Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Chapter 195 - Episode Twenty-One

Chapter 195 - Episode Twenty-One

Chapter 195 - Episode Twenty-One

Me, Mea, Kamla, and Sophia were accompanied by Nelgliffe into a room in the church hall, and we were face to face with Nelgliffe across the desk.

For now, I told them about Augen, which was probably the most important question before Live Fogg.

Nelgliffe was terribly surprised.

N, no, Augen is Im very sorry because of my lack of discernment about my subordinates that I put Abel-dono and Mea-donos lives in

No, no! It wasnt a problem at all, so please raise your head!

It was a hard time because Nelgliffe was repeatedly bowing his head to me and Mea.

I thought I was going to get killed from a glare from his attendant, Chloe.

It seems that Nelgliffe knew that there was a militant movement in the church that was trying to launch an attack on another country.

It seemed to be something that the other High Priest, Marias, was instigating and doing behind the scenes.

However, it seems that Nelgliffe didnt know that she had even reached out to the territory of the Dinrat Kingdom.

Ive been forced to overlook the small acts up to now, but as expected, if they were planning something so outrageous, I couldnt leave it alone anymore, and I was indignant.

Now that it was clear that Nelgliffe was completely on our side, we decided to tell him about the things related to Marias that we had been hiding from him until now.

Nelgliffe has exposed the shame of his country.

And Im not uninvolved in it either.

Ive meddled in something that has a great deal to do with the future of Riveras Nation.

I thought it would be reasonable to tell him firmly.

If he was as much of a personality as Nelgliffe, it was unlikely that he would complain that his countrys higher-ups had been killed in a recriminatory manner.

Can I ask everyone but Nelgliffe-san to leave the room for once? I really want to say something for Nelgliffe-san to hear

As Nelgliffe-samas attendant, I am always in a position to protect him. I would not authorize you to leave him alone with a sorcerer of another religion.

Chloe interrupted me.

Its not surprising. If you consider that Chloe is on the same side as Augens, and that shes the guardian for Nelgliffe, you wouldnt want to leave your seat in this situation.

As expected, I cant talk about Marias in front of Chloe.

I was wondering if I should take another chance, but the Nelgliffe moved.

Chloe, leave the room. Abel-dono is telling you.

B, but! I say this out of concern for Nelgliffe-sama!

And I tell you that it is unnecessary. Abel-dono is a trustworthy man. Differences of religion must not be a source of unwarranted discrimination. Levi-sama does not wish for such a thing. I dont want you to speak too rudely.

Nelgliffe said in a stern tone.

! Im very sorry.

Chloe bowed to Nelgliffe and left the room looking a little depressed.

Kamla, Sophia, and Mea then left. After they all left, I briefly explained the flow of events after checking to make sure they hadnt been bugged by magic, scratching out the fact that the territory had been tilted by Marias attack and I had somehow recovered and caught Marias.

Oh G.o.d! I didnt know that Abel-dono had already caught Marias, who was a headache for us too!

Nelgliffe was surprised, but very grateful.

After all, it seems that that one incident was Marias independence.

Pope Sateria, the head of the Four Great Priests of the Water G.o.d, was very busy uniting the scattered Riveras Nation and maintaining security, and since Nelgliffe was also working to protect orphans in various places, he had overlooked Marias, who was a man of radical ideas.

The rest of the Four Great Priests were, at any rate, eccentric magic fanatics, and although they had shown thick faith in Levi, who had a vast amount of knowledge, they had no interest in national politics or spreading their faith, and although they seemed to be aware of Mariass violent actions, they had decided to leave her completely alone.

It seemed that the heads of the people who had entered Nelgliffes faction this time were also Marias.

In other words, they are the remnants who have already lost their heads.

Nelgliffe said, If I bring this back to the Riveras Nation and appeal directly to the Pope, this disturbance will be put to rest immediately.

Im relieved to hear that Ive always been on the lookout for it to that it might grow into something much bigger incident.

Were going to have to interrogate him and make him talk, but Augen was probably accompanying me on Marias orders So Im being used neatly by Marias, arent I?

Nelgliffe drooped disappointedly.

But this is not how we can face the people of Palgas village I did not know that it was our own people who were tormenting them

Nelogliffe said sadly.

This is the same Nelgliffe who had been nursing the villagers so desperately.

His shock is immeasurable.

No, its not Nelgliffe-sans fault at all! You neednt worry so much about it.

But I wonder how many people have suffered from this case and if this continues, there being no deaths might be impossible How dare you, Marias, in the person of the High Priest

Dont worry! Nelgliffe-san, this is the Live Fogg I got!

I gestured the Ortem, who was laden with a bag of hefty Live Fogg-filled bottles.

Ortem moves in response to my voice and jumps onto the desk.

The bag piled on top shakes.

Th-, this er, how many of this is Live Fogg?

Nelgliffe looked at the bag with a puzzled look on his face.

All of them! Theres enough for 50 bodies! Now you can cure the entire village!

