Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Chapter 412 - Episode Fifty-Eight - A Visitor from the Fire Country (8)(Side: Collector)

Chapter 412 - Episode Fifty-Eight - A Visitor from the Fire Country (8)(Side: Collector)

Chapter 412 - Episode Fifty-Eight - A Visitor from the Fire Country (8)(Side: Collector)

Jeem moves his arms, which have increased to six, and makes each joint crack.

In the space between the roots that stretch across his body, his eyeballs open.

His entire body is covered with eyes.

Through the torn cloak, a particularly large eyeball appeared on his abdomen, glaring at the collector.

Hm, such an ugly form. I didnt know that the Maharaun Kingdom kept such a rare beast.

The collector laughed at Jeems deformed appearance.

However, he could not hide the fact that he was pretending to be tough.

I guess the sword has reached its limit. Hm, it seems I overreacted to a mere human.

Jeem raises his arm and jumps at the collector.

The collector dodged the first blow by deflecting it, then leaped backwards and somersaulted to avoid the second blow.

With no time to spare, the collector tries to stop the attack by firing his hand into his elbow before Jeem can deliver the third blow.

But the outstretched fingers of the collector were snapped the moment they touched Jeems elbow.

The collector narrows his eyes in annoyance.

Of course, even in his current form, Jeems all-purpose counter Dragon Flow is still alive.

Hihohohoho! It looks youve run out of ideas!

Jeem laughs and launches a follow-up attack with his other hand.

The collector immediately pulls his arm back and lets Jeems fourth strike pass through his own arm.

If he were to block the attack with his arm, he would be forced to use the power of his Dragon Flow to catch the attack, which would cause his guard to collapse.

I can only pass it off.

If my actions are narrowed down, I will have no options and my movements will be read.

The collector, who was also inferior in speed, felt that he was being pushed into a corner with each move.

When the collectors stance collapsed, Jeem leaped into the air and grabbed him by the head, just as he had been waiting for it.

Its all over now. Hihohohoho!

With his own leaping power, Jeem lifted the collector up, and with his remaining five hands, he unleashed a barrage of hand-to-hand thrusts into his torso.

A hole is made in the body, and blood and flesh fly.

He spun around in the air and slammed the collector to the ground with tremendous force.

The collectors body falls sluggishly to the ground.

The flesh all over his body was scraped and mixed, and he looked like a rag.

Ho~! Ive wasted my magic power, there was no point in exerting it this far.

Jeem landed on the ground and let out a deformed laugh.

For a human, I guess youre pretty good. I didnt expect it to be so strong. Hihohohoho! Now, if only I could get that witch, Altamir, to help me analyze the tower

Jeem then broke off his monologue.

He felt the collectors body move slightly in front of him.

But it couldnt be.

It was clear that he was well beyond the limits of human strength, and his earlier attack had certainly pierced several vital points in his body.

Just as Jeem took a step closer, the Collector quickly got up.

The Collector closed in on Jeem and tried to tear him apart with his claws on his chest.

However, he was unable to break through the Dragon Flow, and the claws on the collectors arm peeled off, causing blood to spurt from his fingers.

The collector forcefully pushed Jeem and used the recoil to get out of the way.

It looks like this kind of surprise attack is pointless!

The collector snaps his bloody arm and takes a stance.

You are you not a human? Why are you still alive? No, you shouldnt be able to move unhindered in the first place.

Then let me tell you. Because your thrusts is weak, you worthless spirit!

The eyeballs all over Jeems body glares at the collector, the whites of his eyes are bloodshot.

Its true that I was naive. I didnt think you could still talk back to me. All right, Im going to rip your body apart, shred it, chew it, and grind every last piece of flesh out of you.

Jeem intertwined the fingers of his corresponding hands to form three pairs of hammers and raised them above his head.

He kicked the ground, jumped up, and swung it at the collector.

Ill knock me down to the ends of the earth! Triple Purgatory Hammer!

The ground shattered, sending up a three-tiered splash of earth as high as a round tower.

One of Jeems countless eyes caught the collector, who was barely able to avoid it in midair.

Jeem leaped toward him with his hands clasped in three pairs.

There, Im going to unleash the same one again!

The collector kicked at Jeems second swing of the Purgatory Hammer and leaped into the air.

What a messy move! Whats the matter, rare beast? Youre just like an excited magic beast!

And then, when I saw that the third strike is over, I can turn and kick him in the head.

The impact of the kick is returned to the leg by the dragon flow, and the collectors body is knocked headfirst into the ground.

Jeem bursts into a cloud of dust and fires a follow-up shot.

One of them struck the collector in the left shoulder.

Jeem flexed his fingers and crushed the joint with a firm grip.

The sound of bones being crushed echoed.

The collector twisted his body and kicked the ground behind him to escape.

Jeems six hands open and close.

I guess that youre good at escaping. But Ive already caught you. Next time Ill crush youre legs so you cant escape.

The collector gently touched his own crushed left shoulder.

As expected, he was on the verge of a full-body injury.

The Dragon Kings Roar, Bahamut Roar that I put everything on didnt do much damage, and the more Jeem fights, the faster he becomes.

Furthermore, up until this point, that was the only time he was able to break through his Dragon Flow.

Why do you persist this far? Youve lived for more than a hundred years, and the Fage territory is just one of the many places youve visited. Youre such an irrational creature.

Jeem asked the collector.

Its obvious. It reminded me of things Id forgotten over the years.

Such an irrational creatures.

Its true that it looks Irrational to the eyes of an ordinary man! But it is the peace that I have gained that makes it worthwhile, not the scum that you are!

Jeem tried to approach the collector again and stopped moving.

From the air, a mysterious, shining, dark blue piece of metal was thrown into the air.

It flew right next to the collector and pierced the ground.

The collector shifted his eyes.

It was a sword.

He could feel the overflowing magic power on his skin.

As a collector who has seen many treasures, he knew the value of this sword at a glance.

It had an unusually powerful aura for a sword.

In the center of the elaborate relief on the hilt was an engraved crest in the shape of an Ortem.

The collector drew his sword with his right hand and stared in the direction from which the metal lump had been thrown.

An out-of-breath Altamir floats in the air.

Witch, what the hell is this?

Its the Oreichalcos Sword, the true copper sword that that idiot had me work with and then left to rot in a warehouse! Im sure this blade, which sucks the magic out of you and rips you apart, will work on that spirit.