Sage Of Humanity - Chapter 913

Chapter 913

The Great Holy Wind of Humanity Rises in Kyushu Chapter Nine hundred and Thirteenth Real Lake Three-layer Realm Because a golden spirit lotus can last a little longer than a day and a night, since the beginning of cultivation, Lu Ye has no way to inspect every day.

It can only be inspected once every other day.

Fortunately, there is no enemy on the side of Cangyan Mountain Pass. Nian Yuexian sits here for a day, but Wan Moling does not dare to attack for a day. A top Shenhai realm ghost repair is too intimidating, no one knows she will Hidden somewhere, if anyone dares to hide, it is not guaranteed that they will reveal their whereabouts and be cut off by her.

The transaction with the Law Division was also carried out as scheduled, and the explosive fire spirit stone that Lu Ye refined while he was cultivating was enough to meet the needs of the mission.

Time flies, nearly half a month later.

The last of the ten golden spiritual signs was completely consumed, the golden vortex in front of him slowly disappeared, and the practice was over.

Lu Ye opened his eyes, examined his own cultivation, and felt the rapid growth in the past half month.

The benefits brought to him after the transformation of the talent tree are even greater than expected, because when the roots of the talent tree penetrate into the golden vortex to absorb the pure and rich spiritual power that devours the world in the vortex, the efficiency is fundamentally high. It is not comparable to the small funnel of gathering spirits.

He initially thought that there was a three-fold difference in the environment, and the practice efficiency was three times the difference.

It was only when I actually practiced that I realized that it was not the case.

If the cultivation method of constructing a small funnel for gathering spirits is called absorbing, then the cultivation method in which the roots of the talent tree penetrate into the world opposite the vortex is completely plundering.

One is passively accepting the spiritual power flowing from the golden vortex, and the other is actively acquiring it, which is completely incomparable.

Lu Ye felt that the efficiency of practicing with a golden spiritual lottery was more than ten times faster than the normal speed.

Of course, the difference in the internal and external environment of the whirlpool is also one of the reasons for this result.

Outside the vortex, there is pure spiritual power that can be directly absorbed, but inside the vortex, it is the kind of spiritual liquid that has already liquefied.

In half a month, his cultivation has undergone earth-shaking changes. It can be said that since his cultivation, he has never experienced such a terrifying promotion speed, not even in the Yunhe realm.

It is not always a good thing that the cultivation base improves too quickly. During this period of cultivation, he also occasionally enters the mirage to sharpen his body, just to make himself familiar with the growth of his own cultivation base as soon as possible.

The golden spiritual lottery that was exchanged for ten paths has been used up, and Lu Ye is not going to exchange the golden spiritual lotion for cultivation in a short time. The feeling of rapidly improving his cultivation is certainly infatuation, but he will never indulge in it.

Your own state must be stable for a period of time before you can continue to practice.

He led Amber and Yiyi out of the bamboo building and was about to inspect the surroundings when a fragrant wind suddenly lingered on the tip of his nose.

When Lu Ye returned to his senses, Nian Yuexian was already standing in front of him.

Less than a foot away from each other!

Lu Ye was startled, he quickly took a few steps back, clasped his fists and saluted "Sir"

The lord of his own side is always so elusive. He didn't even see a shadow for half a month before, but he suddenly appeared today.

At this moment, Nian Yuexian looked at Lu Ye in shock, her spiritual sense permeated, and she checked carefully. Although she had come to a conclusion, she still couldn't be sure that "the real lake is in the third-layer state."

Half a month ago, when Lu Ye returned from Haotian City, it was the first level of Zhenhu Lake.

Half a month later, he actually reached the third-layer realm of the lake.

Nian Yuexian has a lot of knowledge and has never seen such an outrageous thing before.

And how can such a thing happen? The cultivation of the real lake requires the spiritual power to turn nine. Every time the cultivation base is improved, the spiritual power required is extremely huge. The further the improvement is, the harder it is, even if Lu Ye has enough He was able to maintain the state of cultivating with the golden spiritual lottery, and it was impossible for him to rise to two levels of small realm in half a month.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){} But such an outrageous thing happened right under my nose

Nian Yuexian always felt cold to Lu Ye, but now her face is full of surprise and shock, and there is some visual contrast, which makes people feel funny.

Lu Ye didn't dare to laugh, so he just replied seriously, "Your Excellency's eyes are like torches."

It is not surprising that Nian Yuexian can see through his cultivation. Lu Ye is not surprised. The gap between their cultivations is here, and his spiritual sense is swept away, and his cultivation is naturally invisible.

Nian Yuexian was stunned for a while.

Lu Yejing waited for a while, she didn't mean to speak, she could only say, "If your lord doesn't instruct me, I'll go to inspect."

"Go." Nian Yuexian nodded.

Watching Lu Ye's back leave, she still hasn't recovered for a long time.

A familiar figure appeared in his mind again.

The last time she was seriously injured and dying, Lu Ye didn't know what inexplicable means he used to bring her back to life, she suddenly saw the figure of that person from Lu Ye's body.

Back then, she almost encountered the same danger, and that person also rescued her like a divine weapon from heaven. Since then, she has followed the service with all her heart, until the person died in battle.