All of them are!? Fi-Fi-, fifty of them!? Impossible, no way, this

Nelgliffe was so surprised that he sat up.

He picked up a bottle of Live Fogg from the bag and looked stunned.

Am I dreaming right now such such a thing! This is not happening!

His mouth was crunching and he was touching the bottle with his hand like a young child who had never seen a bottle before.

He was so excited that he felt as if he was going to spew foam at the mouth.

Oh its like, Abel-dono is like the angel Riveran, the messenger of Levi-sama in the mythology ! You punished Marias for perverting Levi-samas teachings to cause a major incident by stopping her plans, and not only that, but you also delivered a large number of Live Fogg to a land filled with disease! No, I cant think of anything else! Now we can help the villagers who are suffering from the disease

I dont know Riveran at all, but he probably appears in the Levis Bible.

Nelgliffe may be overcome with emotion, because tears began to trickle from his eyes.

I was puzzled, and he took my hand.

Thank you, Abel-dono! You are the hero of this village and of your country. No Eventually, you will go leave your name as the hero of this world! Its been a real pleasure to meet you here!

N-, no, youre making a big deal out of it!

Nelgliffe went straight to my shoulder and gave me a light hug.

I was a little surprised because it was at the spur of the moment, but I dont feel bad about it.

I didnt expect to hear so much from the upper echelons of the country that I thought was hostile to me.

You never know whats going to happen in life.

But I was itching to be admired by such a dignified person.

Sorry, I couldnt help but get a little too excited at my age

Nelogliffes cheeks flushed slightly and he laughed and distanced himself from me.

N, no

Im a little embarra.s.sed, too.

We look at each other and give each other a shy smile.

Um, by the way, when can we have the Livegra.s.s?

Its doubtful that the potion will be completed smoothly.

There are still remnants of Mariass forces lurking in this Pargas village, after all.

Im sure they will use every possible means to sabotage us.

If its a simple formula, if we hurry up now, it will be ready by noon tomorrow!

And, well, I hate to say it, but could you tell us how to make livegra.s.s or something like that ?

Mm-, mhm that is indeed something that is only taught to a handful of people in the Levi Church I would be happy to teach it to you right now, if Abel-dono would be my compatriot

I knew it was no good

Thats right. Thats just the way it is.

Ummm Tha-, thats

Is that so

Nelgliffe said ruefully and then cleared his throat.

Hmmm, but how to make a Livegra.s.s I have no idea, either. Ill have to recite it every once in a while to make sure its correct.

What ?

Nelgliffe gave a quick wink and smiled mischievously.

Levi-sama has a caliber as wide as the sea. Surely you would not tell me not to return the favor by being bound by the rules?

Ne-, Nelgliffe-san!

I could see the figure of Nelgliffe with a halo of light.

I was so moved that tears formed on the edges of my eyes.

Please keep it a secret from Chloe. Shes a good girl, but shes a little bit hard-headed Thats one of the nice things about her, though

Nelgliffe mumbles and complains happily.

Are the ingredients so easy to find?

I need a small amount of n.o.ble Mandogora root. This is absolutely essential, but it is not easy to find Its necessary for Levi Chuchs rituals, so we carry extra of it with us.

I see.

In fact, I wanted to secretly make and arrange for Chief Heils Livegra.s.s for me.

Ive heard that Village Chief Heil was hostile to Levi Church before he fell asleep, and thats why he couldnt get into the treatment center.

There was a good chance that Livgra.s.s would come around later.

Do you have some sort of problem?

No I was hoping that I could get a gla.s.s of Livegra.s.s for Village Chief Heil

Village Chief Heil seemed to be disliked by the Levi Churchs side of the family to a large extent.

If Nelgliffe also helped carelessly, it could be a catalyst for the loss of authority in the current delicate state of the organization.

Now that Live Fogg is in their hands, the remnants of Marias will probably try to undermine the authority of Nelgliffe.

The only people who cared about Village Chief Heil were Nelgliffe and his small entourage.

Even if it wasnt the remnants of Marias, there would be others who would be hostile to Village Chief Heil.

If it comes to light that he had the material diverted to them, there is a risk that support from those groups will diminish.

Under the circ.u.mstances, that should be something they would want to avoid.

Oh! Ive been thinking that Ill have to do something about it, but Abel-dono is willing to do something about it, it would be a great help! Ill sneak some materials to Abel-dono later.

What, a-are you sure?

With a persons lives at stake, it is only natural. Leave the internal affairs of the Levi Church to me. In fact, I am very sorry that you have shown such concern for an outsider, Abel-dono

N, no

And while youre at it, Ill give you a few extra sets of ingredients. Abel-dono seemed to be interested in the livegra.s.s.

A-Are you sure!

After all the benefits, isnt this guy a little too easy?

No, Im happy, but I dont want to drag Nelgliffe down afterwards.

Let me take care of the inner workings. Just dont tell the other followers, please.

Nelgliffe held up his index finger and grinned.

Ne, Nelgliffe-san!


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The next update is A Certain High Priest front and back (2) (Side: Nelgliffe).