Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Chapter 355 - Episode Two - A Certain Fire Countrys Evil Omen (2)

Chapter 355 - Episode Two - A Certain Fire Countrys Evil Omen (2)

Chapter 355 - Episode Two - A Certain Fire Country's Evil Omen (2)

Ohhhhh this is certainly interesting.

I looked over the list Peter had given me of the top 100 most important people in the world in terms of threat level.

Underneath the picture of the face, there is detailed information, but for the 60th to 100th ranks, there seems to be a steady stream of swordsmen and sorcerers affiliated with the five great kingdoms.

There are a few famous people mixed in here and there that even I remember hearing their names somewhere.

The names of all four of the four great priests of the water gods were also on the list.

After all, my Penrath was rated overwhelmingly high, with a threat level of nineteenth place.

Satisfied, I nodded to myself.

As I flipped through the pages, I saw the face of a masked queer I recognized.

It seemed that even Peters data was listed exactly as it should be.

However, the ranking was unexpectedly low.

Peter-san, Peter-san is in fifty-second place, are you satisfied with this result?

This person is supposed to be a monster from the Dinrat Kingdom who continues to live until he is un-aged, but is he really satisfied with this.

Ive heard that he was beaten up by the Balancer of the Scale of Time, so I guess its fair to say that.

Im just not revealing my trump card to that Rimud guy! Obviously!

And Peter-sama is not the type to fight openly.

Myunhi calmly follows up on Peters distress.

I-I see.

But while I understand that there are a lot of people who come from the five major powers, there are just as many people who belongs to the Balancer of the Scale of Time that I clashed with at the Kudors Ancient Cathedral.

No, if you look at it comprehensively, they might have the most power.

In particular, from the fiftieth to the twentieth place, there are only the Balancer of the Scale of Time and the High Elves.

I thought that the High Elves were a sluggish race with only a slightly longer lifespan, but it seems that they have produced a surprisingly large number of talented people.

Abel, Abel huh, Abel is not here?

Mea was going through the order sheets, starting from the top, but when she had finished looking at them, she let out a muffled voice.

Its natural. Im not going to tell Rimud as much as I can about Abel-chan. If you trust him too much, youll be in big trouble. Abel-chan doesnt want to carelessly be involved, right? You have to keep your trump cards hidden.

doesnt even list Count Julem, you know.

In the first place, there was a huge, somewhat smug look on Kudors face.

It seems that Rimdu already knows about his resurrection.

In the meantime, I was relieved to learn that no one had found a monster that could surpass it.

There have been a number of sightings of Count Julem, but I havent heard of any battles being fought, so I cant list them. Maybe there isnt any person who has fought with him and survived.

But I thought Peter-sama has had some decent encounter with him

Ive shared the Counts information with Rimud, but Im still not sure how much to tell him. Its also possible that he could become an enemy. We are both in a position of weakness, having handed over secrets of our own country to the other, so it should not be easy to be betrayed. But it is worth being cautious. Rimud is really a monster. They call him the most powerful sorcerer in the history of the Maharaun Kingdom.

The Maharaun Kingdoms Five Grand Masters, Rimud, were ranked thirteenth, surpassing Altamirs fifteenth rank.

The reason why Altamirs reputation is so high is because she is considered a danger to her abilities as an alchemist.

In terms of simple combat ability, we should consider that there is a huge barrier between Rimud and Altamir.

In the top ten, apart from the collector who is still mistakenly believed to be hoarding treasures and is just barely in the top ten, there is no human being in the list of high-ranking demons with monstrous names.

In the first place is the God of Law, Kudor, in the second place is the unidentified demon Dioms, who is said to be under investigation by the Maharaun Kingdom as the shadow boss of the Balancer of the Scale of Time, in the third place is the Vase of 100 Karma, that is said to have been created in a ritual by the God of Fire, Maharbo, using many high-ranking demons in the age of mythology, and in the fourth place goes to Sim, a great spirit known as The One that Slaughters history who is rumored to have destroyed several small countries by controlling the royal family, and the fifth place goes to Avel, an apostle sent by the water god Levi to defeat the false god Med.

I almost missed it for a second, but its right there.

Its just that its physique and face are so far removed from mine that I wouldnt even notice it if you told me.

Its like Im a statue of physical beauty.

What did I look like to Sateria?

In Meas opinion, this Abel is a little too muscular for me.

Mea was staring at Avels drawing with narrowed eyes.

I think its cool, and Id actually like to have this much muscle, but I decided to keep my mouth shut.

However, since Peter is also withholding information, there is a good chance that Rimud of Five Grand Masters is also withholding information about the sorcerers and high-ranking demons they know.

So, what did you show this list to me for?

Well, its more of a bait to get Abel-chan to eat

Im sure youll be pleased to know that Im not the only one whos a bit of an idiot, said Peter, fishing through the list and pulling out five sheets of paper.

This is the top of the Maharaun Kingdom, the Five Grand Masters.

While Rimud of the Five Grand Masters is ranked thirteenth, the others are scattered between fifty and eighty.

Except for the Five Grand Masters the rest are not much better than Peter-san.

As I exhaled in disappointment, Peter glared at me, biting his lower lip.

Can you please stop using me as your standard?

Its creepy because they bring five people who are only chosen because of their bloodline to the level of the worlds most talented people of any generation. If you take Abel-sama out of the equation, the Maharaun Kingdom will have a better quality of top-tier mages and swordsmen than the Dinrat Kingdom. In war, this difference would be of great significance. Rimud of the Five Grand Masters is implicitly putting pressure on Peter-sama with this list.

Myunhi, in a professional tone, tells me in a matter-of-fact way.

I dont know if it matters, but I dont think she likes me very much.

But this is where we finally got to talking about the war.

Its true that when you see a list like this, you can somehow feel the difference in strength of each country.

If you look at it this way, if you take out the top ten in the rankings, the order of strength is the Sky Country Alfheim, the Maharaun Kingdom, the Dinrat Kingdom, the Riveras Church Kingdom, and the Galshard Kingdom.