Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Chapter 307 - Episode Seven

Chapter 307 - Episode Seven

Chapter 307 - Episode Seven

After that, Peter and I, his subordinate, Myunhi, and Altamir, who had been following us, moved to the guest room under the guidance of Euris.

Peter hustled Euris to leave quickly and then turned to Myunhi.

Myunhi gives a small nod and puts the tip of her cane against the door.


A magic circle appeared on the door.

The door was magically locked.

Ward, deploy.

She continued to wave her wand and set up a simple soundproof ward in the room, then bowed to Peter.

Good work, Myunhi.

Its a simple spell, better than nothing.

Its probably a measure to keep conversations from leaking out, but if the sorcerer wanted to, he could break it from the outside.

Myunhi had a tight-lipped smile on his face.

Her hands were shaking.

I gently put my hand over my mouth.

I nearly said what I just thought of.

Ill try not to say anything unnecessary.

Um if you are letting me through, then are you really Lord Peltaire?

Altamir crowded Peter.

Altamir, I cant tell me not to go out into the countryside, because enough time has passed since. In any case, I could not have stopped you if you had forced it. But I didnt expect to find you here. The High Elves taking you is probably a big lie of Abel-chan, wasnt it? Now that I think about it, I should have realized this possibility earlier.

In the heavy atmosphere, conversations were exchanged.

When she heard the word Altamir, Myunhis mouth tightened and her shoulders stopped shaking.

Then she turned her gaze to Altamir and her head to Peter.

Peter-sama is this the legendary alchemist, Altamir!?

Yes, thats right. Yes, thats Altamir, the worst witch.

Peter said in a bitter tone.

I knew that the two of them had known each other for a while.

I had heard from Altamir that Lord Peltaire had been involved in the reason why Altamir had retreated to the tower.

There was a slight silence, and then Altamirs hard expression fell at once.

Ehhhhh, no way, really! I dont understand! I really dont understand!? What, he is Lord Peltaire? Why!?

Altamir stood beside Peter with a leap peculiar to spirit bodies, and touched his body rudely.

It looks great, youre cute. Eh, but, Uhhhhhh! I cant believe that Lord Peltaire, who is the picture of seriousness, would dabble in abominations while dressed up as a woman! Oh, can you take off your mask? Whats going on with your eyes? I knew there was something fishy about you, but since when have you been interested in cross-dressing?

Peter-sama, please order the disposal of this thing.

The nervousness disappears from Myunhis appearance.

She said in a matter-of-fact voice and pointed her staff at Altamir.

I was prepared for some of this when I brought you here. It was even worse than I expected, though. Just control yourself, Myunhi. In front of you is the witch Altamir, the pinnacle of alchemists. She is stronger than I am.

Myunhi turned her suspicion to Altamir.

Its only natural to be suspicious when you see the way shes acting.

Im also stunned by Altamirs unusually high tension.

Ive never seen Altamir this agitated before.

Im also a little taken aback.

Hey, hey, Why? Why? Youve been telling me all the time that Im going to be punished, that I cant be led into reincarnation if my life is unnatural, that Im rebelling against the gods, that Im a bad example to all the sorcerers in the world, and yet youve managed to extend your own life and become a woman?

Altamir tapped Peter on the shoulder.

What now, Id like to quietly the room.

Peter-sama! Why are you at her mercy? I will not tolerate any more disrespect to Peter-sama, even if you are a witch, even if it costs me my life !

Ive had nearly a dozen troublesome things taken care of for me in the past, so I cant be too proud. Thats enough. As for Altamir, please assume that shes not here. I have to talk to Abel-chan.

Peter said exhaustedly.

Youve been through a lot, havent you, Peter-san ?

I felt great sympathy for him.

I believe it was Peter who asked Altamir to build a tower to seal the big goldfish in the Apocalypse.

From the looks of it, he probably owed her a lot of other things as well.

Anyway, this is the permit for the construction of the magic wave tower that Abel-chan applied for. Ill also go through the other nobles and ask for funding. The seal of the royal family is firmly in place, so there wont be any problems.

Thats great, Peter-san! It was worth it to leave those two rings of authority with you, Peter-san!

I stood up, rejoiced, extended my hand to Peter and shook it involuntarily.

You didnt leave it with him! The certificate of the former Pope and the certificate of the High Priest of Amor both belong to Peter-sama!

Myunhi yells, her cheeks turning red.

Peter shakes his head as he looks at me with a smile on his face.

Its not easy for Lord Peltaire to get Abels attention.

Altamir looked at me and Peter with waking eyes.

You may not be aware of it, but youre both pretty much the same.

I took the permit and checked the contents, humming to myself.

I checked it, but now Im getting anxious.

Ive been going over it and over it, and all I can see is that everything Ive submitted has been approved.

I had developed a habit of jokingly including everything that came to mind in order to outsmart Lark and increase the number of requirements for the permit.

But it was all circled from corner to corner.

Its a little unrealistic.

Is this person really reading this?

To top it all off, theyve even given permission for a pseudo-magic cannon that can shoot out a powerful directional gravity wave by collecting the excess magic power of the magic wave tower, distorting and crushing a straight line of space without any time difference, in a sense exceeding the speed of light.

If we can complete something like this, we could wipe out the royal castle from the fage territory if we wanted to.

Um, Peter-san, did you look over this properly? I cant trust this kind of thing, even if you handed it to me and said, Permission is okay with this . Even I wouldnt make something like this.

I opened the gravity gun page of the permit, held it with my left hand, and tapped it with my right hand.

So please dont send that to Peter-sama

Myunhis accusation of my powerlessness leaked out of her mouth.

Peter coughed, propped his elbows on his desk, and folded his hands.

Actually, I have a favor to ask you, Abel-chan. One is to somehow bridge the gap between me and the god Kudor. The other is to eliminate Levi, the god of water, one of the four great creator gods, and capture Pope Sateria. The Riveras Kingdom are definitely going to make a move soon.