Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Chapter 369 - Episode Fifteen - Three Great Weapons in Fage Territory (7)

Chapter 369 - Episode Fifteen - Three Great Weapons in Fage Territory (7)

Chapter 369 - Episode Fifteen - Three Great Weapons in Fage Territory (7)

Ahahahahahaha! Whats that, Ahahahahahahahaha! Thats funny!

Did you have to laugh that much??

No, no, because, its funny!

Shame was in my room laughing her guts out.

I thought I might get some kind of reaction, but I didnt expect her to laugh so hard.

Ha-, ha-, Its not good, Its starting to hurt because of laughing too hard

In the direction of Shames gaze, there is the blue fogg skin staked to the wall, as well as the fake water god.

Although, if someone who didnt know any better saw it, it would just look like a mutated version of a Fogg.

Its rude to make fun of me like that. This is a famous water god.

No, no, its you whos rude, Abel-chan! Levi will turn into a ghost and haunt you, you know!

Shame is trying hard to keep her breathing under control.

Shes a bit of a jerk, this guy.

Ahhhh, my stomach really hurts. Why did you decorate it like this? There are many adventurers who display the bones and pelts of magical beasts they have hunted, but I have never heard of anyone displaying a fogg, really. I mean, Foggs not very cool!

No, it was rare, so I thought Id leave the skin on for now, since its easy to preserve.

As expected of you, Abel-chan, you have a different point of view than the average person, or maybe its just that its not easy to understand. Are you okay? Mea-chan, did that man ever take your horns or try to lift you up and put you on the wall?

Shame warned Mea as she hugged her loosely from behind.

Youre acting like a psycho killer in a horror movie.

What the hell does Shameem think I am?

Abel would never do such a terrible thing.

Meas face is exposed to Shame with a blank expression.

She squeezes her mouth shut and makes a wistful expression.

Im sorry, Mea-chan! I dont know what to do to make you feel better!

It seems that she is very angry with Shame for the incident when she entered the room.

S-Shame is our benefactor, after all.

B-, by the way, do you have some business with someone, Shame?

Thats cold, Abel-chan. I dont need any other reason to come see my friend. Ive got some free time on my hands, and it seems like theres some kind of big deal going on, so I just wanted to check it out.

I loosened my mouth at Shames words.

Shame, with her arm draped over Meas shoulder, looked at my face and smiled, covering her mouth with her hand.

having said that, Im thinking it would be nice to take a tour of the slightly altered Fage territory.

Ill show you around. In the seven days before and after the Moon Festival Dinmei, were planning to hold a big festival in the Fage territory, but its too far away.

Ive heard rumors, but I cant stay here for two weeks straight. Ive got a few things to do around here too. Ive been busy lately.

Did something happen?

Its nothing serious.

Shame removed her body from Mea and took out a rolled-up parchment from the pouch that was fastened to her leg.

Ta-da! Ive become an E-class adventurer! I was able to get a certificate for my diligence, so its a little easier to move around now, and the number of things I can do has increased dramatically.

Shame said proudly.

Well, Im no match for Abel-chan who inadvertently created a legendary adventurer, a knight of Princess Charlotte, the great hero Gaston-sama

Id appreciate it if you didnt talk about it too much outside.

I looked at the door without thinking.

If someone overheard us, we could be in real trouble.

I understand that its irresponsible to start a fire, but I dont want to have anything to do with Gaston for the rest of my life.

If its a matter of money, I owe you a favor too

Its not that I cant afford it because Im having a hard time finding the money for development, but a million Gs now is like a margin of error.

Since we have such a good foundation, anything will be possible.

Noooo! Im not sure I want to rely on you like that. You know how I feel, dont you, Abel-chan? I like the fact that Im making a living on my own, even if its a small one.


To be honest, I dont really like that kind of thing either.

I inadvertently said that because I owed her a favor, but Im rather glad she said no.

But it might be a little reassuring. If things get really bad, I think Ill ask Abel-chan for help.

Shame laughed deliberately.

After that, after a brief chat, Euris brought out some sweets and had a good chat in the guest room, I decided to take Mea and Shame around the Farge territory.

However, where should we start?

