"I know." Cayleb smiled crookedly at her. "That's what Trahvys and Bynzhamyn and I are going to be talking about tomorrow morning. We're going to haul Ahlvyno in, as well, and begin assembling relief shipments of food 'as a precaution' at Maikel's suggestion." He grimaced. "Our economy's going to have the crap kicked out of it by the loss of so much Siddarmarkian trade, and if Silkiah does decide it has to start paying attention to Clyntahn's embargo, that's only going to get worse. On the other hand, we'll suddenly have a lot of spare merchant galleons we can snap up to help ship in food and medical supplies."
"Maybe it won't be quite that bad," Merlin said encouragingly. "I've got a feeling something may turn up, despite the embargo. And if Stohnar does make it through the winter-and next spring-we may finally have the mainland ally we need."
"And if he doesn't make it through the winter-and next spring-it's going to be at least ten years before any other mainland realm is willing to stand up with us," Cayleb said sourly. "Assuming, of course, that those 'returning Archangels' give us that long."
"My, you are in a testy mood," Merlin observed mildly.
"I've got a lot to be testy about," Cayleb shot back. "This hasn't exactly been the easiest year we've ever had, you know."
"Yes, I do know," Merlin said more gently. "But Hektor has Irys, Daivyn, and Coris safely back aboard Destiny. They'll be headed home soon, and it should be interesting to see how Corisande reacts when Coris and Irys tell them it was Clyntahn who had Hektor murdered ... and tried to murder Daivyn, as well. And for better or worse, Clyntahn's come out into the open on the mainland. This isn't just an overseas war for Howard and the Havens anymore, and that was his decision, not ours. In the long run, I think it's going to come home to roost with a vengeance, as long as Stohnar does manage to hold. And Ehdwyrd and Seamount have the new rifled guns in production, not to mention Mahndrayn's breech-loaders. I know we all miss Mahndrayn, but that was a brilliant design approach, and the Church isn't going to like it one bit when it runs into them in the field. Kynt Clareyk's about to suggest infantry mortars, as well, and that's going to come as an unpleasant surprise to our friend Clyntahn, too. And then there's Ehdwyrd's first steam engine. That's going to be a game-changer, especially since we won't have to waste all that time tinkering and experimenting to improve it into a working proposition like they did back on Old Terra."
"Are you trying to cheer me up by pointing out that the momentum is on our side?" Cayleb asked dryly. "Because, if you are, allow me to point out that for the next several months, at least, the momentum's going to be rather solidly on Clyntahn's side in Siddarmark. And if he knocks off the Republic, we'll be a long time looking for another opportunity to establish a foothold anywhere on the mainland."
"You are determined to be gloomy," Merlin said in a gently teasing voice. "And, no, I wasn't trying to tell you the momentum was on our side. I'm not even going to argue at this point that history is on our side, although I think it probably is. No, I'm just thinking about something you said a while back, Cayleb. This has been a bad year in a lot of ways ... but we're still here, and we're stronger than we were the year before. And the reason we are is that you and Sharley and Maikel have laid a foundation here in Charis that someone like Zhaspahr Clyntahn will never be able to appreciate or match. Charis understands what this is about, and that's our strength, the bedrock that Clyntahn doesn't even begin to understand. These people-your people-recognize evil when they see it, and they're not willing to let it triumph. They refuse to see it triumph. They may not know all that we know, and they've damned well never heard of the Terran Federation or the Gbaba, but they're ready to pay the price to buy their children's and their children's children's freedom from what Clyntahn represents, whatever that price is. And when you come down to it," Merlin smiled crookedly, "we can work with that, you know."
"You do have a way of finding a bright side, don't you? What was it they called that back in the old days-a Pollyanna, I think?" Cayleb replied, but he was looking at his wife as he spoke, and he, too, smiled. He cupped one hand over the back of his sleeping daughter's head and hugged her gently, and then he nodded.
"But you're right, Merlin," he said softly. "We can work with that."
ABYLYN, CHARLZ-a senior leader of the Temple Loyalists in Charis.
AHBAHT, CAPTAIN RUHSAIL, IMPERIAL DESNAIRIAN NAVY-commanding officer HMS Archangel Chihiro, 40; Commodore Wailahr's flag captain.
AHBAHT, LYWYS-Edmynd Walkyr's brother-in-law; XO, merchant galleon Wind.
AHBAHT, ZHEFRY-Earl Gray Harbor's personal secretary. He fulfills many of the functions of an undersecretary of state for foreign affairs.
AHDYMSYN, BISHOP ZHERALD-previously Erayk Dynnys' bishop executor for Charis, now one of Archbishop Maikel's senior auxiliary bishops.
