Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Chapter 234 - Episode Thirty-One - The Collector (2)

Chapter 234 - Episode Thirty-One - The Collector (2)

Chapter 234 - Episode Thirty-One - The Collector (2)

Phifneeg, the ravenous dragon, is a magical beast that appears only in folklore.

It is said that Phifneeg had a special organ next to its stomach that could collect as much food as it wanted, and that it once used its power to eat an entire country.

After Phifneegs death, an alchemist used the skin of the organ to create five tool bags that could hold an infinite number of things through trial and error.

A war broke out among the nations over this, and the tool bag of the ravenous dragon was considered a spark of war.

However, no amount of magic could destroy the tool bags of the ravenous dragon, and four of the five were abandoned beyond the reach of anyone, and the last one was lost.

It was a distant story, more than a thousand years ago.

-There was a story that a collector had a bag of tools of the last ravenous dragon that he had found for some reason or another.

To be honest, I thought it might be fake, too.

However, when I saw it just now and sensed the spirits movements, I was convinced.

You have it! The tool bag of a ravenous dragon!

Altamir, who had been watching me with dismay, hurriedly stepped in between me and the collector.

H-Hey you, what are you thinking!? Even though I

Hoh~. Its amazing of you to realize that this is the power of the ravenous dragon. Its a shame that everyone just knows its name and thinks they can get it out of my bag.

The bandage around the collectors mouth lifted slightly.

W-Where! Where is it! Cant you show it to me!?

Fufun, I cant ever let it go, though. Ive used the power of other magic tools to blend in with my body and forcefully a.s.similate it. It is attached to my body as my skin here. Theres no reason for it to retain its appearance as a bag, after all.

The collector proudly indicated his chest with his fingers that were not holding the sword, and poked it.

Did you a.s.similate it into your body? Ah, the edge! Can you just give me the edge?

Huh! What a funny thing to say! This is the magical organ of the ravenous dragon that the sorcerers of long ago could not destroy and had to dispose of in another dimension, you know? In the first place, there are complex other dimensions unfolding inside. Its not something that can be torn apart!

So its okay if I can? The old alchemists were able to process it, so there must be some way to do it! Le-, let me try it! Ill give you the Wand of Destruction or whatever you want!

A-Abel!? W-What selfish thing are you saying? Mea thinks thats not a good idea!?

Mea grabbed my hands from behind and pulled me back, trying to pull me away from the collector.

Me, Mea! Let go of me! My lifelong dream might come true!

Please calm down, Abel! For G.o.ds sake! Wha-, youre only powerful when youre like this!

The collector stabbed his huge sword into the ground and shook his head.

Ha! No, no! Of course, you cant! The ravenous dragons tool bag role is also to protect my heart, too, you know? I will not allow a child like you to touch such a precious thing! My treasure will be defiled!

The collector let out a snort and said with pride.

It seemed that he was using the st.u.r.diness of the ravenous dragons tool bag to protect his heart by attaching it to his chest.

If that was the case, it was no wonder he didnt want people to touch it.

However, I just couldnt give up.

It can store an infinite amount of anything, and can be retrieved at any time. It was the ideal magical tool.

It is very different from teleportation magic, which has many restrictions, requires one action to prepare, and consumes a lot of magic power.

Its no wonder that wars are being fought for their convenience.

When I learned of its existence a long time ago, I wanted to acquire it at all costs.

However, I had given up on it, thinking it was something out of the realm of fairy tales. But now it is right there.

It would be cruel to ask me to give up and back down at this point.

Please! If its not possible, just a look! I just want to look at it! Please take off your cloak and let me see! If you okay, let me touch it!

huh? You, you do know who youre talking to, dont you?

The collectors eyes, peering through the bandages, twisted suspiciously.

Mea increased her pressure on my body.

Im sorry! When Abel gets a little excited, he sometimes says things that I dont understand! Im sorry! Mea will apologize as much as she can, so please forgive him!

Dont stop me, Mea! Be-Because, the ravenous dragons tool bag is just right over there !

I struggled desperately as I reached for the collector.

Its really only at a time like youre really powerful! Why!? Altamir-san! Please help me hold Abel down!

The collector looked at me curiously for a while, then suddenly raised his hand as if he had an idea.

The huge sword that had been propped up on the ground suddenly disappeared without a trace.


I shouted in surprise.

I stopped moving my body to concentrate on sensing the spirits movement.

Mea let out a breath of relief.

The next moment, she was back in the same position again.

I couldnt quite figure out at what moment it had appeared.

I struggled again to shake Mea off.

Just a little more! I just want to see it from a little closer!

The collector let out a snort and said with pride.

O-One more time! One more time, please!

The collector laughed out loud when he saw me struggling to pull Mea away from him.

Fuhahahahaha! You may have a mediocre aura, but youre a funny guy. When I was climbing the tower, I was wondering how to kill you, but I like you. Hey, you little pebble girl, let that Abel guy go. Dont worry, Ill overlook a little rudeness on my part.