Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Chapter 281 - Episode Twenty-Eight - The Great God Kudor (2)

Chapter 281 - Episode Twenty-Eight - The Great God Kudor (2)

Chapter 281 - Episode Twenty-Eight - The Great God Kudor (2)

I was walking down a new passage with Peter behind me and a knife to my neck.

Mea, like me, was threatened by Myunhi and forced to walk slightly behind me.

Ready? Abel-chan, walk in a straight line. Dont look back. Yes, good boy.

Peter, a tall man, bends slightly behind me and whispers into my ear.

I would like to take advantage of the opportunity to counterattack, but since I have my wand in my pocket under Peters direction, I cant use magic as quickly as I would like.

In addition to that, Zolomonia is also sticking behind Peter.

I dont know what that Great Demon is thinking, but its clearly impossible to fool the eyes of a Great Demon who is an expert in magical phenomena.

The demons thought process is not something that humans can understand, so it is possible that she might turn on a whim and let us off the hook, but I dont think it is something that we can expect to risk our lives for.

Peter-sama, now that its come to this, wouldnt it be better to just kill them? It would be too risky to keep the man after he shows his hostility.

It looks like the trial is over, but theres no guarantee that there wont be more tricks up our sleeve. Abel, you are my insurance. If something goes wrong, you will take care of it, wont you? For me and for Mea, right?

Peters long-fingered hand was placed on my shoulder in a familiar manner.

A chill ran down my spine.

After all, it seems that Mea is going to be treated as a hostage to me.

If something goes wrong, I may be able to take advantage of the situation and attack Peter.

But I guess Mea is there to check that.

I have not stated exactly what I will do to Mea when I counterattack, but I have kept it implied so that you can imagine it, which increases the effect of the fetters.

Even though his intentions are transparent, we lose when we are forced to be aware of them.

I thought Peter was just a gay uncle, but he is quite cunning.

Hes obviously used to capturing people and threatening them.

A certain high elf had also taken Mea hostage, but when I pointed out his despicable behavior, I had turned the tables.

Peter, however, would pay no heed to my provocation.

Eventually, the passage was cut off and we reached a hall.

At the far end of the room, there was a huge lump of rock, nearly three meters high.

It stood majestically in the middle of a large number of techniques carved into the floor.

The shape of the lump was distorted and spherical, with layers of petrified tentacles entwined around the surface of the body, and eyelids tightly closed in the middle.

The strange lump of rock was expanding and contracting slightly, like the palpitations of a heart.

This lump of rock was alive.

The moment I saw it, my body suddenly began to tremble.

Before my head could comprehend it, my body was frightened.

When I observed Peter with my sideway eyes, he also turned his eyes to the lump of rock and smiled thinly, but his hands were shaking and his breathing was a little ragged.

I brought it into view and understood it completely.

This is a Kudor, though it doesnt have a human upper body attached to it.

If I may borrow Peters hypothesis, it is a spirit weapon created in exchange for the lives of 100,000 people.

Fufufu Yes, this, this, this is Kudor. Im not sure if its because the trials are over or because the seal is slowly being broken. Myunhi, Im going to bind Priest Yohanan before the seal of Kudor is completely broken. In the meantime, keep a close eye on Abel-chan. If theres any strange movement, then to Mea-chan you know what to do, right?

Peter said to Myunhi and glanced at me as if to confirm.

Peters words are just a threat.

Theres no point in Mea Mare without bringing up negotiations after Ive actually made my move.

If there is a next time, it will be a check for that. But its unlikely that Peter and I will be in the same situation another day.

Besides, Peter doesnt seem to be the type of person who decides what to do out of passion.

But even though I knew that, I still couldnt move.

I bite my lip in frustration.

Peter takes a few steps away from me.

He throws the stone in his hand into the air and raises the Staff of Zolomonia.

Remove the curse and show its true form

At Peters words, the stone swells with light and transforms into a glowing blue tentacle, which bursts open, leaving behind a myriad of blue spirit phosphorescence.

Thats, no way

Yes, Its a piece of Kudors tentacle that belonged to me. If you break the seal and scatter the spirit, it can increase the power of your magic. It was a national treasure of the Dinrat Kingdom, but its worth it if I want to use it now. And since were about to get the body, its none of our business.

He was going to use the spirit to control the resurrecting Kudor with magic.

I dont think there was any mention of such a thing in the Great Gods Treasure Book, but I dont know where he got the means to control Kudor, whose existence was so vague hmm?

I dont know why, but something doesnt feel right.

Is there something Im missing?

Peter conjured several huge, complex magic circles into the air.

