Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Chapter 291 - Episode Thirty-Eight - The Great God Kudor (12)

Chapter 291 - Episode Thirty-Eight - The Great God Kudor (12)

Chapter 291 - Episode Thirty-Eight - The Great God Kudor (12)

Whatever it is, this is really my last chance.

I dont know how many more seconds the God Binding Technique will last.

Ill use Levis spear to pierce Kudor this time.

I raise my hand.

The spear emblem on the back of my hand shines, and Levis spear returns to the giant arm made of Hydeem Magimetal that I control.

I put magic power into the sigil.

The spear was enveloped in a blue light again.

Do not think Im going to let this kind of magic keep me down!

The light of the grid that sealed Kudor was snatched away.

Peter was praying desperately with his hands clasped tightly together.

Im wondering what the former Pope of Kudor Church is praying to for the destruction of Kudor, but it doesnt matter now.

Pierce it this time, Levis spear!

I lowered my arm.

Hydeem Magimetals arm moves and throws a blue light.

It was almost at the same time that the lattice of light that sealed off Kudor collapsed and disappeared.

A huge spear plunged deep into the shadow of Kudor floating in the blue light.

The blue light faded.

Levis spear beautifully pierced the single eye buried in the mass of flesh with each closed eyelid.

It seemed that even Kudors overly strong body was meaningless in front of the spear.

If not, he would not have tried to escape by force, even if he had to shave off a large number of tentacles.

I-, Impossible W-Why ? I, Kudor, is the most powerful being created, the God of Law, you know !? I, Kudor

There are anger and astonishment in Kudors eyes.

A blue-black