Today is the same

The improvement of that person's cultivation back then was too fast to make people feel unbelievable.

As for Lu Ye's secret, she didn't have the heart to explore anything, not to mention that Lu Ye was her subordinate, she just said that she had saved her life last time, and Nian Yuexian could not have any crooked thoughts on Lu Ye.

I was in awe, the Jade Blood Sect... would such a monster always be born?

I heard before that the major sects in Wanmoling regarded him as a thorn in the flesh, and she also felt that Wanmoling was making a fuss. The little guy in the river realm can't affect the situation of the two camps.

But now it seems that there is someone who understands in Wanmoling, plus the previous incident, I feel a little bit afraid of the rope after being bitten by a snake for ten years.

For this potential danger, it must be strangled in the cradle.

The real lake has three layers...

If so, that event might be on the agenda.



Originally, she had long lost her thoughts about that matter, but since she was saved by Lu Ye and saw his miraculous means, she couldn't help but think about it, because if there were such means to help, she might have chance of success.

And once she gets that thing, her strength will definitely improve greatly. If she finds an opportunity, she will be able to kill Wanzhanggang!

The thoughts in his mind turned, and Nian Yuexian had already made up his mind.

Tens of miles away from Cangyan Mountain Pass, Lu Ye stood still and looked in the direction of the crater.

At the end of the previous Gushan City offensive and defensive battle, he was worried about Nian Yuexian's safety and chased him out, and he really didn't know how the next battle would go to him.

But judging from the situation at the time, it was no problem for the Wanmoling cultivator to defend Gushan City, but there must have been a lot of casualties.

He doesn't care about the situation on the side of Gushan City, he only cares about the side of the crater.

In that underground cave, there are many fire spirit stones that have not been mined...

Although he now has a stable channel to obtain Fire Spirit Stones, and he has not used up what he collected last time, but now every time he cultivates, the power of the talent tree needs to consume the reserve fuel.

His current state of cultivation is basically inspiring the power of the talent tree while absorbing the energy of the Fire Spirit Stone, which consumes a lot of energy.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){} There are still many leaves on the talent tree that have not been ignited, and this is where the Fire Spirit Stone is most needed.

If you don't want to make more money, you will have a day sooner or later.

go see

Although I don't think there is much hope, but if there is any gain, there is nothing to lose if I look at it.

I was busy practicing before, and didn't have time to think about it. Today, when I think about it, I can't hold back anymore.

He hurried away all the way, and before he reached the crater, he saw a lot of silhouettes flying around in the distance, busy in full swing.

When Lu Ye saw it, he knew that his plan was over.

The Wanmo Ridge is obviously starting to mine the fire spirit stone of the underground cave, and any good things in it will be swept away.

Although Lu Ye could use the battlefield imprint of Wanmoling to infiltrate it, but the last time it was so smooth, it was really the enemy of Gushan City, and no one had verified his identity.

This time, if he does the same thing again, it may not be smooth. Once someone wants to verify his identity, he can't justify it.

Besides, even if there is something useful to mix into it, he can't just rely on him to secretly mine Fire Spirit Stones, and how much can be collected.

Unless he has the ability to sneak into the treasure house of Gushan City and loot that place

This thought crossed his mind, Lu Ye quickly rejected it, the idea was too dangerous.

Just as he was about to retreat, he suddenly saw a familiar figure flying out of the crater.

After taking a look, he was really the person he knew, and the fluctuation of spiritual power displayed on his body was obviously not something that could be possessed by the Yunhe realm level.

She has also been promoted to Zhenhu!

Looking at the direction of its flight, it seems to be heading for Gushan City Pass.

After pondering for a while, Lu Ye didn't bother others. Although there was a period of time to get along day and night, and there was a brief cooperation, the camp's position was different after all.

But having said that, when Lu Ye was still returning to the Heavenly Valley Spirit Land, there was a time when many monks in Wanmoling were going to encircle and suppress him, but this woman secretly informed Lu Ye and told him to flee quickly.

Although Lu Ye didn't escape in the end, he still owed someone a favor.

Therefore, if the swordsmen meet in the future, you can consider showing mercy.

After returning from the inspection, I happened to see the monk who came to pick up the goods from Haotian City standing outside his bamboo building waiting.

This person is under the command of Qian Wudang, who is specially responsible for taking the refined explosive fire spirit stone from Lu Ye, called Cheng Xiu, and has met Lu Ye a few times, and he is barely familiar with it.

It's just that at this moment, the situation of this military cultivator with a cultivation base of the fifth-layer real lake seems to be a bit unfortunate.

He stood stiffly in front of the bamboo building, he didn't dare to move, his face was as pale as paper, a pesized sweat dripped down his cheeks from his forehead, and his clothes were already wet.

He held one hand on the saber at his waist, tight but not hairy, and his knuckles were whitish.

Without him, Nian Yuexian sat on the trunk of a big tree not far away, with his hands on both sides, his two long legs were swaying, his expression seemed to be leisurely, but there was a fierce energy that permeated the four directions, affecting Cheng Xiu's will.