I want to know about that thing! In any case, Abel-chan did it, right? The one that created that thing!

Shame was pointing to a remote part of the Fage territory.

It was the tower, an unadorned metal pillar, magic wave tower.

Mea and I both had a blank look on our faces.

You, you shouldnt go too far, Shame-san.

N-No, that thing is a little bit not good or something

Hey, what did you make that for? Baron Lark seemed to be having a hard time with it.

Its for the intermediary of magic tools Its a way for him to communicate with people who are far away.

Thats what its built in front, right? What are you trying to do?

Shame looked at me with a glint in her eye and a hint of excitement on her face.

This guys intuition is incredible.

Really, you can pretty much guess from mine and Larks reactions.

In response to Shames request for a closer look, the three of us headed straight to the side of the magic wave tower.

I was going to keep my mouth shut at first, but I couldnt stand Shames questioning and I found myself blurting things out.

Id really like you to keep this a secret, but its an interceptor for anti-magic beast weapons or something.

Really? There was also a big wooden dragon on display, doesnt that move too? Hey? What are you preparing for, that thing? Im curious.

Shame asks, smirking and poking me in the side with her elbow.

Abel wont Peter-san be mad at you again?

Mea says to me with concern.

Ehhh, whats that guy? Doesnt he work for Baron Lark?

This is not good. This pattern is a real no-no.

I know Shame is probably a tight-lipped guy, but this is not something I should be talking to outsiders about.

No comment to any more of the questions! You can watch it! Watch it!

Hmm? Abel-chan seems to be in trouble, so Ill do that for you then.

Well, I guess its safe to get a little closer and show her.

I approached the magic wave tower, hoping in my heart that I wouldnt accidentally run into Peter.

Within a matter of minutes, I was right under the magic wave tower on the outskirts of the village.

Ehhhhhhhhh!? Its scale is too big to understand, but Abel-chan, are you insane!? Can you really do that!? Thats amazing!

Shame rolled her eyes and shouted loudly.

If youre asking me if its possible, I cant answer that because I havent tested it yet due to safety concerns. But I believe I can, and thats why Im building this.

Are you sure youre not just saying that because you think Im stupid? Hey, can you be a little more specific?

Oops, that was rude.

I cant let those words go.

Ill take it as a challenge to me.

Um, Abel, Peter-sans going to be very angry with you.

Mea puts her hand on my shoulder.

I looked back at her and nodded.

Yeah, I know.

After that, I quickly turn to Shame.

There are four dimensions that we can perceive, space and time combined. Im basing the theory of this weapon on the interpretation that there are many more dimensions than that, but that humans can only perceive a folded state of four dimensions. In fact, in the study of magic, it is said that there are dimensions that only spirit beings can perceive, and many forms of magic are based on this assumption. This weapon forcibly expands that folded space by two dimensions, allowing it to locally interfere with three-dimensional space. The theory is that it will destroy the target by involving it in the distortion. As long as you are a resident of this three-dimensional space, there is no way to avoid or prevent it.

I want to see inside the tower! Inside the tower! How far is it done? When will it be ready?

Its been a while since Ive had someone this much interested in my magic.

I was reminded of Penrath in captivity, and I almost cried.

Shame may have a talent as a sorcerer.

Abel understands, right!? Right!?

Mea shook my shoulders.

Shame is fine ! You can trust her !

Itll be at least ten years before is complete. Even if it can be shortened, I doubt it will be shorter than five years.

I see, five years, maybe ten Isnt it going to be hijacked and misfired? Its been left unguarded and unattended.

You dont have to worry about it, because just in case, I have left a guard Ortem inside the tower and the security is very strong. The only way to get it to work is to have my magic crest and key in place. So, to activate it, I need to turn it on directly with my magic power. And if anyone else interferes with it, it will destroy itself, though its a shame.

Then I guess its for peace of mind.

Shame chuckles.

Its in a tower, but its

Its okay! It seems that Abel-chan and Mea-chan didnt want to show too much, so Ill leave it at this. I wont understand it even if I see it. Do you have anything else that would be interesting?

Shame said, smiling cheerfully.

Mea breathed out a sigh of relief next to me.

I, I see

Why do you look so disappointed, Abel ?