Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Chapter 223 - Episode Eighteen - High Elf Sorcerer, Devin (11)

Chapter 223 - Episode Eighteen - High Elf Sorcerer, Devin (11)

Chapter 223 - Episode Eighteen - High Elf Sorcerer, Devin (11)

After finis.h.i.+ng the a.n.a.lysis of the wards of the sixth level without difficulty, I opened a hole in the ceiling to keep the wards intact and sprouted a staircase to the seventh level.

On the way up the stairs, I showed off the vestments I was wearing.

The leather of the vestments was hard in parts, and it was difficult to put on.

In addition, it had magic stones and gems embedded in it, making it difficult to stretch.

The size of the robe was XL, so it was too big. The hem rubbed, making it difficult to walk.

I complained about a lot of things, but I dont mind this kind of design.

What do you think, Mea?

Its cool! It looks much better on you than that elf guy from earlier!


I thought it might not look good on me, and it was too big, but Mea praised it.

I dont feel like taking it off when Im praised. Its hot, heavy, and hard to walk in, but since Im at it already, Ill wear it.

It was too much luggage to carry around in my hands.

I climbed up the self-made stairs and was stunned by the sight of the seventh level of the Witchs Tower.

In the middle of a vast gra.s.sland, a huge beanstalk tree grows, intricately intertwined.

It looked as if it was saying, Climb this if you want to go further.

The bean tree stretches high into the sky as if to pierce it.

I couldnt tell how much of it was just an illusion, but it seemed to be quite tall.

Even if we were to build a staircase, we had no idea how far we would have to climb.

I thought about ignoring the beanstalk and exploring the gra.s.slands, but I couldnt find anything of note except the beanstalk.

There were no magical beasts, no insects. The gra.s.s and flowers were beautiful but common.

Im not sure if this is possible Ive come all this way

They make you expect a lot and then remove the ladder at the last minute.

If this is the witchs way of doing things, then I dont think I can forgive Altamir.

Abel should we go home now? Im sure the stairs you just took were pretty tough And even if you do, you might not find much, because there are only eight levels.

Id like to think that the seventh level isnt just a way station, but Ive looked up and cant find anything in particular.

At most, there are huge cl.u.s.ters of beans.

Its not that there isnt a way, but Its a little dangerous and I dont really want to try But if you dont have any other options

Well, lets not do that, shall we?

Meas expression twitched slightly.

It was no use, after all.

I was going to heap up a bit of soil in this area, but.

So, why dont we cut down this beanstalk? Maybe something worth seeing will come down.

Lets just go home straight away! Abel, youre tired, arent you? Your knees are shaking, you know! Youd better not be reckless! I have a feeling that if we cut this down, someone will be very angry with us!

Dont worry. Dont worry, after I cut it down, Ill be responsible for its growth.

Its not a bad idea to transfer the magic circle far away and repeat the transfer, but if you slip when you land, you could die at worst.

Im not going to risk my life on something like this.

Ill just give it a try, and if it doesnt work, Ill go back

I raised my wand and made a magic circle appear.

Soil, form, stairs.

Soil flooded into the air from underneath the ground, forming a staircase parallel to the beanstalk.

I hope its not too high

I muttered to myself, staring up at the depressingly bright blue sky that seemed to go on forever.

Climbing. Climbing.

I continued to climb the stairs that ran parallel to the beanstalk.

Abel Why dont you take off your vestments? You look like youre having a hard time walking And youre sweating like crazy.

But isnt it harder to walk with it?

Why dont you just leave it? Well be back as soon as we see this level, after all

Hm~ It is said to be the national treasure of the High Elves. I dont feel like it to just leave it there and go on or something

I wiped the sweat off my face with my sleeve.

The material is hard and difficult to wipe off sweat. The sweat doesnt soak in very well.

The only thing is, my sweat was all over the high elfs national treasure.

Somehow, I think this is an unused treasure for me.

Its just a hard, heavy, bulky robe.

Its true that it looks cool, but thats about it.

In addition, its too flashy to walk around the city without being noticed.

Can I give it back to the elf person?

