Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Chapter 457 - Meas Childbirth Riot (1)

Chapter 457 - Meas Childbirth Riot (1)

Chapter 457 - Meas Childbirth Riot (1)

Chapter 457 - Mea's Childbirth Riot (1)

Youre really making me work hard at a critical time

I complained in the carriage.

Isnt it fine, Abel-chan. Youve been paid handsomely.

Peter said simply.

I was asked by Peter to suppress Alphonse, a royal family member who was preparing to stage a coup detat in the Dinrat Kingdom.

Alphonse was colluding with an extremist religious group that had split off from the Kudor Church, and was planning to summon a large number of demons to attack the royal capital.

Alphonse is the brother of Queen Charlotte.

He had a grudge against Charlotte for pushing him out of the throne.

I didnt expect that Gaston, the knight in the Queens close aide, is sick in bed at this critical time. If Gaston was here, I wouldnt have had to call you

Thats right.

Ill just give him a few words.

Gaston had probably fallen asleep from the shock of being called upon to take part in a major national event.

Its easy to imagine.

Im sure Alphonse took advantage of Gastons absence to make his move. The knight Gastons condition was withheld because it was a state secret, but Alphonse would have had every opportunity to find out.

Thats true.

I let out a big sigh.

I think Gaston should just pretend hes dead and go into hiding.

If he continues like this, he could easily be killed.

I wonder if hes planning to feign illness every time the country is in trouble.

The problem has not been completely solved.

The religious group involved has been dismantled, but Alphonse in question was once successfully captured, but Alphonses men went on a raid of the guards and eventually allowed him to escape.

In a neighboring farming village, Alphonse has been seen running away without a care in the world, wearing only his pants.

But where he is now is unknown.

Alphonse is an ambitious man, and Peter expects that one day he will gain power again and stage a coup.

What is Gaston going to do when that happens?

Anyway, if Im late for Meas childbirth because of this, Ill resent you for the rest of my life. I told you so much that I dont want to.

Please dont be so selfish. If Abel-chan hadnt left, the country would be in a panic right now. I told you that you dont have to come if you want to leave 10,000 people to die. Besides

Peter moved his face closer to mine.

I know that youve been hiding and embezzling all of the religious texts of the religious organization youre dealing with. Theres a lot of dangerous magic in there and Ive been ordered to burn it. If this gets out, youre going to get the maximum punishment.

I cleared my throat and tried to cover it up.

Are you trying to blackmail my brother? My brother is willing to take on the entire country if the need arises. You are prepared to do that, arent you?

Gizel, who was holding my arm, brought her face closer to Peters with a pouting expression.

No, stop it, Gizel, dont say the impossible! Theres no way I can do that! He said hed let me go, so Ill keep my mouth shut here.

I understand, brother.

Gizel mouths in disapproval.

Peter holds his head and exhales.

I dont want this to get out, because it might actually do it.

What do you all think I am ?

Anyway, I hope you can keep it together, Peter-san.

I said to Peter as I rubbed my hands.

As long as I have a connection with Peter, he will do everything in his power to cover me up, even if something bad comes out.

Ill try not to despise him too much.

Oh, weve arrived at the village.

Peters words made me look out the window.

I was finally back in the Marren Village.

Abel-san! I-Im glad youre finally back. !

As the carriage began to slow down, a fat young man from the Marren tribe came running up to us.

Whats the matter, Shibi? Shes already given birth?

N-No, Um actually, there seems to be a suspicious group of people keeping an eye on the Marren tribe these days! M, Maybe theyre the people whos after Abel-san again

What ?

My eyes widened when I heard Shibis words.

There was a time when a sorcerer from the Balancer of the Scale of TIme came to attack the Marren village.

It seems that their goal was to assassinate me.

If they came while I was away, they may have given up on taking on me and is now going after Mea.

I left them alone because it was too much trouble, but apparently they want to have a real fight.

I cant afford to be naive if theyre planning on messing with my people.

Ive heard that the Balancer of the Scale of TIme are scattered all over the world, but Im going to find each and every one of them and crush them all.

It seems that the original boss is also hiding somewhere in the world, but the owner of a powerful magic power will release a small amount of magic power just by existing.

This is why Silfheim also took the trouble to hide his main body in the Moon Din in order to hide from Kudor, and then came back to this land in time for the revolution.

With enough time and effort, it would not be impossible to find the boss of the Balancer of the Scale of TIme.

Once Meas childbirth is over, well get down to business.

Im sure Kudor will lend a hand if I tell him Im up for it.

The people who are watching the Marren tribe must still be nearby! Abel-san, find them and shut them up!

I want to go see Mea first, but if they escape, the problem will drag on.

Alright. Ill take care of that first.

I grabbed an Ortem from the side and got out of the carriage.

If I can sense the flow of suspicious magic with the Ortem, it should not be difficult to uncover those who are hiding.

Im going to accompany you, brother!

Gizel got out of the carriage at the same time as I did.