AHLAIXSYN, RAIF-well-to-do Siddarmarkian poet and dilettante; a Reformist.
AHLDARM, MAHRYS OHLARN-Mahrys IV, Emperor of Desnair.
AHLVAI, CAPTAIN MAHLYK, IMPERIAL DESNAIRIAN NAVY-CO, HMS Emperor Zhorj, 48. Baron Jahras' flag captain.
AHLVEREZ, ADMIRAL-GENERAL FAIDEL, ROYAL DOHLARAN NAVY-Duke of Malikai; King Rahnyld IV of Dohlar's senior admiral.
AHLWAIL, BRAIHD-Father Paityr Wylsynn's valet.
AHNDAIRS, TAILAHR-a Charisian-born Temple Loyalist living in the Temple Lands recruited for Operation Rakurai.
AHRDYN-Archbishop Maikel's cat-lizard.
AHRMAHK, CAYLEB ZHAN HAARAHLD BRYAHN-Duke of Ahrmahk, Prince of Tellesberg, Prince Protector of the Realm, King Cayleb II of Charis, Emperor Cayleb I of Charis. Husband of Sharleyan Ahrmahk.
AHRMAHK, CROWN PRINCESS ALAHNAH ZHANAYT NAIMU-infant daughter of Cayleb and Sharleyan Ahrmahk; heir to the imperial Charisian crown.
AHRMAHK, KAHLVYN-Duke of Tirian (deceased), Constable of Hairatha; King Haarahld VII's first cousin.
AHRMAHK, KAHLVYN CAYLEB-younger son of Kahlvyn Ahrmahk, deceased Duke Tirian, King Cayleb's first cousin once removed.
AHRMAHK, RAYJHIS-Duke of Tirian; Kahlvyn Ahrmahk's elder son and heir.
AHRMAHK, SHARLEYAN ALAHNAH ZHENYFYR AHLYSSA TAYT-Duchess of Cherayth, Lady Protector of Chisholm, Queen of Chisholm, Empress of Charis. Wife of Cayleb Ahrmahk. See also Sharleyan Tayt.
AHRMAHK, ZHAN-Crown Prince Zhan; King Cayleb's younger brother.
AHRMAHK, ZHANAYT-Queen Zhanayt; King Haarahld's deceased wife; mother of Cayleb, Zhanayt, and Zhan.
AHRMAHK, ZHANAYT-Princess Zhanayt; Cayleb Ahrmahk's younger sister; second eldest child of King Haarahld VII.
AHRMAHK, ZHENYFYR-Dowager Duchess of Tirian; mother of Kahlvyn Cayleb Ahrmahk; daughter of Rayjhis Yowance, Earl Gray Harbor.
AHRNAHLD, SPYNSAIR-Empress Sharleyan's personal clerk and secretary.
AHRTHYR, SIR ALYK, CORISANDIAN GUARD-Earl of Windshare; Sir Koryn Gahrvai's cavalry commander.
AHSTYN, LIEUTENANT FRANZ, CHARISIAN ROYAL GUARD-the second-in-command of King Cayleb II's personal bodyguard.
AHZGOOD, PHYLYP-Earl of Coris; previously spymaster for Prince Hektor of Corisande; currently legal guardian for Princess Irys Daykyn and Prince Daivyn Daykyn.
AIMAYL, RAHN-a member of the anti-Charis resistance in Manchyr, Corisande. An ex-apprentice of Paitryk Hainree's.
AIRNHART, FATHER SAIMYN-Father Zohannes Pahtkovair's immediate subordinate. A Schuelerite.
AIRYTH, EARL OF-see Trumyn Sowthmyn.
ALBAN, LIEUTENANT COMMANDER NIMUE, TFN-Admiral Pei Kau-zhi's tactical officer.
ANVIL ROCK, EARL OF-See Sir Rysel Gahrvai.
APLYN-AHRMAHK, ENSIGN HEKTOR, IMPERIAL CHARISIAN NAVY-Duke of Darcos; ensign, HMS Destiny, 54; later promoted to lieutenant and serves as Sir Dunkyn Yairley's flag lieutenant. Cayleb Ahrmahk's adoptive son.
ARCHBISHOP MAIKEL-see Archbishop Maikel Staynair.
ARCHBISHOP PAWAL-see Archbishop Pawal Braynair.
ARTHMYN, FATHER OHMAHR-senior healer, imperial Palace, Tellesberg.
ATHRAWES, CAPTAIN MERLIN, CHARISIAN IMPERIAL GUARD-King Cayleb II's personal armsman; the cybernetic avatar of Commander Nimue Alban.
BAHLTYN, ZHEEVYS-Baron White Ford's valet.
BAHNYR, HEKTOR-Earl of Mancora; one of Sir Koryn Gahrvai's senior officers; commander of the right wing at Haryl's Crossing.
