Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Chapter 272 - Episode Nineteen - The Second Trial (1)

Chapter 272 - Episode Nineteen - The Second Trial (1)

Chapter 272 - Episode Nineteen - The Second Trial (1)

With the help of Peter and Myunhi, I got the Din Eaters to gather in one place.

I set up a ward using the Ortem that was teleported when I took on the Din Eaters, and once again prevented the spirit bodies from dispersing and deteriorating.

Since I didnt have to worry about the time limit of the Kudor statue anymore, I was able to work slowly and calmly.

I nodded my head as I looked at the pile of Din Eaters trapped inside the light wall of the wards.

Mmm, perfect.

For now, Ill just leave the Din Eaters here and collect them on the way back.

Ill also leave the warding Ortem here.

If anyone tries to steal my Din Eaters, Ill incorporate some threats into my response actions.

Peter looks at the pile of Din Eaters with dead eyes.

Ah, do Peter-san need it to, as expected ?

I was hoping that since he didnt interrupt me, maybe he wasnt interested, but I guess that wasnt the case.

It is a dense, matured mass of spirit.

There are so many ways to use it.

I dont know much about Peter, but Im pretty sure hes a key figure in the Kudor Church.

If he claims that the Din Eaters is his using his power, I may not have any Din Eaters left in my possession.

No, Im good

Peter said tiredly.

I was relieved to hear him say that.

Thank God, Peter didnt seem too interested in the Din Eaters.

No, Peter was a high ranking member of the Kudor Church, and he seemed to have a lot of experience in forbidden magic.

Im not sure why such a person wouldnt be interested in the spirit body of a Din Eater, a servant of the god Kudor and the catalyst for the highest form of magic.

Peter had been very discreet with me. What a nice guy. Peters stock rose in my mind.

I, I see. ! No, somehow Im really sorry! Come to think of it, the statue of Kudor is surprisingly fragile for an ostentatious statue.

Surprisingly fragile Yes, it was. Thats right, it seems to be.

Peter said this and looked down the aisle.

Rather than that, Abel-chan if youre done with your business, why dont we move on? As I said before there are people from outside the kingdom who are after the Wand of Destruction. Theres no time limit on how far back you can go, but theres no telling whats going to happen on

The Wand of Destruction

But when I read the Great Gods Treasure Book, I dont think there was much emphasis on the Wand of Destruction

I wonder if it is necessary to build such a large temple and set up such trials.

In the first place, the wand of destruction belonged to the priest and there was not much in the text to suggest that it had been given to him by the god Kudor.

However, the priest had indeed said, Those who beg for salvation from God.

I wonder if it was really the Wand of Destruction deep inside.

There are a lot of things I dont understand about the Wand of Destruction, so its easy to think Im overly concerned about it, but its stuck in my head for some reason.

Whats the matter, Abel, lost in thought?

Mea bends down to look at me and asks.

No Peter-san, is it really the Wand of Destruction in the back?

When I call out to him, Peter shakes his shoulders and distorts his face, and then he suddenly bites his own wrist.

He seemed to have bitten it with considerable force, and blood was dripping from it.

Pe-, Peter-san!?

I tried to restrain Peter for his sudden strange behavior, but he kept biting my wrist again and again.

H-Hey, whats wrong with you all of a sudden!? Peter-san!?!

I cooperated with Mea, and the two of us stopped Peters strange behavior.

After a few moments, Petero seems to have calmed down and touches the mask that hides the area above his nose and adjusts its position.

I-, Im sorry. I suddenly became a little dizzy and found myself at Thank you, Abel-chan and Mea-chan, for stopping me. This temple has blue walls all the time, so I guess Im getting tired? There may be distortions in the magic field or stagnation of the spirits. Maybe we shouldnt stay here too long, lets move on.

Tha-, thats right

Peter went on ahead.

I thought it would be a good idea to stop the bleeding, but Peter held his wrist to his robe and roughly controlled the bleeding.

Oh, by the way, what were we talking about just now?

I felt like I had come up with something unusual, but the suddenness of it all completely turned my attention to that.

Well, if its important, Ill remember it later.

Im a little bewildered, though

As he passed me, Myunhi sneaked up on me, hiding her face, and walked quickly to Peters side.

Myunhis movements are somewhat stiff. How do I say it, its like its creaking.

Now that I remember, when Peter suddenly started to bite his own wrist, Myunhi did not come to stop him.

Well, even I was surprised. Im sure he was even more surprised when Peter, his boss, suddenly went into a bizarre behavior.

In fact, Myunhis movements were stiff, as if she was upset. Its a bit suspicious.

Be a little more natural, Myunhi! You girl who cant even put a poker face. Dropping the holy cap cloth was the biggest mistake of all.

Im very sorry, Peter-sama However you cant fake it anymore

Maybe I should just casually shake them off and leave them at that. I thought I could use them, but that thing is too dangerous. Its a bomb that could go off at any moment.

Myunhi and Peter were whispering something to each other.

I could barely pick up the words holy cap cloth.

I guess it was the veiled face-hiding hat that Peters men wore.

I ran after Peter and Myunhi, keeping pace with Mea, who was keeping pace with me.

Im sorry, but if you could slow down a bit, that would be great

Peter and the others were getting further and further away from me.

I was about to fall when Mea helped me with her shoulder.

Are you okay, Abel?

S-Sorry, Mea, Peter-san, excuse me! Wai-, please wait!

When I called out to them, Peter and Myunhi, who had once disappeared, were running towards me, side by side, as fast as they could.

I was stunned to see what was going on, but Peter and Myunhi came up behind me and bent down.

Abel-chan! Theres one more! Theres another statue of Kudor! Shoot that guy!

Peter shouted, spitting in the air.

For some reason, it reminded me of the time when Gizel cried and begged me to get rid of the small species of Fogg that entered the room.

How nostalgic.

Oh Yes. There seems to be two, huh

Indeed, there were two pedestals for the statue of Kudor, but only one statue.

It seems that one of them had been stirring around the temple before the other or rather, since there was a group ahead, they were heading for that test.