading, but sometimes threatening as well.

The crystal ball emits a furious thought like an angry voice.

No doubt, Levi is really angry.

Im starting to get a little scared too.

No matter how I look at it, it doesnt seem to be an act of bargaining.

What is that G.o.d doing?

Abel-chan, I dont have time for this, though?

Peter said in a cold voice, deliberately loud so that Sateria could hear.

U-Um, Im wondering if we can watch over her for a little while longer or something

As if to drown out my voice, Peter continued to speak.

Hey, Mea-chan thinks so too, right? Hey? What do you think? You said you really wanted to talk to her, so I sympathized with you and just goes with the flow, but now that were here, this is what we got? Well, its the Riveras Kingdom, so I can say I wasnt expecting it, but I guess I didnt have to wait long for this

M-M-, Mea is not, you know

Sateria turned her head halfway back and looked at Peter with impatient eyes.

Tears were welling up in her eyes.

Sateria Ive been watching you for a while now, and your behavior has been nothing but disgusting. You may be in charge of the Dragon Vein, but does that make you an equal to me? If it comes to it, I can take away your bodys freedom and use it as a tool to draw magic from the dragon vein, you know? Itll have a terrible burden on your body, so its not a move Id want to take if I could help it, but Sateria, if youll be a traitor who cant hear my voice, then I wont choose any other means, will I?

The crystal lights up with a cloudy red light.

In the depths of the light, you can see the reflection of wide open, bright red eyes.

Peter signaled to me with his eyes.

I guess hes telling me to get ready to attack, because were going to fall apart before we even start talking.

If you wont listen to me, I have my own ideas too! The Riveras Kingdom really cant afford it anymore! I believe that this meeting is our last chance! Im going to put everything on the line here!

Sateria said, her voice trembling, and she grasped the staff in one hand with both arms, pointing the tip of it at her own chin.

If Levi-sama doesnt listen to me I will commit suicide right here and now! I beg you, Levi-sama! Please hear my plea! Please hear my plea! The Riveras Kingdom does not have the power to engage the Dinrat Kingdom in war!

Saatereiaaaaaa! You remember, when we find a replacement, you you !

As if to show Levis anger, the crystal ball emitted a disastrous light and then suddenly the light disappeared from the crystal ball.

I-I think he ran away

It was the same time that I opened my mouth and the wall between us fell down.

A huge, familiar blue hand emerges from the cloud of dust.

An arm had been inserted through the gap in the collapsed wall.

The arm was withdrawn, and in its place, the face of a huge old man, nearly five meters tall, peered into the G.o.ds Room.

The old mans face was etched with fury.

Three eyes were fixed first on me and then on Sateria.

Very well, Sateria. Just for now, Ill go along with what you have to say.

Levi-sama ! I had faith that Levi-sama would change his mind one day !

You will soon learn that this is pointless. Sateria, when the talks break down, I will eat every last human being there. In that case, Sateria, Im going to use the dragon veins magic power thats my minimum condition.

As expected, the power is different when the main body comes out.

The last time I encountered it, it was only an arm, and it left sooner than I expected, so I a.s.sumed that it was the weakest of the four G.o.ds, a spear G.o.d without a spear, but I may have estimated it too low.

The other side must have been caught off guard when we met in Palgas Village, but now there was no sign of that.

Levi showed some pretense of holding a meeting to convince Sateria, but that was it.

It was obvious that he was planning to break up the meeting and bring it to a battle.

I look back at Peter.

Peter, too, was staring at Levi, his forehead covered with sweat and a fearless smile on his face, as if he was sure of victory.

He didnt even try to hide his smile and gave me a You know what to do, right? He signaled with his eyes.

Its no good. Neither one of them has any intention of talking properly.

Saterias flailing, dazzling smile is fleeting.

Its better to be prepared for a fight to start at any time.