Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Chapter 335 - Episode Thirty-Five

Chapter 335 - Episode Thirty-Five

Chapter 335 - Episode Thirty-Five

At the bottom of the hidden stairs of Larks mansion, on the second basement level, there is a small room with only a desk and a chair, and paintings hanging on the walls.

No one has been in the room for ten years, and the floor and desk are covered in dust.

Im very sorry, Peter-sama Im afraid the last time I entered this room was when my predecessor was alive, when we were cleaning I thought this room would never be used again Its a token rule that no one other than the head of the family is allowed to enter the room, except for guests Ill clean it up right away.

Lark bowed to Peter.

I dont mind. Im not here for that Rather than that, quickly get out, Baron Lark.

Ah, Yes, sir

Lark bowed and walked out of the small room.

Lark says that this is a secret meeting room of the Baron Fage family.

Its the first generation of Baron Fages family, and Larks grandfather had it built in his later years.

The magic formula engraved on the walls makes it resistant to eavesdropping and interception magic.

It seems that Larks grandfather was a shady character, like the art warehouse.

Lord Peltaire , please take your seat.

I lifted my elbows from the desk and motioned for Peter to take a seat.

I dont want you to call me that because it gives me the creeps, but what can I say, you like to start with form.

Peters mouth curved in disgust as he peered out of his mask.

Great! Im so excited about this place! Mea has read about rooms like this in novels!

Mea is making a lot of noise beside me.

We both agreed that we could have up to one attendant.

As usual, Myunhi is also standing beside Peter.

To be honest, Myunhi-san is a pretty ordinary person, so I think she might be too much for Peters plan to defeat Count Julem.

At the very least, he should have Altamir as his secretary.

Well, I wont go into that too much.

If I start talking about it, I cant deny that Peter himself is not strong enough.

Are you okay? Isnt that boy talking too much? Ive been moving around the country a little too much lately, and it seems that the Dinrat royal family doesnt like me very much. If I do anything too inappropriate, my position will be in jeopardy

I thought I was putting a lot of pressure on the royal family, but I guess they really hated me.

Of course. It seems that Peter also is forcing the current King of Dinrat Kingdom to give permission, and doing something shady at will.

Zolomonia, the former demon of wisdom and destruction who now works as a slave analyzing forbidden grimoires in a warehouse Ive warded, also told me secretly that Peter used to let criminals out of their cells without permission and take them under his command, and that he used them to rob this mistresss wand before selling it illegally.

Compared to what hes doing, the fact that Ive been given a bit of authority to use magic is nothing compared to what hes doing.

Mea is much more trustworthy than Peter-san not betraying you.

You youre spitting venom quite easily now, arent you?

Peter-san clears his throat to cover it up.

I havent forgotten that I was almost killed along with Mea after cooperating with Peter with good intentions for a long time.

If Peter hadnt said at the end of the day, I can let Mea go, I wouldnt be in the same position as I am now.

But is your position really that in dangerous?

Peter is my sponsor.

I dont want him to fall into the city without permission and lose his value.

Because I have the power, Im willing to go along with the ambitions of this black-hearted, lying, disgusting Queer.

I dont think theyre saying anything out in the open, but I think theres a movement in the royal family thats trying to get me kicked out of the monarchy somehow. The first candidate to become the next King of Dinrat, the fourth child, Princess Charlotte, is a difficult enemy of mine because she hasnt done anything remarkable so far, shes not that smart, and people around her didnt expect much from her, so Ive been neglecting her. She was a real dark horse She has a strange sense of justice and seems to think Im the enemy of the kingdoms dark side.

Peter said, holding his head.

Peter-sama, you should not show too much weakness to Abel !

Myunhi hurriedly reaches her hand in front of Peters mouth.

So, you see the combination of the failure of God Kudors rule and the attack on the Count made me feel a bit vulnerable

Peter lets out a deep sigh.

