Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Chapter 331 - Episode Thirty-One - Old Pens Progress (3)

Chapter 331 - Episode Thirty-One - Old Pens Progress (3)

Chapter 331 - Episode Thirty-One - Old Pen's Progress (3)

So I interpret it as a difference in perception. The distortion of the existence of the virtual demon, or microscopic demon, as proposed by Gillemeim, is due to the fact that humans have disdained the value of thinking on a microscopic scale when constructing the meaning of words and theories of magic, and more specifically, in our daily lives.

In front of Mea and Penrath, I talked about the paradox of Gilemeims virtual demon.

Penrath nodded repeatedly and ran the magic formula and array letters on the paper in his hand.

Next to him, Mea looked stunned.

No, thats really too much to say no, but I see! If you think about it that way, does it make sense? No, after all, Abel-sama has a mind that transcends even the founder of the gods, Levi !

Of course, every word, every concept, is based on our macroscopic perception. The same is true for sorcery, and thats why there are discrepancies in the concepts. Gillemeim has come at it from the bottom up, making a big deal of the sacrifices that have been made to reconcile the two, and proposing paradoxes, citing dimensions and space.

But its so different from the existing interpretation of the virtual demon paradox I, for one, am not yet able to accept it completely. The virtual demon paradox is the main theory that gave rise to the tree diagram theory of parallel worlds, and thought experiments such as the Pandoras box of Nyarun, but you mistakenly deny all of them !

The paradox of Gillemeims virtual demon is, to put it bluntly, that based on the characteristics of the smallest unit of a spirit body, the spirit child, we can consider the contradictions that arise when we consider that an ultra-small microscopic demon consisting of a few spirit children has been generated, and then make assumptions about the nature of the demon.

When Gillemeim was alive, the mainstream theory was that the supposed microscopic demon was too simple to have a functioning mental structure, and that the fictional microscopic demon itself could not have arisen, and that such a thing was impossible. It is said that this idea was ridiculed as absurd.

However, more than a hundred years after Gillemeims death, the mainstream began to believe that it was more natural to believe that such an entity could exist, even though the probability of its occurrence was astronomically low and therefore unrealistic, based on the development of conventional magic and spirit theories.

After a hundred years of development, it was proven that Gillemeim was right.

However, there was no way that Gillemeim could have said something that even a fool could deny, so it simply took that long for Gillemeims values to catch up with even a sliver.

So, in conclusion, Im not saying thats all there is to it, but if I may be so bold as to say roughly, the Spirit Equation in the Microscopic State of Gillemeim, developed from Gillemeims virtual demon paradox, is merely meant to transform a fundamental error in thinking. Thats what I mean. Im not talking about the unusual properties of micro-scale spirit bodies, nor am I talking about interference from the upper dimensions or other worlds.

Oh, Ohhhhhhhh! Great ! I, this fool, am now facing the truth of all things itself! To my shame and sorrow, I am not bright enough to understand it all !

Penrath was weeping tears of joy, but his face suddenly twisted in grief, and he fell to his knees and began to weep.

Its okay, Old Pen. Ill stand beside you and support you.

Abel-sama, Abel-samaaaaaa!

Penrath hugged me.

I was a little surprised, but gently returned Penraths embrace to my small body.

Abel-sama! I apologize, this fool, how awe-inspiring !

I pat Penrath on the head.

With such a dedicated disciple, the Fage territory is safe.

It will not be a problem if I leave this place for a while.

E-Er, lets see, Mea, Mea understood too! In short, since Gillemeim-san couldnt get anyone to understand him, he opened up and exaggerated and covered it up with smoke, no one but Abel could interpret him properly until now.

What? Ah, well, if I were to put it bluntly, thats not necessarily the case is it? Ultimately, there is a difference in the way of thinking about what every word represents, and since Im not interested in such things to be honest, I think its fine to position it as a conversion formula when thinking about miniscule spirit bodies

Youre a little girl who doesnt know the history of sorcery, so dont just listen to the results and talk nonsense! What youre saying is insulting not only to Gillemeim, but also to the golem scholar Finacci, to Deigaran who devoted his life to crazily, to the mathematical sorcerer Gerne, to all the sages, wise men, alchemists, and even to the great Abel-sama! Im sorry, Abel-sama! Im going to kick this little girl out of here!

Penraths ape-like face suddenly turns into a demon, and he tries to grab onto Mea.

I held Penraths shoulders and pulled with all my might.

W-Wait a minute, Oi! Wait a minute! Stop, Old Pen! No, stop!

But! But, Abel-sama! What she just said! I cant let her get away with it! She must retract her shallow and disrespectful remarks to you and apologize to you by putting her head on the ground for three days and three nights!

No, I cant stop.

This guy is surprisingly strong for such a small and skinny guy.

I-I, Im sorry, Im sorry Abel! Mea, Mea, Mea was lonely just listening to you beside me, and I only wanted to join in the conversation, you know

Meas shoulders rise and fall slightly, she says in a tearful voice, and tries to kneel down on the spot.

Ahhhh! You dont have to bow down!

Only? After all this time, youre still making excuses for your mistakes! How much, how much do you plan to fool Abel-sama!? Dont Abel-sama, dont stay with someone like her! Ive always thought that the Dinrat Kingdom is not sincere about magic! Yes, thats right! Lets go to the Maharaun Kingdom with me. There are many sorcerers there that Ive personally approved of! Im sure Abel-dono will be very embarrassed in this place!

Shut up for a second! Ill seriously excommunicate you!

A-Abel-sama! Im so sorry! But I am saying this for the sake of Abel-sama !

In a corner of the hall that was in chaos, Altamir, the vice-leader of the Alchemy Division, came in, not as a single spirit, but as a whole.

When I tried to help Mea up, and saw how the Old pen was clinging to my leg, she let out a sigh of dismay.

What are you guys doing Abel, youre making Mea cry again As the green girl said before, shes going to get sick of you soon.

No, no, I was just standing here and talking to Old Pen for about five minutes

I saw you from a distance more than thirty minutes ago, and you were talking to him, werent you?


Youre absolutely right.

I couldnt help but droop.

Im sure you were just having another useless conversation anyway. You should cut him off, or rather, interrupt him right now.


All I could do was nod.


Mea looks at Altamir with reddened, tear-stained eyes.

In addition, Altamir lets out a sigh.

Wait, woman! What do you mean, useless!? I was having a conversation with Abel-sama about his interpretation of Gillemeims virtual demon paradox! You wouldnt know how much of a value this is from a magical point of view. Its fine to make assumptions on your own! But if you say it to me face to face, I have to say something back!

Altamirs shoulders jumped.

Heh, Gillemeims? Abels interpretation?

Ha! Its doubtful that any second-rate alchemist has ever heard of it properly! Hmph, since Abel-sama is an open-minded man, Ill let you off the hook this time. But ladies, there will be no next time!

Hey, can I give you a quick overview?

Altamirs eyes slant upward and she brushes her hair with her fingertips, as if she were blatantly uninterested.


Mea grabbed Altamirs shoulder and shook it as if she were clinging to her.

J-, Just one word! One minute! Thirty seconds! No, forty seconds!