BAHR, DAHNNAH-senior chef, Imperial Palace, Cherayth.
BAHRMYN, ARCHBISHOP BORYS-Archbishop of Corisande for the Church of God Awaiting.
BAHRMYN, TOHMYS-Baron White Castle; Prince Hektor's ambassador to Prince Nahrmahn.
BAHZKAI, LAIYAN-a Leveler and printer in Siddar City; a leader of the Sword of Schueler.
BAIKET, CAPTAIN STYWYRT, ROYAL DOHLARAN NAVY-CO, HMS Chihiro, 50; the Earl of Thirsk's flag captain.
BAIKYR, CAPTAIN SYLMAHN, IMPERIAL CHARISIAN NAVY-CO, HMS Ahrmahk, 58. High Admiral Lock Island's flag captain.
BAILAHND, SISTER AHMAI-Mother Abbess Ahmai Bailahnd of the Abbey of Saint Evehlain.
BAIRAHT, DAIVYN-Duke of Kholman; Emperor Mahrys IV of Desnair's Navy minister; Sir Urwyn Hahltar's brother-in-law.
BAIRZHAIR, BROTHER TAIRAINCE-treasurer of the Monastery of Saint Zherneau.
BANAHR, FATHER AHZWALD-head of the priory of Saint Hamlyn, city of Sarayn, Kingdom of Charis.
BARCOR, BARON OF-see Sir Zher Sumyrs.
BAYTZ, FELAYZ-Prince Nahrmahn of Emerald's youngest child and second daughter.
BAYTZ, HANBYL-Duke of Solomon; Prince Nahrmahn of Emerald's uncle and the commander of the Emeraldian Army.
BAYTZ, MAHRYA-Prince Nahrmahn of Emerald's oldest child.
BAYTZ, NAHRMAHN GAREYT-second child and elder son of Prince Nahrmahn of Emerald.
BAYTZ, NAHRMAHN HANBYL GRAIM-see Prince Nahrmahn Baytz.
BAYTZ, PRINCE NAHRMAHN II-ruler of the Princedom of Emerald; Cayleb and Sharleyan Ahrmahk's Imperial Councilor for Intelligence.
BAYTZ, PRINCESS OHLYVYA-wife of Prince Nahrmahn of Emerald.
BAYTZ, TRAHVYS-Prince Nahrmahn of Emerald's third child and second son.
BeDARD, DR. ADOReE, PH.D.-chief psychiatrist, Operation Ark.
BISHOP EXECUTOR WYLLYS-see Bishop Executor Wyllys Graisyn.
BISHOP ZHERALD-see Bishop Zherald Ahdymsyn.
BLACK WATER, DUKE OF-see Sir Adulfo Lynkyn.
BLACK WATER, DUKE OF-see Admiral Ernyst Lynkyn.
BLAHNDAI, CHANTAHAL-an alias of Lysbet Wylsynn in Zion.
BLAIDYN, LIEUTENANT ROZHYR, ROYAL DOHLARAN NAVY-second lieutenant, galley Royal Bedard.
BORYS, ARCHBISHOP-see Archbishop Borys Bahrmyn.
BOWAVE, DAIRAK-Dr. Rahzhyr Mahklyn's senior assistant, Royal College, Tellesberg.
BRAIDAIL, BROTHER ZHILBYRT-under-priest of the Order of Schueler; a junior Inquisitor in Talkyra.
BRAISHAIR, CAPTAIN HORYS, IMPERIAL CHARISIAN NAVY-CO, HMS Rock Point, 38. POW of Earl Thirsk surrendered to the Inquisition.
BRAISYN, AHRNAHLD, IMPERIAL CHARISIAN NAVY-a member of Stywyrt Mahlyk's boat crew.
BRAYNAIR, ARCHBISHOP PAWAL-Archbishop of Chisholm for the Church of Charis.
BREYGART, COLONEL SIR HAUWERD, ROYAL CHARISIAN MARINES-the rightful heir to the Earldom of Hanth. Becomes earl 893.
BREYGART, FRAIDARECK-fourteenth Earl of Hanth; Hauwerd Breygart's great-grandfather.
BROUN, FATHER MAHTAIO-Archbishop Erayk Dynnys' senior secretary and aide; Archbishop Erayk's confidant and protege.
BROWNYNG, CAPTAIN ELLYS-CO, Temple galleon Blessed Langhorne.
BRYNDYN, MAJOR DAHRYN-the senior artillery officer attached to Brigadier Clareyk's column at Haryl's Priory.
BYRK, FATHER MYRTAN-upper-priest of the Order of Schueler; Father Vyktyr Tahrlsahn's second-in-command.