Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Chapter 239 - Episode Thirty-Six - The Collector (7)

Chapter 239 - Episode Thirty-Six - The Collector (7)

Chapter 239 - Episode Thirty-Six - The Collector (7)

As I face the collector, I check Mea behind me.

I saw Altamir fly softly and hold Meas back, then fly far behind her.

Im jealous of the fact that a spirit body seems to be a very convenient body.

Take out the Wand of Destruction. Where did you hide it? If you have the girl carry it, I can wait for her to take it out. I could defeat you as you are, but that would be too boring. Perhaps you can strike a blow at me.

Ah No, Im fine without it. How should I say this Look, Im fine. Its just that is not something I can use very easily.

In order to avoid the realization that I didnt have it, I quickly explained that I did.

The collectors face twisted even more. The bandage covering his face wrinkled up and his eyes became even angrier.

Apparently, he felt like hes being made a fool of.

Its not that I cant manage without it, but

Oh, yeah! Then leave!!

The collector swings down the Earth-Shattering Sword that he lifted high.

The ground cracks as if it started right in front of the collector.

The floor cracks loudly with a roaring sound, and the impact comes straight at me, destroying everything in its direction of travel.

I waved my wand in front of me, checking the location of the impact as it sc.r.a.ped across the ground.

Earth, form, dragon.

The floor cracked, and one by one the wreckage rose up into the air.

In the blink of an eye, a dragon several dozen meters long appeared.

I ran to keep my distance so as not to get caught.

The dragon coiled and caught the impact of the Earth-Shattering Sword. There was a large sandstorm, but the dragon didnt seem to be injured.

I-Impossible ! Why, why is it that someone with a small aura like you can perform magic on such a large scale!?.

A collectors voice could be heard from the other side of the dragon.

Okay, keep hitting it!

If you are a collector, this is probably nothing to you.

I dont have the time to worry about it, so Ill just attack when I can.

When I lowered my wand while moving away from the dragon, the dragon followed the path of my wand and jumped at the collector headfirst.

Guh So-, Something like this! Ill show you the essence of this sword!

The collector slashed his sword in a cross.

A cross-shaped shockwave flew towards the dragon made of rubble, raising a dazzling light.

The dragon rolls its head and puts its arms out in front of it to guard. In the aftermath, the floor in the area was bare, but there was no change in the dragon.

I was standing behind him, and I didnt feel any particular impact.

The dragon immediately opened its arms and stretched its neck. Its head destroyed the floor where the collector was standing.

I thought I had won, but on top of the dragons head, I saw the collector pointing the blade of his sword downward.

Fu, fufu I thought it was too warm, but Im glad I kept it at this level. Its a good thing Im not the only one who gets carried away. I can understand why you might be mistaken. But youre not far behind me!

The collector thrusts his sword into the dragons head.

The shockwaves that are created center around the collector.

The dragons head is pierced and cracked, and its jaw is sunk into the floor.

The bandage on the collectors mouth moves, probably to hang up the edges of his mouth.

I took out the hilt of the Lapides Sword from my pocket, shook it lightly from side to side, and put magic power into it.

A long blade of magical power appeared.

The blade was too heavy for my hands, so I threw it into the air and let it float.


I heard the voice of the collector, so I looked up.

The collector was in the process of flicking the dragons tail off of the approaching rubble with his impact.

The dragons tail, bounced by the shockwave, slams its side into the floor.

Its not as powerful as I thought it would be.

At first, its supposed to be a s.h.i.+eld, and if it doesnt break Ill make it charge to see things.

Huh, is that it.

No, its probably just a start.

I cant afford to let our guard down but I need to see how serious the collectors are before I make any careless attack.

Ill have to wait and see what happens.

There, go!

I set my sights on the collectors left shoulder, formed a magic circle, and launched my Lapides Sword.

In a straight line, the Lapides Sword flew.


The collectors two-handed swing destroyed the tail end of the rubble dragon.

And then the collector glared at me.

Well, youre next. Im a little surprised, but it looks like youre stuck with this one. Mmm? Whoa!

The collector kicked the dragons head away from the Lapides Sword and crisscrossed the air.

A shockwave of s.h.i.+ning wind is created and strikes the Lapides Sword.

The Lapides Sword penetrated the shockwave and flew over the collectors shoulder.

Wha-! d.a.m.n it!

The collector raised his sword to guard.

The sword deflects the Lapides Sword and sticks it into the floor.

The collector was knocked off his feet and fell to the floor.

Wha-What was that just now Did I just lose in power struggle?


Can it be that I can win this normally by power pus.h.i.+ng?

Um Can I go now?

I give it a try.

The collector was still, crumpled on the floor.

The-, theres no way Even if you caught me by surprise with both elbows on the ground.

The collector, with bloodshot eyes, reached for the sword of the Earth-Shattering Sword, which he had dropped on the floor.

The Earth-Shattering Sword cracked and snapped in half as soon as it was placed in the hands of the collector.


The rule should be that he would fight only with the Earth-Shattering Sword.

With it broken, I think that were now unable to continue.

You can fight with the broken sword in your hand, but its just too shabby.

My collection was shattered so easily Wha-What the h.e.l.l is that sword. This is impossible.

He crawled on the floor in a stunned position and did not move.

The collectors eyes changed color as he slowly moved his face to look at the Lapides Sword that had been thrust.

Wha-What is that swords aura? If there is such a treasure, how could I not know about it ?

Its no wonder that the collector doesnt know about it, since I created it by modifying the Lapidestatoa.