I felt a strange sense of dj vu in that magic circle. I knew I had seen that somewhere before.

An unpleasant hypothesis pieced together in my mind.

H, hey, Peter, where did you find that magic?

I asked, raising my voice. I tried to take a step closer, but gave up when Myunhi, who was near Mea, glared at me.

Peter looked at me and smiled contentedly, answering in a smug manner.

Fufufu Ive deciphered a manuscript of the legendary Great Gods Treasure Book and combined it with the knowledge of Zolomonia to revive it. Im a former pope, so I can easily get my hands on high-level magic tools and books like that. Oops, that was a slip of the tongue. But now its too late.

F-Former Pope ?

A-, after all, the one who was called Peltaire was the previous Pope No, thats too far off from what Altamir told me about him No, now is not the time for that.

The magic circle for controlling Kudor in the Great Gods Treasure Book should have said this! I created it to control Kudor, but it was of no use to me. Theres no point in continuing my research any further. In order to make amends for the magic Ive developed, Ill at least describe it here in its entirety.

The magic circle that Peter is going to use is the same magic formula that was written in the last corner of the Great Gods Treasure Book.

It is completely identical. It is guaranteed by its creator, Priest Yohanan, to fail. Theres too much of a chance of winning.

Peter looked at me with puzzled eyes, but then he covered his mouth and smiled.

Youre desperate, Abel-chan. Im sure youve been working hard on it, but its so poorly written. The existence of the manuscript is restricted even among church officials. First of all, there is no way you could have known the contents of the manuscript. And secondly, there is no such sentence written anywhere in the manuscript. Ive spent a lot of time deciphering it, so if theres a sentence like that, Ill know about it.

Tha-, thats not possible! Yes, if its not in the codex, its in the original! It must have been left out in the copying process!

There was no way he could control Kudor with that fake magic circle that had been put there by the wasteful mind of Priest Yohanan.

Peter is trying to operate a spiritual weapon that has destroyed the four great creator gods, without knowing that he has no way to control it.

You cant stimulate it! The heartbeat of that mass senses our magic and moves in response to it. If something interferes, it will break the seal at once! It should still be able to reseal itself now! Ill help you, lets make a truce, for now, lets do it!

How idiotic. How could you possibly know the original contents of the Great Gods Treasure Book, which was lost generations ago? I know youre desperate, but youre starting to depress me. This technique is very difficult to control. You can see that, cant you? If you ramble on any longer about nonsense, you might inadvertently slip into Myunhi-chans hands, you know?

Its no use. I was surprised at how little my words pass through.

Peter is completely consumed with the idea of controlling Kudor.

We have the Great Gods Treasure Book! Its in the carriage I came in! Tha-, Thats right, Zolomonia, Zolomonia would know! The formula is incomplete!

Zolomonia is a great demon of wisdom and ruin.

Im not sure what to do. Im sure she would have noticed that there was something wrong with the magic circle.

So, I told you before, right? Ive been able to reproduce this technique with the help of Zolomonia-chan. The effect is also guaranteed by Zolomonia-chan. Once you have completed this technique, you can move the God of Law Kudor as you wish.

Zolomonia was incompetent.

I bit my bottom lip and glared at Zolomonia.

What great demon of wisdom and destruction. What a stupid thing to say, what a thing to do.

Zolomonia was sitting in a triangle in the air behind Peter, but when her eyes met mine, she winked, collapsed her legs, and chuckled.

I certainly said so. If only I could recreate this technique completely, I might be able to control the God of Law Kudor at will.

Zolomonia says it in a way that implies

yeah? Im not sure if shes asserting anything

Do you understand? If you have the God Binding Technique, the revered God, the Four Great God-Killing Kudor, will be nothing more than a powerful weapon. Zolomonia-chan has assured me of that.

N, no, shes not being subtle about it!? Dont be fooled! Dont listen to the demon, thats what theyve been saying since ancient times, since mythical times! Theyre just a bunch of deluded people! Youd better stop it!

At this rate, Its not going to end well.

When I try to interfere by taking out my wand, Myunhi raises his voice.

Abel, put your hands down. Is it alright to you that something might happen to this little girl?


I slowly lift my empty hand to show that Im not doing anything.


Book five will be out on November 15th!

Before you know it, itll be less than a week

Im a little short on time today, so Ill put it off for later, but Ill be back soon with the cover and rough sketches for volume four, an introduction to the special offers, and a release commemorative SS for the release of volume five (aka SS for the store special offers that were omitted due to too many words), so stay tuned!

(Nov. 9, 2017)