Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Chapter 240 - Episode Thirty-Seven - The Collector (8)

Chapter 240 - Episode Thirty-Seven - The Collector (8)

Chapter 240 - Episode Thirty-Seven - The Collector (8)

The collector shifts his bloodshot eyes to me and the dragon made of rubble.

The bandages on his face twisted, and he made a fist and shook it in frustration.

He then raises his arm, but lets it drop then sighs.

He seemed to have stopped from taking something out of the toolbag of the ravenous dragon.

The collector gave a small shake of his head and sagged.

Ill stop. Youve won this game. Ive said this once and cant change my mind so many times. Im not happy about it, but I misjudged you, and its my fault. I dont know how I could have misjudged the depths of humanity after all this time As promised, you can take whatever you like.

Eh, Se-, seriously, is this the end?

I was seriously thinking that I would need to use of sorcery for this, but it was too much to look over my shoulder.

No, well, lets just say its good that everything went off without a hitch.

You, you really are outrageous.

Altamir called out to me from behind.

Somehow, Its kind of easier than I thought it would be.

Mea said in a low voice.

The collectors shoulders twitched.

Ive been told many times that the collectors main business is the ravenous dragons tool bag and the magic tools that come out of it. It seems that he was obsessed with the sword and tried not to use magic, so he hasnt demonstrated ones part. You must have been careless.

Altamir, perhaps observing the collectors mood, added the following.

Its not the himself, its the weapon thats amazing

But, Mea not noticing, steps on more land mines.

As expected, it shows on Altamirs face that she noticed it, she was so flustered that she broke off her speech, she was shaking her head.

The collector looked covetously at the Lapides Sword, then let out a sigh and shook his head again.

A promise is a promise. Ill let you choose, just wait a bit.

Oh! Id like to have the ravenous dragons tool bag.


The collector tilted his head as if he didnt understand what I was saying and made a dumb sound.

Altamirs face turned pale.

Y-You, what are you talking about!?

No, no, but, he said I can have any one thing you know, the promise

Are you dumb! Im telling you, its assimilated into my chest! You want me to rip it off!? You want me to cut it off!?

How often do you break your promises! For the collector to do that! Give it to me! Because I won! You said youd give me anything! You said you wouldnt break your promise!

If you take it, what am I supposed to do with all of my treasures inside! Youre a fool!

Well, thats how it will be

I dont know how much there is in the collectors treasure trove, but it would practically be more than one thing.

Id be happy to just tear off the edges.

I cant and wont tear it! Youve got to be kidding me.

The collector looked me in the eye as he said that much, and then backed away as if he was distracted.

You Dont tell me youre serious about what youre saying? Are you out of your mind?

Y-You dont have to say that much,

However, it would have been impossible to extract the ravenous dragons tool bag from the collector with this argument.

In the past, the ravenous dragons tool bag was like the collectors life itself.

It is a collection box of treasures that he has spent his entire life collecting.

Unfortunately, its unlikely that I can convince him to give it to me.

Oh, then give me that book before Then you wont have any complaints, will you?

Tha-, that book ? D-Dont tell me Great Gods Treasure Book!? That book you say, you cant just Ho-, However, that that is It is true that I said anything, but

I couldnt read most of what was written in the Great Gods Treasure Book, but I could understand what it said a little.

It would be a shame to let it go here.

I hadnt been able to read it thoroughly earlier, partly because the collector hadnt lent it to me directly, but now that I will have it, I could take it home and decipher it carefully.

It is a book that the Kudorists are desperate to find.

It might contain information about the truth of the world, or hints that could lead to great magic.

As a sorcerer, I want to have it.

The collector grunted, holding his head and seemed to be wondering what to do, but finally, he took out the Great Gods Treasure Book and carefully handed it to me with both trembling hands.

He must have been regretting it a lot.

The first time he showed it to me, he didnt even want anyone else to have it.

It seems that the loss of a treasure of this caliber would be painful even for the collector.


When I leaned over, the collector rushed to support my body.

Tha-Thank you very much

You! Youll never get away with it if you do anything stupid! That, that is do you know how valuable that thing is! Even if you dont know whats in it, depending on how you use it, you can control tens of millions of Kudorists at will, you can cause strife between countries, you can be a god or an evil god, its no different

The collector stared at the Great Gods Treasure Book with resentment.

I bowed my head lightly and moved away from the collector, tapping the cover lightly with my hand.

The collectors gaze became even more intense.

Its not that its dirty,, but its just a habit,

Altamir transformed into a sphere of light, moved around, and reverted to her human form near me.

She spun around in the air, crossed her legs, lowered her head slightly, and whispers to me.

Dont you think you should give that back? Its been quiet this time, but the way hes been acting, you never know when he might explode. As I said before, its a good thing that its the Earth-Shattering Sword, but if he uses any other weapon without any restrictions, itll really be a disaster. If the alternative is to be spotted by that thing, no amount of treasure is worth it. Its better not to leave any unnecessary fate behind. You dont know how many enemies the book will make, not only the Kudorists, but also other nations leaders, if they find out where it is

Even if you say so, Im not going to bother giving it up myself.

Ive compromised and put up with this, so why should I ever give it up?

Its just that the thick and heavy part is a bit of a bottleneck.

Mea keep this for me.

Me, Mea will!?

Mea pointed at herself and screamed as if she were going to scream.

She approached me cautiously, wary of the collector, and took the Great Gods Treasure Book from my hand.

The collector was staring at the end of the Great Gods Treasure Book with horribly grim eyes.

The collector then looked at the Lapides Sword in the distance, glared at me, moved his eyes to the Great Gods Treasure Book in Meas hand, wrinkled his brow, and held his head as if he were grabbing it with his right hand.

As I observed him, my eyes met the collectors.

Suddenly, the collectors eyes relax, and he slowly approaches me with a faint smile on his face.

Abel, It was a brilliant piece of sorcery. You are truly the best magician in the world, I can tell you that. Really, Im sorry I underestimated you. I am grateful to for the chance to meet you in this tower.

After saying that, he gave me a short, white applause.

It was a different kind of praise. I felt a chill run down my spine.