I dont want to do that. Besides, it was given to me in a legitimate duel.

I dont care who my opponent is, Im not going to rob him.

These vestments were given to me on the basis of a mutual agreement and a legitimate promise.

In other words, Devin judged that I was worthy of these vestments and handed them over to me of his own volition.

It would be an insult to the proud High Elves to turn it back on them. That must be it. It must be.

I dont remember forcing my own desires on them at all.

I, I see.

I sat on the edge of the landing of the homemade aerial staircase on the way up.

I cant stop my legs from shaking.

Ha ha

Do you want to take a break?

I looked at the sky.

The beanstalk was still leading to the sky.

The stairs were cut off in the middle, so I would have to rebuild them once I got up there.

Even though I looked all over the place, I couldnt find anything out of the ordinary.

How far should we climb?

I turned my back and looked down.

The sheer height sent chills down my spine.

Far below me, the stairs and the beanstalk had shrunk to nothing.



Lets go home

Oh, yes.

Mea replied like she is relieved.

I think Ive done pretty well so far.

But this is my limit. Ive lost to Altamir.

Im tired of walking to an unknown end.

Ill collect the phantom copper Orichalcos take a look around the sixth level and then open a hole in the tower, build some stairs or a slope, and go home.

I just want to take a break before I go down.

As I casually looked up at the edge of the sky, I felt a chill.

I felt as if something was coming from the edge of the sky.

Abel Didnt you just hear a noise from down there?

Hmm? Really? I didnt notice it, but

I was completely distracted by the sky.

Mea is going to go check it out a little Abel, please rest. If anything goes wrong, Ill holler and let you know.

Mea put down her luggage, grabbed her bow, and went downstairs.

Were on the seventh level of the Witchs Tower, so dont move around too much. You dont know whats up there

However, the danger seems to be coming from above.

Its a good idea to have Mea come down a bit.

Then, I suddenly felt the surrounding spirits movement.

It was a trace of teleportation magic. I was paying attention upward, and I noticed it a moment too late.

Mea! Go back!


Immediately behind Mea, who looked back at me, she saw Devin in a terrifying form, with his bright red eyes wide open.

One of the odd-eyed eyes was bleeding from a direct hit from the stone doll, and was tightly closed.

Fufufu I finally caught up with you.

As she turned around to aim her bow at him from close range, Devin flicked Meas hand and let it drop, and then put his elbow on Meas neck.


Devin shouted as I pointed my wand at him.

Dont move! If you try anything, Ill snap this womans neck right then and there! If I feel any strange spirit movements or try to turn that wooden puppet against me, I will kill her first!

The High Elf who had smiled so gracefully at being the chosen one of the Sky G.o.d was already gone.

The High Elf had lost his pride, his confidence, and even his style, and his action was simple and straightforward: taking the girl hostage.

I couldnt believe that the High Elf, who had been so adamant about the integrity of their race, was the same man in front of me, smiling happily as he took a hostage in the form of blood and mud.

I wondered which was faster, my magic or Devins movements.

I was confident, but I couldnt bring myself to try. As I bit my lip, Devin indicated my wand with his chin.

As I slowly lowered my wand, Devin smiled with satisfaction on his bloodied face.

It was still okay If you mocked me only But I never thought that you would degrade the most precious thing in the world, the sky G.o.d, and even treat my national treasure, the vestments, so roughly Fufufu You can die a thousand times and it still wont be enough.

Devin held the ring in the air with the opposite hand that was holding Mea.

A magic circle appears around Devin, and he and Mea disappear. Then he appeared on the branch of the beanstalk, higher than me.

Y, you! What the h.e.l.l were you thinking?

Fufu Fufufu Alright, lets start the duel over! Although, if you do anything, my hand might accidentally slip! Fufufu! Hahaha! Hahahaha!

I thought High Elves were a proud lot, but I guess not! Theyre just a bunch of mean, evil people! Taking a hostage, what duel is this!

Shut up! Choose your words! Youre the one who forced me to do this! How dare you mock me when youre of a lower race! How much more do you want to humiliate me!

Devin shouted in anger, tears streaming from his eyes.