Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Chapter 269 - Episode Sixteen - The First Trial (4)

Chapter 269 - Episode Sixteen - The First Trial (4)

Chapter 269 - Episode Sixteen - The First Trial (4)

I was covered in the Din Eaters bodily fluids as I desperately collected the Din Eaters remains on the earthen vessel I had made with magic.

Once I had collected them, I could carry them with my Ortem to some extent.

However, the Din Eaters were surprisingly heavy, one by one.

I was carrying them with magic, but it was too much for me to do by myself.

Besides, the time limit imposed by the statue of Kudor was approaching from behind.

Thats why Mea, Peter, and Peters subordinate, Myunhi, were helping me carry the Din Eaters.

After I carefully placed the din-eaters on the earthen vessel using wind magic, I glanced back at Peter.

Peter was carrying the Din Eaters with his wind magic as I was, but he was moving slowly.

I wondered if he couldnt do it a little more quickly. He was carrying it too carefully.

Normally, it would be okay, but right now, theres the issue with the statue.

Myunhi said she didnt want to use too much magic, so she carried the statue, but she kept glancing at it and didnt make any progress.

I- Im sorry, Peter-san, Myunhi-san, I know its hard to say, but just a little bit more, just a little bit more, please hurry up. Really, just a little more.

I said, and Myunhi threw the Din Eater she was carrying on her back to the floor.

In a beautiful circle, the Din Eater is slammed backwards.

Um, Im sure the din-eater is sturdy, but its a valuable item, and you dont want to damage it accidentally !

How many times must you insult Peter-sama to be satisfied!? Y-You people have a very low opinion of Peter-sama. You should understand how precious Peter-sama is and repent of your foolishness

Peters arms blocked Myunhis mouth as she began to fuss hysterically.

I beg you, dont do anything unnecessary, Myunhi. I believe you are not a fool.

Pe-Peter-sama ! But, but ! He, of all people, asked Peter to collect the carcasses of God Kudors servant

Looks like you really dont know what will happen if you offend him. Anyway, for now, just do as he says!

Ah, yes

With Peters persuasion, Myunhi re-carried the Din Eater she had thrown on the floor.

This is what you call human virtue. As I expected, a person that stands at the top is amazing.

I smiled bitterly and bowed my head in gratitude.

Peter nodded vaguely with a slight twitch in his mouth and looked away from me.

In the meantime, the statue of Kudor was approaching us, its tentacles creaking and twitching.

Myunhi looks at Peter with concern.

After Peter saw the statue of Kudor, he looked at me and compared me to Kudor and held his head in his hands.

If you have time to grieve, you should carry as many Din Eaters as you can.

Abel havent it reached its limit now? That monster statue of God is already coming this way. We dont know whats up ahead, and its time to move o

Yes. Of the thirty remaining forms, fourteen are in the hands of the Asura 5000

Each of the six arms of the Asura 5000 held a large earthen vessel on which two or three Din Eaters were placed.

Its hard to make Asura 5000 carry more than that.

I guess well stop here.

The statue of Kudor is a gimmick created by the priest Yohanan, who summoned the god Kudor, the most powerful sorcerer of the gods, on the premise that he would escape.

I dont think its an opponent that can be managed in a proper fight.

Myunhi came staggering down the street, carrying the Din Eater.

This to the last Din Eater

Yeah, I know. If we dont move soon, well have to worry about the statue of Kudor. Just leave it there, please.

I said that I wanted it to be on the ground, but Myunhi walked up to the Asura 5000 and placed the Din Eater in the vessel on its hand.

It was good up to that point, but with her unsteady feet, she recline on Asura 5000s arm and her foot slipped down and putted all her weight on the vessel.


The vessels fell out of Asura 5000s hands one by one and slammed into the ground.

Of course, the Asura 5000 was not so weak that it could be moved by Myunhis reclining, but the vessel was only lightly held in its hands.

If it grabs it with all its might, it might crush it, and since I dont have time to adjust it, I had to be conservative and leave it loose.

It was the result of a lazy mind that thought it would be okay.


Myunhis body was buried in the carcass of the Din Eaters.

An arm is stretched out from between the carcasses.

Myunhi!? You, you!

Peter lets out a voice close to a scream.

His arms outstretched in front of him, trembling.

Myu-, Myunhi-san!? W- Wait, move it away, move it !

I moved my Asura 5000 to get rid of the Din Eater and rescue Myunhi.

She was bleeding in several places, but Myunhi was barely hurt.

The headgear that Peters men wore to hide their faces seemed to have been ruined by the Din Eaters wreckage, exposing her bare face.

I had a strong impression that she was a bit hysterical, but surprisingly, she had the appearance of a simple beauty.

Im not sure if its because Ive been overwhelmed by the Din Eaters wreckage, but my consciousness seems to be a little foggy.

A-, Are you okay, Myunhi-san? Do you know the number of Meas fingers? Abel, I think Its better to get away from the statue once, and take a look at it

Oh, yeah, thats right

I was worried about Myunhi too, but I was frantically calculating in my head how many I could pick up again before the statue of Kudor came to me.

Im worried about you too, Myunhi.

Im worried, but this is different, or rather, its inevitable.

The skin of the Din Eater, I had only analyzed briefly earlier, but I had made a clear judgment that it would be useful.

The skin of the Din Eaters is much stronger than any other magical beast or spirit Ive ever seen.

It is also very stretchy and comfortable to wear. It is also resistant to heat and cold, and is unaffected by heat.

Its the perfect fabric for a robe.

I wanted to re-gather the Din Eaters right away, but I didnt want to be too hasty.

If I put them on in a strange way, they might fall apart again.

Will It might be best to let the Asura 5000 hold on to just six of them and get away as quickly as possible ?

Myunhiiiii! You idiot! What do you think youre doing!

Peter grabs Myunhi by the neck.

The fingers were digging into the flesh of her neck. He grabbed her with a lot of force.

Munch gasps in pain, as if she is having trouble breathing.

As I looked on in a daze, Peter slammed Myunhis head down on the floor.

She breathes hard and her shoulders rise and fall.

Im sorry about that but my men made such a mistake Ill make it up to you later. So please at least spare her life. She is my best man, even if she is like this.

N-no, you dont have to go that far !

Peter thought I would be offended by this, and apologized profusely.

However, it was my hasty decision to compromise the vessel to collect the Din Eaters in a somewhat unstable state.

I had asked her to put it on the floor, but she did something unnecessary, and when she tackled Asura 5000 and knocked the vessel off, I felt the urge to grab her by the chest and shake her, saying, Do you know how valuable this is, this might become a historical loss, you know, Myunhi-san!? I was tempted to press her, but even I could read the situation.

And I wasnt without fault either.

Im sure Myunhi didnt do it on purpose either.

Well, Peter-san its not like Im trying to make you make it up to me or anything, but Um, with one Din Eater Ah, I mean, can you run carrying two Din Eater?


Peter was visibly shaken, then he gathered all his strength and carried one of the nearby Din Eaters on his back.

U-Ugh Im sure that its not that I cant do it. Please put another one on top of me

this, as I expected, one might be the limit.

I cant believe Im saying this, but Peter doesnt seem to be very physically strong.

No matter how you look, hes having it hard.