Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Chapter 274 - Episode Twenty-One - The Second Trial (3)

Chapter 274 - Episode Twenty-One - The Second Trial (3)

Chapter 274 - Episode Twenty-One - The Second Trial (3)

In the meantime, I found a narrow entrance a little further down the corridor that a single person could barely fit through.

Since there was no other way, we had no choice but to proceed here, but the narrow entrance was also closed from the inside by a stone pillar engraved with a magic formula.

The stone pillars were somewhat out of place in the interior of the ancient cathedral.

The magic formula was clearly in a modern form.

I didnt need to channel my magic to analyze it.

It seems that It wasnt built in mythical times.

When I said that, Peter approached the stone pillar and touched the engraved formula.

He seemed to be analyzing it by channeling magic.

Im guessing its the two members of the Magic cult Balancer of the Scale of Time whove entered first. It seems to be reinforced by warding, but I think Abel-chan can quickly break the encryption and remove the warding?

After a few seconds of touching, Peter looked back at me and said it.

Can I ask you to step away for a moment, Peter-san?

Yes, please. In the meantime, Ill explain to you about the magic they control, which I failed to mention. Ive only been able to fight one of them properly, so I dont know much about the one with the glasses

Peter said, moving away from the stone pillar.


I waved my wand and transferred the World Tree Ortem in front of me.

Abel, I didnt know you used them for analysis. I hadnt heard much about it, but I guess thats what the Marren is for.

Puppets, dance

He continued to manipulate the World Tree Ortem and pointed his wand at the stone pillar that sealed the entrance.

The World Tree Ortem unleashed a body blow to the stone pillar.

The World Tree Ortem-shaped dent appeared in the stone pillar, and with a roar, it receded into the back of the pillar, simultaneously cracking and shattering the whole thing.

Well, Lets go then.

Abel-chan is very excellent, huh.

There was a brief pause, but Peter began to walk as if nothing had happened.

Myunhis mouth was wide open and her eyes were filled with agitation as she looked around at his boss, Peter, me, and the World Tree Ortem, but as soon as she was out of range of Peter, she quickly followed him.

Its kind of like Peter-san became enlightened.

Mea whispered.


I was not sure what Mea meant by that, so I tilted my head.

Mea and I quickly followed Peter and Myunhi.

As soon as we caught up with them, we passed through a narrow entrance.

It was a small hall.

At the back of the room, there were a total of five sets of large, multi-layered disks hanging on the wall.

In the center of the disks was a door, and on the door and the walls were inscribed many magic formulas and magic circles, which seemed to be deploying protective wards on the walls.

And In front of it, there were two people wearing suspicious white robes with jumbled figures on them.

As Peter had said, they were a gentleman with glasses and a large man with an iron mask covering his face.

The large man seemed to be a one-armed person. His robe was stained with blood, and it seemed that he had lost one of his arms in this cathedral.

In the end I encountered them before I could ask them how they fought.

However, it seemed that the other side was not in a position to fight.

The bespectacled delicate man, his face pale and covered in sweat, pointing his staff at the disk.

The disks seemed to be receiving delicate mans magic power and turning and changing their angles.

When one disk turned, the whole disk made a clinking sound.

The delicate man was facing the wall disk, but he turned around and stared at Peter with narrowed eyes.

Why are you there Peltaire!

Rupel shouted to Peter.

Hmm, Peltaire ?

I feel like Ive heard it somewhere dont tell me, the former pope Peltaire!?

Nfufufufu Can you please stop calling me as if were so close like that? Youre not my type, you know, Rupel-chan.

Peter says to Ruppel triumphantly, with a distinctive intonation.

I guess not.

The Former Pope Peltaire was said to have an air of seriousness in the picture.

In addition, the former Pope Pertele should have died of old age more than forty years ago.

In addition, it is said that Altamir frequently met with Peltaire before he became a Pope, but every time he condemned Altamias research into the realm of forbidden magic, and admonished him to stop.

Peter is clearly using the most extreme forbidden magic to un-age his body.

The idea is just too different.

Its true that Altamir laughed at the fact that Peltaire had a tendency to talk like a bitch when he was in a hurry, but Im sure he wasnt a Queer.

Im sorry. Ive got your friend, the blonde, in custody. Now then, Rupel-chan, you really messed me up earlier, didnt you?

Peter smiles lecherously and glares at the bespectacled gentleman - Rupel.

The iron masked man with one arm is poised at the waist as if to warn Peter.

Im asking you why youre there! What happened to the first test on the way!? Didnt you see the statue of Kudor on the way!? I thought it was a straight path, but if theres another route

I dont have the time or the kindness to give you a gift for the future. Id like to thank you for the polite greeting you just gave me. Youve made me a fool a lot, didnt you.

From the way he said it, Peter seemed to hold a grudge against Ruppel.

Thats true. Before I came, he was bound to the ground with a stake.

But how can he be so strong against an opponent he once defeated?

As I was wondering, Peter looked back at me and winked.

It seems that Im expected to be a great asset.

Rupel clicks his tongue.

I think I underestimated you a little bit. But there is no merit in our fighting now. Lets be honest. This is the second trial. We must solve the puzzle of the disks to proceed, and there is a time limit. We should not fight until we get past this point. Otherwise, we will only fall together. I will solve this puzzle. In the meantime, I ask you not to touch it.

If it was a trial, the vision of Priest Yohanan would have explained the rules to us, but since we had joined up with the preceding group, they might have recognized us as the same group.

I dont feel any lie in Rupels appearance. He had sweat all over his face and seemed to be trying desperately to keep his wits about him for the puzzle.

Time limit

I ruminated on Rupels words.

Its true that, if thats the case, its not in the best interest of either party to fight now.

But the puzzle of the disk, from a quick glance, seems to be quite complicated.

The symbols and formulas engraved on the disks are apparently the questions of the puzzle, and they seem to correspond to the way the disks are moved.

I can imagine that the answers are probably similar to the construction of a magic circle.

Its a puzzle for sorcerers.

It would take me a while to get through it.

It looks like a lot of fun. Im excited to see it.

This is the Sun and Moon Dins Game ? It seems that one hell of a thing appeared.

Peter looked at the disk and hissed.

Ive heard the name before. It is said to be a mythical puzzle that the gods fought over.

It is said that Kudor, a bully who wanted what other gods had, eventually took it from the Sky God, got bored with it, and gave it to Priest Yohanan instead of throwing it away.

If it is real, it is a puzzle of terrible value.

It is a puzzle that has enthralled the gods. I want to solve it too.

Or rather, I want to display it in my room.

On the walls around us, there seemed to be a lot of hints on how to solve The Sun and Moon Dins Game in the ancient spirit language.

Many of them were cut off halfway through.

It was as if they were saying, Ive come up with a great solution, but I want to tell you the fact that I came up with it, but I dont want to tell you anything that will lead to a definitive answer. You should worry more, is what it says. I feel a kind of distorted sense of superiority.

Its not like I dont understand how you feel, but the person who wrote this clue didnt seem to have a very good personality.

But rather than being discouraged, Im intrigued. Id love to give it a try.