Saikyou Juzoku Tensei ~Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life~ - Chapter 140

Chapter 140

Chapter 140

There are too many demonic beasts .

There are only a limited number of ways to reliably aim at the magical beasts alone while avoiding the private army from among them .

I would like to crush the commander, Hamelin, as quickly as possible, but until we can secure our safety, we have no choice but to target the magic beasts .

Then, I would have no choice but to aim at each and every one of them and crush them .


Answering from my spell and the World Trees Ortem appears in my arms .

I toss it with both arms and point my wand at the World Trees Ortem as it hovers in the air .

Puppet, dance!

The World Trees Ortem receives the light from the wand .

This is where the real work begins .

It takes a bit of concentration .

I deploy 13 magic circles to cover my surroundings .

Im sure I could increase it tenfold if I wanted to, but this scale is the limit of how much accuracy I can guarantee to not involve the private army in each shot .

The World Trees Ortem glowed, and another thirteen magic circles were deployed .

Ive built in a magic formula that responds to my actions and deals with magic in the World Trees Ortem .

When I activated the World Trees Ortem, I activated a part of the magic formula built into it .

This makes it possible for the World Trees Ortem to shift the target coordinates of the phenomenon and the phase of the magic power from my magic and re-activate it almost simultaneously .

Of course, the control is quite complicated here, but in the current situation, I can double the number of simultaneous activations of high-precision magic .

This is a technique called double chanting, which was the deepest technique of the Marren tribe a long time ago .

It was often used to exploit an opponents gaps and pincer shots, according to the books in the chiefs archives .

Since it was difficult to control, it was more often used for diversionary purposes .

This is what I resurrected on my own since no detailed description has survived .

Wind, form, blade

The mouth of the World Trees Ortem moves as I cast the spell and he mimics my voice and recites it .

Wind, form, blade

White lines flew from a total of twenty-six magic circles and pierced the demonic beasts .

The spear of wind that pierced the magic beast pierced the ground as it was, sending up a splash of sand .



Magic beasts scream from all over the place .

What, whats going on!?

Dont think about it now! Slay as many magic beasts as you can!

The people in the private army seem to be doing a great job .

So far, I havent heard that anyone has been hit .

All the magic beasts seemed to be terrified .

Praise me as the God

Asura 5000 mercilessly mowed down the magic beasts that had stopped moving .

Its six arms tossed the magical beasts in strips and threw them repeatedly as it rushed forward .

Its appearance was like a fierce general overrunning the enemy camp .

Following that, the members of the private army ran after it, shouting and screaming .

Looks like well be able to manage

The magic beasts have stopped attacking .

With this, we can finally move on to the attack on Hamelin .

Hamelin was spinning in a circle and surfacing into the sky .

He closed his mouth, which was laughing fluently, and moved away at a great rate .

Wind, carry

He raises his wand .

A breeze rolls up, and Hamelins body is entangled .


The magically charged wind begins to plummet as it clings to Hamelin .

More and more, it fell down to me .


flame, form, ball

With my wand pointed at the falling Hamelin, I deployed six magic circles .

A total of six balls of fire are created and one by one they hit Hamelin .

With each hit, a black haze peels off of Hamelins body and disappears into the air .

The spirits that made up the demon were being worn away .

When the sixth one hit, one of Hamelins eyeballs ripped open from side to side .

The demons scream echoes through the forest .

Puppet, suck it up!

I point my wand at World Trees Ortem .

The World Trees Ortems mouth is opened wide .

Hamelin is swallowed up into it .

Several black arm-like things grow out of its mouth .

Perhaps its trying to escape from his mouth .

World Trees Ortems mouth closes mercilessly and the outstretched arms are bitten off .

The arm, which had lost its master, disappeared as it mixed with the air .

For a while, something shook like a riot in the World Trees Ortem, but soon it grew quiet .

As soon as Hamelin disappeared, the magic beasts scattered and fled as if they had sensed something .

Led by Asura 5,000, the members of the private army chased after the fleeing monsters .

Dont be frightened! Weve got a God on our side, uoooooh!


theyre probably in a state of excessive excitement due to fear and confusion .

The unit members left behind after being injured were staring at their backs with cold eyes .

Hah, hah as I thought, Abel is as good as it gets .

Mea sits down against a nearby tree while holding an arrow .

Meas arms seem to be quite tired from shooting arrows in succession as well .

Maybe its more of a mental fatigue though .

Abel had to shoot that much magic and not get burned What a ridiculous demon . Was he that sturdy?

Hmm? No, I just wanted to weaken it just enough to make that adjustment .


I pick up the World Trees Ortem, and pat him on the head .

Its a rare demon, its too wasteful to defeat it . Theres a lot we dont know about Hamelin yet, and its worth the research . I shot a few of them because I wanted to weaken them without annihilating the main body and also stripping them of their spirits for good .

Isnt it a weakness-like part that you found!?

No, its not . And Hamelin itself is essentially an indefinite demon .

It was screaming, wasnt it!? Mea heard that, you know!?

If I feed it with my magic power appropriately, it should be fine .

I dont want it to get too powerful and uncontrollable, so Ill have to fine-tune it .

Its a problem for me if the World Trees Ortem were occupied .

Ill just shove it in another container or an appropriate bottle .

As I was caressing the World Trees Ortem, I was thinking about what name to give it .