Ive heard interesting things about Princess Charlotte

I dont know anything about petty politics, and I dont think Ill ever get involved with royalty, but it might be worth keeping in mind Huh, I think Ive heard that somewhere before.

Abel , isnt Princess Charlotte the one with Gaston?

Mea whispered to me.


The fourth child, Princess Charlotte is the idiot princess who heard only rumors about Gaston and immediately promoted him to a knight in her entourage, then used her own power to push him to become a legendary adventurer, and then embarrassed herself by showing him off at a tournament in the capital.

Oh, shes still in the first place after all that?

Oh, is it me? was happy to hear that my defeating Brian, another princes confidant knight, and forcing him to retire, turned out to be a follow-up to Gaston, but dont tell me that shes still pushing that knights buttons?.

D-Dont tell me this is my fault?

Peter tilted his head when he saw my face.

Whats wrong, Abel?

No, no! Its nothing! Nothing! I didnt do anything!

R-Really, thats all right, then Now that weve got the small talk out of the way, can we get down to business, Abel-chan?

Peter took his seat. Myunhi thanked Peter and me, then took his seat.

I straightened my posture and crossed my arms.

Peter-san you will keep your word this time, wont you? I also want to get along with you, Peter-san, okay?

Yes I know. Im afraid of what will happen if I lie to you. Im going to make it clear to you right here and now. If you can defeat Levi and Count Julem I will do whatever it takes to free Penrath Bonge the important criminal imprisoned in the Great Prison of Orknoa. Hes currently in protective custody.

Peter said bitterly, but powerfully.

Thats what I wanted to hear.

I gave a small nod.

Abel!? Peter-sama!?

Mea, sitting beside me, and Myunhi, sitting beside Peter, stood up with shocked expressions.

Please, please come to your senses, Abel! Why, why is it! I wasnt listening! I said that its fine as long as Mea is here! Why does it matter now! Hes such a little old man!

Mea grabs me by the shoulders and shakes me in my chair.

Be-, because! Zolomonia said that Peter was recruiting criminals from the prison to be his men, so I thought I could go there, and when I tried to push, it was so easy ah! Stop! If you do anything more, itll dislocate yourself!

Mea shakes my shoulder in unison.

The chair is shaking and banging and its scary.

If it falls over, I might hit my head.

This is a stone floor, so its not fancy.

Peter-sama! Are you out of your mind! Youve been saying that youve got the hang of this and that youre going to get the better of Abel! Youre making so many concessions! Penrath is an extremely dangerous person with the worst ideology and magic, even worse than Pope Sateria!? Didnt you say so yourself!? Now that youve miraculously succeeded in capturing him, why would you do something as outrageous as drowning the entire gold mine youve accidentally found in the ocean!? Why didnt you consult with me before you declared to that lunatic!?

I dont have a choice! If I had told you, you would have definitely stopped me! Just like now! Myunhi! I dont like children who dont listen! Dont interfere with my decisions! In any case, Ive already said it! I cant take it back! Hell never listen to me! Thats what he is! Ultimately, as long as Levi and Count Julem are taken care of, everything else is trivial! I have no choice but to do this! Ive been working so hard for the world, but God Kudor has turned his back on me, the heads of all the countries wont listen to me, and it looks like theyve started preparing for a war against the Dinrat Kingdom at the Counts behest, and to top it off, even the stupid princess is trying to ostracize me. And Abel dont seem to care! Then Myunhi, you defeat him! I want you to kill Count Julem! Okay, and Ill take it back right now! Come on, hurry! Hurry it up!

Dont be a child! Are you going to be responsible for what Penrath will do to the world after his release!?

It doesnt matter since Im the one who caught him! In the first place, since Abel-chan is on the loose, its like a margin of error! Who cares that 100 million has become 110 million? H-Hey, get your hands off me! Let go!

If you look to the side, you will see that Peter is also being strangled by Myunhi.

And so, a secret meeting between me, a sorcerer, and the former Pope, Lord Peltaire, took place in the second basement of Baron Fages house, and a backroom deal was made.


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